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Ecstatic Rotes


Spheres : Correspondence : 3
Rote : Divided Sight
Please refer to MtA-1:p.186
Please refer to MtA-2:p.190

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 5 Correspondence : 3
Rote : Fan-shaped Destiny
This rote is reputed to have been invented by the Dealy Lama many millennia ago, although the venerable sage of course only jokes about it when questioned. The mage sits in his temple, breathing incense doped with hashish. Gradually his vision of time and space broadens, until he can see all the different futures in their totality. He can then pick and choose what futures will come to be, by seeing exactly what events are needed to bring them about, or how to avoid them. One of the main problems with this rote is that once the mage begins to see existence at this level, he quickly begins to realise how insignificant most events truly are. Instead of caring about the obvious problems, he will begin to explore the far futures in search for ever better solutions, which often are extremely long-range plans. [The number of successes denotes how far into the future the mage can see and comprehend. He then has to roll more successes with his willpower with a difficulty of 8, or become lost in contemplation. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 2 Correspondence : 3
Rote : Peeping Tom
Please refer to MtA-1:p228

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Entropy : 2 Correspondence : 2
Rote : Random Message
Used mainly by the Players and Cultists, but some Virtual Adepts have developed their own Video-Game version. By reaching out with his mind, a player of a game of chance can contact another player, if he is playing the game somewhere else. By influencing the game, he can send messages to the other. These messages are naturally limited to what the game can show and what the other mage can interpret (for example 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords, the Tower, 9 of Wands and Death is a quite obvious "GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!!").
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Spirit : 2 Correspondence : 2 Mind : 3
Rote : Ride With the Spirits
This rote allows a mage to perceive what a spirit perceives, regardless of where it is. By using it again, the mage can "jump" onto another spirit which the first one perceives. It was used by a cabal of Cultists who used it to learn the deepest and most frightening secrets of the Deep Umbra, but one day they were found dead or incurably insane. To use this rote on certain spirits is very unwise, partly because they might notice it and take objection to it, partially because certain beings are not wholesome for humans to contact or even see.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 1 Correspondence : 1
Rote : Right Place at the Right Time
This little effect is usually done subconsciously and coincidentally by the mage: he is always standing in the right place to avoid unpleasantness. When the Oracle of Correspondence teleports into the room, the cultist is not the one standing at the spot where he appears...
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Entropy : 2 Matter : 3 Correspondence : 2
Rote : Significator
The mage identifies himself with a card, a playing piece or a number on a slot machine, and thus gains control over it. He will be able to feel what happens to it, where it is and control what it will do. However, the reverse is also true, everything that affects the significator affects the mage (if the card is bent the mage will be hurt, if the gaming piece is moved from the board the mage will soon have to leave, if the slot machine gets a jackpot to a stranger the mage will loose all his money too). Players usually create this link by randomly selecting the significator, and then spend some time meditating on it, learning its secrets and trying to identify with it.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 3 Correspondence : 2
Rote : Temple of Love
While the mage uses tantric sex-magick with a partner inside a circle of lit incense-sticks, the time outside the participants slow down while their own time accelerates. The result is a zone of relative safety around the mage for a short while. The difference in the passage of time is so abrupt it creates a kind of barrier, which seeks to delay passing objects or personas. Most such effects are coincidental, like having enterers stumble, doors getting stuck or shoelaces suddenly appearing untied. The mage will also instinctively know well before when somebody will try to enter, and have ample time to prepare.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Correspondence : 3 Entropy : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Traffic Jam
This rote was devised by Kurt Fjdllstrvm of the Children of Bacchus to disrupt the quintessence flows in the traffic networks of a city. He quickly downed a rather large amount of whiskey, and then began to drive through the city in a car he had "borrowed". Needless to say, his drunk driving and absolute disregard for traffic rules soon caused complete chaos wherever he drove. But through his intuitive understanding of the ebb and flow of traffic, he also managed to make the disturbances grow and spread across the entire city. The result was a memorable traffic jam, made even worse by the summer heat and the presence of other tradition mages subtly affecting the already irritable mood. [ The Correspondence part allows the mage to affect a large area, and to avoid getting trapped himself. Entropy affects traffic flow and prevents random accidents, while the Prime part fuels the growing chaos and allows the mage (in conjunction with Entropy 1) to find the parts where the Technocracy would want a traffic jam the least. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 4 Correspondence : 2 Time : 2
Entropy : 1
Rote : The Trip
Please refer to tBoS:p140

