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My Website Profile

Hey yall. Some ppl told me to try and get a pf so i tried and it didnt work so i decided to make a website that nobody would read but at least I could say i had something like a pf. So.... this is it. i kno it sucks but i made it myself and im proud. I'm Margo's #3-and-a-half fan!!

famous last words:

hold on to your drinks everybody-cheetos are coming!
Max, NO!
What red button? oh, this one?
Gee, thats a cute tattoo
pull the pin and count to what?
Ive seen this done on tv
I'll hold it, and you light the fuse.
I can make this light before it changes.
Look Ma, no hands!
Its fireproof.
So, you're a cannibal?
Are you sure the power is off?
I wonder where the mother bear is.
This doesnt taste right.
I can do that with my eyes closed.
Hey! Thats not a violin!
Now that I'm running my life support through Windows 95, I'll never have to worry about -- BEEEEEP!
I dunno, just press the button and find out.
Took your parking space???  Well at least *I* didn't murder my wife and an innocent waiter.
No, this tribe is peaceful.
Dont worry, its not contagious
What!  I never signed any organ donor papers!!
These pills are awfuly small...I'll take a few more to be sure they work

Funny Thoughts

Do they make coffins wider for fat dead ppl or is it a 1-size-fits-all kinda thing?
If youre caught between a rock and a hard place, is the rock not hard?
Can blind ppl be dislexic when they read braille?
Why is the name for fear of long words hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?!
Dont you find it worrying that doctors treating you call it their "practice"?


Friends and stuff they do
My Fav Stuff!
About Me And Guitar
Pencil Tapping is FUN!! lol
Cool Lyrics
The Photography Club is Coool!
Me venting about Courtney Love
Cool Movie Quotes