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THE POWERPUFFGIRLS! Err... EHEM! *clears throat* WELCOME! Welcome to our humble abode! *just realizes that I have no clue what 'abode' means....* ...heh... yeah... THE POWERPUFFGIRLS!


Feature Films



The comments Dani has added will be in blue, the ones Mal had put on here will be in green, and the few random comments Abbie has will be in red.

Here are some pics of me and Abbie in one of those photo booth thingys at the mall... Dani was up camping at the time :( so we're going to need to go back to the photo booth with the three of us some time soon :D

Oh, and if you were wondering... that's a fake lip ring on Abbie, but doesn't it just look so awesome ass?!!! Unfortuenetly, Abbie's mom is very much against her getting an actual one, so for now it'll just have to be the old broken earing in her lip... for that matter, same goes for me :(

....what the shit..?? my purple streak looks pink... PINK! ahhhhhhhhh!!!

Here's Dani's Bumblebee... isn't it cute?!!! haha she got it done at McDicks when Ronald McDonald came to visit for the day :D What great fun!!! hahahaha

A couple pics of me and Dani... She attacked my finger in the first one, so I retalliated in the second one with the cheek thingy that old people and our friend, Gord, seem to like to do for some reason... :P The last one is just the two of us... looking at something.... I'm not quite sure what.... meh, if I don't remember it obviously wasn't anything important... or it was something VERY important... either way *shrugs*

And yes, my glasses ARE tinted pink.. it's not just the light... not even you going crazy either! :)'ve been gone a LONG time hahahaha

Here's a pic of abbie's true self....i warn u all.

Here's a pic of our friend, Gord, showing off his nipple :D awesome huh? haha

nawww, what a cutie! :) er.. I mean... yeah. He's HARDCORE!!!! :P :D

This is the mysterious bubble that suddenly appeared on my arm out of nowhere. So of course I had to take a picture of it :)

Heres Mal and her foot... isn't she flexible??? gotta love those yoga classes.....

HAHAHAHA!!!! just joking, Mal's definetly not cool enough to have socks of THIS stature!! I mean... toe socks???!?!?!? WOWZERS!!! knee-high toe socks at that!!!!
Yeah... *sniff* I'm definetly not cool enough.... they're actually dani's feet... she has such cool feet

This's Stone. In the first pic he's showing off his muscles for the ladies... He gots ALL the ladies! :D And the second ones shows The Ladies Man pouring beer on himself... chix diggit!

one day....*sniff*

yeah, one day... REAL SOON!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ehem... yeah I'm done now.

Here's our friend Joel... eating.... hehehe, oh man this is an awesome pic! I love it!

Heh... me and my friends have 'Friday Tie Day' at my school, where we wear ties every friday (also known as 'Formal Friday') Well my cousin and some of his friends took it a little further :D they have 'Suit Day' every third thursday I believe, so here's Joel in his suit :D Doesn't he look so cute?!?!!? hehehe

Here we are...ummm...uhhh...yeah...

Here's my friend Lexx... I HAD to put this one because I was just so impressed with the hat... I mean... wow...

Go check out his webpage And his live journal

This's Jevan 'striking a pose' :D haha (...he's only a little drunk)

hehe... here's Jevo again, only this time he's licking Todd's nipple :D:D:D You can tell they're both drunk because 1-Todd's face is red and 2-JEVAN'S LICKING TODD'S NIPPLE!!! hahahah

Me, Abbie, and a bit of danielle :D ..don't you love how dead I look in this pic? haha

i'm a Ghost :D

Here's my friend Tim doing a varial kick flip... no, I don't know what the shit that is or how to do it, but it sounds cool so... :D:D:D hahah

Me and Abbie, aren't we cute? ..heh.. yeah...

Looks like Slut Granny is trying to attract her adoring male fans again

Damn mal and her being bigger than me!!!grrrrrr

Haha yeah, I'm a flickin giant! :P

Abbie turned pixie...isnt she just the cutest??!

I'm not sure exactly what the shit dani is doing to my hair... but you know... there I am... and there's my hair... and it's black... green... and purple... so of course I had to put it on.... (has anyone else noticed how many '....'s I have in this description....???)

wow... I just realized how pale I am.... I mean.... wow.... what...?? but.... dani is so.... and then me.... Am I really THAT pale?!?!?!?!?!

Pepsi, the choice of the new generation

-I love you Uncle Homer
-I love you too Pepsi


yep.. you are witnessing my first kiss... ever... *shifty eyes*

Here's Mal showing off her pj's... as usual.
Well do you blame me??? I mean... comon!!! they're plad! and baggy!! and plad!!!

I think I've proved my point.

looks like its time for a little prooning eh mal?

Pff... says YOU Woman! I'll do the damn prooning when I damn well feel like it and not a second before... now get in the kitchen and make me some PIE! KUH! KUH! KUH!

Here's me in my fire fighter duds. Pretty gnarly huh?? :P My dad's a firefighter so I yoinked a couple of his shirts :) I'm pretty impressed with them

Awwwww now thats the face i love :D

Me and Molly strikeing a pose

Heres my older brother eddy's cool hat...its a collection of pins from everywhere and everything, Prettty impressive eddy :D

And a wonderful modelling job by myself I dare say... :P

Looks like i have the syle, poise, and looks to be the next brittany!!!Screw talent!!