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Correspondence : 2 Entropy : 2 Mind : 1 Time : 2
This rote was designed by the Cult of Ectasy as a joking way of utilising Chaos theory. The cultist usually uses it when (s)he has not got access to a map, when (s)he wants to go somewhere in a hurry or just to upset and frighten sleepers (and other mages) who (s)he happens to be sharing a car with. The rote involves simpily picking out a car or other vehicle from the many passing by and setting out to follow it to its intended destination. The mage can select the car using a variety of criteria including its colour, shape, year - whatever takes the mages fancy at the time. It is, however, reccomended that the car be travelling in at least something resembling the right direction to start with if the effect is to be considered coincidental. With luck (sorry, with a willing avatar) the car the mage follows is just happening to be going somewhere near to the place where the mage wants to go. This rote can be quite disconcerting for passengers, especially if the cultist still requires a focus for some of the spheres. This can mean that the mage may need to employ narcotics or other illegal drugs while driving (God knows what (s)he will need to if her/his vice is playing the guitar or sex.) However, to offset the effects of this a Mind/Life effect can be instigated to keep the mage sober. [The mage uses the sphere of Entropy to pick out a 'likely' vehicle based upon some criteria. For instance, it could be decided that the mage likes the colour red and would thus always follow red cars. More coincidental choices could come from reading the license plate -"It says California on the license so I assumed that it was going there..." or from following trucks and vans with company names on them. The number 29 bus to the area the mage wants to visit could also just happen to be passing at the time. Once the vehicle has been selected the mage locks onto it and follows it using Time and Correspondence to see where it is going and memorises the route using the sphere of Mind. Storytellers may well decide to enforce a roll of PER +Intuition (Diff 6) to see how well the mage understands the information.]
Author : The rote library


Spheres : Entropy : 3
Rote : Channel Luck
Some Players gather lucky objects and the channel their luck into something else, like their cards or markers. In the same way they can dissipate the luck in something, and make it normal again. This is commonly done using complex gestures, where luck is visualised as something which could be poured or gathered like sand into objects.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Entropy : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Concentrate Luck
The mage concentrates luck (or misfortune) into something. If done well, the object will retain its luck for a while. This is often done by surrounding the object with symbols for good luck, like dices with sixes up, money and flowers. [The object will be favourably biased for the duration of the rote. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Entropy : 1 Matter : 1
Rote : Detect Luck
The mage can detect objects containing good or bad luck. These could range from a four-leaf clover to a chair which happens to give good luck. It also detects objects which have been affected by strong luck, such as a deck of cards which has recently dealt a royal flush or a marker which belonged to someone who was shot. Most players look at the subtle signs of luck or misfortune, like the patterns of smoke in the room, cracks in the floor or the way the cards move.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 3 Entropy : 2
Rote : Mass Confusion
This rote was invented on the fly by the cultist of Ecstacy, Mara "teardrop" Covey. At the time, Mara was being pursued by a disguised HIT mark, and had ducked into a crowded mall. Unable to shake the tenacious android, she decided to make the crowd work for her. By making surface contact with the minds of everyone around her and scrambling their surface thoughts, Mara created a huge diversion that allowed her to escape. (System: For every success, the mage may affect two people for a single scene. Targets will either stand confused, or suddenly act out a random, non-destructive impulse, ie, scream at the top of their lungs at nothing, begin to dance, etc. This inevitably causes more confusion, which makes great cover.)
Author : Kyle Felker

