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Hello and welcome to my site, my name is Gonzo Rivera. I'm currently reconstructing this site to make it more constructive. I hope that this site will inform and question the viewer and maybe, just maybe, inspire transformation rather than provide mindless perversities. If our lives are based on our own phsycial, spiritual, and psychological energies and how we deal with those energies, then I would like to provide a resource to study those energies. Here you'll find passages from books I've read, songs dissected for meaning, writings from sages, artwork, astrology, and other stuff. Feel free to poke around, maybe you'll find a revelation somewhere you didn't leave it. Please keep in mind that this is very much a work in progress. Any artistic imagery found here is 100% original artwork unless otherwise stated.

I'm sorry for the pop-ups, they're a hassle, I know - I've provided a link for a pop-up blocker download at the bottom of the page.

Letters from a Rockingchair

Robbin' the 'Hood

Astrology Resource

I know the pieces fit because I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smoldering. Fundamental differing.
Disintegrating as it goes testing our communication
The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication.

I know the pieces fit because I watched them tumble down
No fault, none to blame it doesn't mean I don't desire to
Point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over.
To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication

The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,
And the circling is worth it.
Finding beauty in the dissonance.

There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away.
Mildewed and smoldering, strangled by our coveting
I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing
Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication.

Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any
Sense of compassion
Between supposed lovers

- Reverend Maynard "Schism"

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