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Sat, Dec 18 2004
Mood:  not sure
everytime that i find someone i like, why do i have to remember great things great we were
why do i make myself stop liking that person that myt make me feel better...cuz of how he loved me...or used to love me....
i just wanna forget him and move on..but i dont think i can do that...thought i was but guess i was wrong...again

i feel like im on the outside looking no1 i cant do anything i need to be a someone, not just another anyone...
i wanna be me...but who is me...i dont even know who i am...

i wanna do something different...i wanna be someone different...
i wanna break out of who i am...i wanna break out of wut i am....
i wanna just be me....i wanna know just know me....i just wanna stop wanting

Posted by rebellion2/friskysox at 6:30 PM WAT
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Thu, Oct 28 2004
*photo album*
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: !home page!
check out my photo album ryt awesome so take a look!!!

Posted by rebellion2/friskysox at 2:22 AM GMT
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Mood:  a-ok
i woke up late again.missed the bus again.had to get step dad up to drive me again.he was very irritated again.walked thro the office doors again.signed in late again.walked into science class again.everyone was surprised to see me told that i gotta try to be on time agan....
ya i think thats enough of my agains for today even tho ive got more..
found out some more dirrty lies bout my ex but im trying not to let it hurt me cuz theres no point.least he said i was popular but thats not always a good thing when thats why some1 goes out with you but no worries.
being able to actually be myself without worrying about them judging me (thx guyz).and i get to hang out with two totally awesome ppl after the halloween dance friday and i can be as stupid as i wanna be with them!!! then i get to go to another dance on saturday with my bestest best friend tiffster, and my other best friend, sierra, myt be going too!theres some other kool ppl there too that are ryt awesome..CANT WAIT TIL FRIDAY when the partyingz gonna start!!!!

Posted by rebellion2/friskysox at 1:48 AM GMT
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Wed, Oct 27 2004

Mood:  quizzical
when people really like someone, why are they mean to them?

Posted by rebellion2/friskysox at 5:26 PM GMT
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Tue, Oct 26 2004
Mood:  quizzical
bestfriends..wut makes bestfriends better than just friends?

Posted by rebellion2/friskysox at 11:11 PM GMT
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Mood:  chatty
Topic: !home page!
HEY THERE DUDEZ AND ya*ll doing? i know that my web thingie seems just to be an online journal but itz the first thing ive posted says, ive been having alot of trouble figuring it out!...but no worries thatz kinda normal for me LoL...yUpPeRz, so when i get everything figured out, i can totally promise that it*ll have picz, kool topicz and all that radical stuff baby (radical...wut am i thinking hehe) ya just if ya*ll could bare with me and let me make all the dumb mistakes that i will most likely make, you people will see an awesome site!!!
l8r g8rz

Posted by rebellion2/friskysox at 8:34 PM GMT
Updated: Tue, Oct 26 2004 8:39 PM GMT
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Mood:  down
i guess you
could say that
today went ok
cept for the
fact that i
found out that
something i thought
was true
was nothing
but lies.
i always knew
that not
everything could be
as perfect as
it seems but...
why did i
just ignore those
would i have
been less
these are
the questions
that will always
be left
my friendz
and his
warned me that
he was not loyal
but i just
yelled and screamed
at them.
maybe if i
wouldnt have
done that,
maybe if i
wouldve just
heard them out,
thingz wouldnt have
come to this.
the saddest part
about it is,
itz been
a couple months now
that we*ve been over
and im still
finding out more
dirrty dirrty lies...
and it still hurtz!

Posted by rebellion2/friskysox at 8:07 PM GMT
Updated: Sat, Dec 18 2004 6:18 PM WAT
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Mood:  irritated
never knew
something could be
so hard.

cant seem
to figure out
how to work this
damn web-blog

the harder it is
the better mine will be
(so adults say
but everything seems
to be easy
for them:S).

but im so tired...


must finish entry...

so hard to keep eyes open...


Posted by rebellion2/friskysox at 1:01 AM GMT
Updated: Wed, Oct 27 2004 12:18 AM GMT
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