Spheres : Time : 1 Entropy : 2 Mind : 1
Rote : No-Time
This bizarre rote removes the sense of time from the subject or the mage. It becomes impossible to plan for the future or remember the past, all that exists is an eternal now. By combining this with entropy it becomes impossible to predict what the subject will do, even with Time. The Cult of Ecstasy usually invoke this by extreme intoxication, loud music and then by placing the ring on a finger; as long as it remains, the rote will be active.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Entropy : 2 Correspondence : 2
Rote : Random Message
Used mainly by the Players and Cultists, but some Virtual Adepts have developed their own Video-Game version. By reaching out with his mind, a player of a game of chance can contact another player, if he is playing the game somewhere else. By influencing the game, he can send messages to the other. These messages are naturally limited to what the game can show and what the other mage can interpret (for example 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords, the Tower, 9 of Wands and Death is a quite obvious "GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!!").
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Entropy : 2 Spirit : 2
Rote : Sacrifice to Fortuna
Fortune is by definition capricious, and all attempts to placate the goddess of chance are of course quite useless. But some gamblers are risking it anyway, hoping that the attention from the powers of chance they gain will help them rather than destroy them. The player sacrifices something expensive, preferably in a random way (like throwing money from a rooftop into the street below) surrounded by symbols for luck and chance (like dice, cards, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card or lottery tickets) while invoking the powers of chance into his life. [ If successful, chance will begin to affect the mage much more strongly. Each time the mage is in a random situation, roll a dice. If the result is below the number of successes of the rote, the mage will either get that number of extra successes, or that number of ones (toss a coin). The rote will also make the mage get involved in more random events, both good and bad. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Entropy : 2 Matter : 3 Correspondence : 2
Rote : Significator
The mage identifies himself with a card, a playing piece or a number on a slot machine, and thus gains control over it. He will be able to feel what happens to it, where it is and control what it will do. However, the reverse is also true, everything that affects the significator affects the mage (if the card is bent the mage will be hurt, if the gaming piece is moved from the board the mage will soon have to leave, if the slot machine gets a jackpot to a stranger the mage will loose all his money too). Players usually create this link by randomly selecting the significator, and then spend some time meditating on it, learning its secrets and trying to identify with it.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Correspondence : 3 Entropy : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Traffic Jam
This rote was devised by Kurt Fjdllstrvm of the Children of Bacchus to disrupt the quintessence flows in the traffic networks of a city. He quickly downed a rather large amount of whiskey, and then began to drive through the city in a car he had "borrowed". Needless to say, his drunk driving and absolute disregard for traffic rules soon caused complete chaos wherever he drove. But through his intuitive understanding of the ebb and flow of traffic, he also managed to make the disturbances grow and spread across the entire city. The result was a memorable traffic jam, made even worse by the summer heat and the presence of other tradition mages subtly affecting the already irritable mood. [ The Correspondence part allows the mage to affect a large area, and to avoid getting trapped himself. Entropy affects traffic flow and prevents random accidents, while the Prime part fuels the growing chaos and allows the mage (in conjunction with Entropy 1) to find the parts where the Technocracy would want a traffic jam the least. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 4 Correspondence : 2 Time : 2
Entropy : 1
Rote : The Trip
Please refer to tBoS:p140

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Entropy 1, Mind 1, Spirit 1, (Life 1 Optional)
Rote : True Form
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.70

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 3 Entropy : 3
Rote : Waste Time
Sometimes nothing seems to get done, regardless of how much you work or plan noting worthwhile comes out of it. This effect can be created by a judicious use of Entropy to make time less "fresh" and useful to people. Some Cultists use it to sabotage the workings of bureaucracies or other organisations by making the employees ineffective and slow. By using even more powerful Entropy magick time can even be destroyed; the victims will notice that a certain period has passed but cannot remember anything of it, and nothing seems to have been done either.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Correspondence : 2 Entropy : 2 Mind : 1 Time : 2
This rote was designed by the Cult of Ectasy as a joking way of utilising Chaos theory. The cultist usually uses it when (s)he has not got access to a map, when (s)he wants to go somewhere in a hurry or just to upset and frighten sleepers (and other mages) who (s)he happens to be sharing a car with. The rote involves simpily picking out a car or other vehicle from the many passing by and setting out to follow it to its intended destination. The mage can select the car using a variety of criteria including its colour, shape, year - whatever takes the mages fancy at the time. It is, however, reccomended that the car be travelling in at least something resembling the right direction to start with if the effect is to be considered coincidental. With luck (sorry, with a willing avatar) the car the mage follows is just happening to be going somewhere near to the place where the mage wants to go. This rote can be quite disconcerting for passengers, especially if the cultist still requires a focus for some of the spheres. This can mean that the mage may need to employ narcotics or other illegal drugs while driving (God knows what (s)he will need to if her/his vice is playing the guitar or sex.) However, to offset the effects of this a Mind/Life effect can be instigated to keep the mage sober. [The mage uses the sphere of Entropy to pick out a 'likely' vehicle based upon some criteria. For instance, it could be decided that the mage likes the colour red and would thus always follow red cars. More coincidental choices could come from reading the license plate -"It says California on the license so I assumed that it was going there..." or from following trucks and vans with company names on them. The number 29 bus to the area the mage wants to visit could also just happen to be passing at the time. Once the vehicle has been selected the mage locks onto it and follows it using Time and Correspondence to see where it is going and memorises the route using the sphere of Mind. Storytellers may well decide to enforce a roll of PER +Intuition (Diff 6) to see how well the mage understands the information.]
Author : The rote library