This is a bunch of us with SANTA!! (as should be minorly obvious...) but it was quite a while ago... prolly like, uhh... last christmas or maybe even the one before.... no, it was last christmas.... (meaning the one previous to the chistmas that we just had) okay, from the left is: Charlene (with the big poofy orange jaket :D hehe), then me (with my BLOND hair! AHHHHHH!), then Dani (lookin as sexy as ever), then SANTA! ('nough said no?), then Sam, then Leighton (Abbie's X-boyfriend...boyfriend at the time), then the elusive Abbie herself... (WITH HER TURTLE SHIRT!!! HAHAHA ...ehem...)

These are some of our awesome ass grade 9 friends that me and dani hang out with at lunch and some of their friends... from left: Aleisa (one of my two bestest of the best linkees), then her boyfriend Joe (JAROOKA!), then KT (one of 'leisa's best friends and also my secret lover :D yeah thats right!!!), then ...uhh...some guy... I THINK it's Geoff, Amber's boyfriend...but we can't be sure... and then Amber :D

geez mal! geoff, ambers boyfriend is the one i pick on at school all the time! this one is just a friend of theres whos named elliot. sheesh!!
and look at the jarooka guy! youngest looking grade 9 i've ever seen!! what a sucker eh?

(She says that last comment because Jarooka is NOT in grade 9 -he's a kingly grade 10- and bitched to dani about being called a grade 9 when he misread what I said about the group of them in the first caption. I said "some of our... grade 9 friends that [we] hang out with at lunch and some of their friends" and since Jarooka IS NOT one of the people that we hang out with at lunch -he goes to another school- I was obviously not including him in the term "grade nine" ....Jarooka, you may be a kingly grade 10, but you're still not as adept as I am :P ....I'm such a tard :D haha)

And below are the same dudes only in a different order :P (NO WAY!)

damn amber and jarzooka and her trying to beat my hairstyles *shakes fist*

...what the shit are you talking about? who the hell is jarzooka?? do you mean Jarooka??? (That's what I call Joe) psh.... close but no cigar dani. and what you said is also grammatically incorrect, it should be 'their' not 'her' ...unless, of course, you mean to count Amber and Jarooka as a single female??? way ta be dani... way ta be :P hahaha

thats it mal!! i've had it up to hear with all your shananagins!!!

And this youngin with the bird on her shoulder is none other than Lil Chrissy, one of the other awesome ass grade nines at our school :D

You've previously heard us speak of 'Eddypoo', dani's older bro, and now we introduce you to willypoo, MY older bro... and, of course, his girlfriend KT :D Oh and if you look closely in the background, thats my cousin Jay working at the computer... prolly on one of his fuckin amazing 3d animation projects he does :D very gnarly no?

damn cyber nerd and his getting laid and proving me wrong *glares*

...don't worry if that doesn't make sense to you, there's only two (maaaaaaaaybe a couple more) people that really understand dani's rantings and ravings this particular time... or ever. (:P to dani!)

This is aleisa's friend chris. normal by day, goth by night


Aleisa and her half-goth-ness :)

...well said dani, well said :P haha

Here are some pics from back in the day when I was a redhead and dani was a goth. :) enjoy!

heres kt being...well....kt :)

heres my main man max ready to pick up the ladies in his cool ass new threads....ladies meaning dani of course :)

Here are some newER pics of the two of us ("the two of us" obviously meaning Dani and myself) ..the light is kinda shitty, but they're still rather amusing pictures no? :P

hehe dani's a mouse

wow... don't I look attractive?? HAHAHA

I wouldn't have thought it possible... but I seem to have blossomed into an even GREATER beauty in THIS picture!!! ...oops... I think I just broke the sarcasm detector... ;)

....there are simply no words to describe how great of a picture this is... our photography skills astound me.

hehe I like this picture... why? I have no clue... it's just cool...

heh.. I sorta look like a vampire preparing to bite in this picture... creeeeepy

this picture looks like one of those warped mirrors... now the only question is... who's the reflection?? I vote me! mainly because I think it would be really cool to be a reflection... I mean, when their "other self" isn't infront of a mirror.. they're obviously off partying and junk... sounds pretty sweet to me :D


I love this picture. I think dani just looks so freakin cute :D hehee just cut me out of the pic, and it'll have been a good photo :) haha ..ahh self-depreciating humour.. "blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves for we shall never cease to be amused"

dont ask....really...dont

heres me with mals hair

heres mal with my hair

>heres me with my sweet ass new do

heres me again when i took out my new do

heres my hot ass boyfriend playing on his skate with his tongue out again :)

AND NOW for MORE PICTURES (!!!) we go down THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD to Dani's ~personal~ website (which Abbie and I [Mal] WEREN'T a part of... *sniff*) She has a bunch of older pics on there so if you go check it out and start wondering who the hell the girl with the red hair is... THAT'S ME [Mal] before I died my hair black (...I'm acually a blonde believe it or not....)