Spheres : Forces : 4 Prime : 2
Rote : Active Radar
Once, Jason Lechanoir, the Cult of Ecstasy musician, was struck blind right near the end of a set during a concert. Luckily, the paradox flaw did not last long. Jason was able to finish the set, and use this rote to navigate his way off teh stage into the green room. He successfully duped his band-members into thinking everything was Okay. His sight returned that night. This rote works in exactly the same was active radar and active sonar does--by sending out varous signals, and judging the time it takes for those signals to come back. Doing so can give a very clear view of what is in the room--though details like color, solidity, etc do not come across at all.
Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Mind : 1 Time : 3 Prime : 2 Forces : 2
[ Used with a focus. It stops time until the action triggering the rote is redone. Examples: snapping the fingers, removing glasses, switching on a vibrator. Vulgar without witnesses. Diff. 6. For each time period over 15 min the mage rerolls vs Diff. 6.]
Author : The rote library

Spheres : Mind : 2 Forces : 3 Prime : 2
Rote : Inner Music
All people have their own inner music, but few can hear it and even fewer can express it outside themselves. Most people who try simply fail to convey the exquisite harmonies they find. However, an unknown Cultist of Ecstasy during the middle ages developed this rote to bring the music into the world. By connecting the subconscious of a person with the ability to create sound, the mage could make the mental music heard. The result was often staggeringly beautiful. However, the music also influenced the person who created it in unexpected ways. Since it symbolised the personality and whole mind of the person, it seemed to reinforce his most dominant traits. Fundamentally happy people become even happier when they hear their exorbitant music. Sad people become even more depressed by hearing their ominous music. Confused people become more confused while intellectuals are filled with the urge to study and understand.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Forces : 2 Mind : 1
Rote : Tune Psychic Radio
Please refer to tBoS:p140

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Forces : 3 Spirit : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Ultraviolet Burst (VULGAR)
This rote, alows the mage to emit a burst of ultraviolet light, for double the number of successes seconds. The mage essentially calls into the spirit word for a fire elemental to come and possess his body. 10 seconds is usually enough to seriously hurt a vampire, if not kill her. Jason Lechanoir used this spell when he found himself cornered by the Sabbat in Toronto. Wrong time, wrong place, right spell (I guess). 10 kindred dead or seriously injured. Note: If the mage is not without paradox during before this rote is enacted, he will gain a 2 or even a 3-point paradox flaw. A 10% chance that the gauntlet in the immediate area is ruptured.
Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Time : 5 Forces : 2 Prime : 3
Rote : Zen and the Art of panhandling
Please refer to MtA-1:p229

Author : White Wolf


Spheres : Life : 3 Time : 4
Rote : Do Not Suffer Today What You Can Suffer Tomorrow
This rote is commonly used to avoid the nasty after-effects of partying for some time; the cultists simply pushes them further into the future. It can also be used to move pain, hunger or other negative experiences ahead, and even move wounds into the far future. They will still be felt, but (hopefully) at a time of the cultists choosing. [When the displeasure appears (as determined how far into time it has been pushed) it will give the usual penalties, in addition to the penalties the mage may have had before. Moving wounds is very dangerous, since the mage may suddenly find himself mortally wounded ].
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Life : 2 Time : 3
Rote : Faint
The Cult of Ecstasy don't like to hurt people, but sometimes they have to. This rote was perfected by a Lady de Joen during the 18th century, who sometimes had the problem of being surprised in embarrassing circumstances by the appearance of the wives of her lovers. However, by slowing down the blood supply to their brains, she could easily make them coincidentally faint. And people often forget what the saw just before fainting...
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 2 Life : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Love is in the Air
Some cultists enjoy spreading positive emotions around themselves, and this rote was developed as a simple but efficient tool. The mage creates "love germs", which infect people and give them positive feelings. Gradually the happy emotions spread through a crowd, changing the overall mood. The type of emotions are determined by the will and personality of the mage; some mages spread happiness and joy, other hardcore lust. [The "love germs" are completely outside of the realm of technocratic science, they are immaterial beings which spread their emotions to anybody they infect. The number of successes in casting the rote tells how strong and tenacious they are; everyone who interacts with an infected person under the duration of the rote will have a chance to be infected (this is resisted by willpower, modified by nature and mood). These newly infected persons in turn infect others (although now with an infection one success smaller etc). ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind 2 or 3, Time 3, (Life 1 Optional)
Rote : Nostalgia
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.71

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Life : 3 Time : 3
Rote : Prolong Life
By selectively slowing down the processes of ageing, many Cultists remain young and healthy despite their hectic lives. In fact, most users of this rote perform it by simply living as pleasurably as possible.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 2 Life : 3
Rote : Prophylactic
Some mages know they are going to get hurt in the future, and take steps to limit the damage. By reaching into the potential futures and choosing one where the damage isnąt that bad, they can avoid the worst possibilities. This is usually coincidental; a wound turns out to be much less severe than expected or a weapon just makes a glancing blow. The rote will just protect against the next wound. Among the Cult of Ecstasy, this rote is usually done by dressing imagined wounds, followed by a period of intoxication where the mage removes the bandages happily proclaiming ˛It doesnąt look that bad!˛.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 2 Life : 1
Rote : Psychometry
The Cult of Ecstasy has become expert at reading the "vibes" of an object, revealing much about its history. The auras and histories of people are fairly simple to read as well. Of course, it helps if one is already in an altered state of mind before using such magick, to "access the inner senses". [The Cultist uses conjunctional Matter or Life magick to see the past of an object or person rather than a place. Events of great emotional impact tend to leave a stronger "imprint", and are easier to read. Particularly traumatic past events can cloud an objects aura to the point where it is impossible to see anything else.]
Author : Paul Strack

Spheres : Life : 3 Time : 3
Rote : Resting
The mage speeds up sleep for somebody, so he will awake rested sooner. A pleasurable side-effect is that dreams will be very beautiful and intense. Very popular among members of the Cult of Ecstasy.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 3 Life : 3
Rote : Shure, I'm Pefectly In Control...
Many drunk people think they know that they are doing, or that they are capable of doing things they normally would avoid. Some Cultists have taken this to heart, and get completely drunk before undertaking risky or complex business. In this way they don't have to worry about any risks, and since belief is reality, they are in fact just as (or even more) capable as when they are sober. [ During the duration of the rote, intoxication causes no penalties to any abilities. Although the mage is roaring drunk and suffers from the usual lack of judgement, he will not do anything directly stupid or hurt himself. In some situations they even think they can do more than usual; add as many dices as there were magick successes to their dice pool if it fits the story and the roleplaying ].
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Life 2, Mind 1
Rote : Tolerance
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.72

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Entropy 1, Mind 1, Spirit 1, (Life 1 Optional)
Rote : True Form
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.70

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 4 Life : 3
Rote : Tune in, Turn On, Drop Out
Please refer to MtA-1:p228

Author : White Wolf


Spheres : Entropy : 1 Matter : 1
Rote : Detect Luck
The mage can detect objects containing good or bad luck. These could range from a four-leaf clover to a chair which happens to give good luck. It also detects objects which have been affected by strong luck, such as a deck of cards which has recently dealt a royal flush or a marker which belonged to someone who was shot. Most players look at the subtle signs of luck or misfortune, like the patterns of smoke in the room, cracks in the floor or the way the cards move.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind 2, Matter 1, (Prime 2 Optional)
Rote : Grand Style
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.71

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Mind : 2 Matter : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Leave Feeling
The mage focuses on his current emotions and diffuses them through the surrounding area, making tiny modifications to things. People who enter will feel subtle cues towards the same feeling as the mage left. This is often used to create rooms for different purposes in eastern chantries, or by the Cult of Ecstasy to enchant places they like.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Matter : 2 Prime : 2 Mind : 2
Rote : Liquid Pleasure
Some cultists want to give others a taste of the pleasures they experience, so they create bottled experiences. This range from the mixing of odd drinks which lets the imbiber experience whatever emotion the cultist wants to drugs which cause visions showing the secrets of the cult.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Matter : 1
Rote : Patternweave
The mage can see a disassembled or shattered object in its whole form or as it should be. Cult of Ecstasy use to reflect the image of the parts in their ring, and see the whole in the reflection. Sons of Ether just measure things with their meters, while Choristers touch the parts, seeing how they should fit together. [Each success will give one extra dice in repairing or building the object. Very useful for furniture from IKEA.]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Matter : 3
Rote : Sculpture
Please refer to MtA-1:p203
Please refer to MtA-2:p.206

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Entropy : 2 Matter : 3 Correspondence : 2
Rote : Significator
The mage identifies himself with a card, a playing piece or a number on a slot machine, and thus gains control over it. He will be able to feel what happens to it, where it is and control what it will do. However, the reverse is also true, everything that affects the significator affects the mage (if the card is bent the mage will be hurt, if the gaming piece is moved from the board the mage will soon have to leave, if the slot machine gets a jackpot to a stranger the mage will loose all his money too). Players usually create this link by randomly selecting the significator, and then spend some time meditating on it, learning its secrets and trying to identify with it.
Author : Anders Sandberg


Spheres : Mind : 1 Spirit : 1
I'm sure it's in the core rules somewhere, if I bothered to look. You could also pull this off with just Mind o (the effect 'Pathos') or just Spirit o ('Spirit Eyes'), but the combination of the two achieves the color/emotion/spiritual combination that vampires with the Auspex Discipline are used to seeing.
Author : S. Skoog

Spheres : Mind 2, Time 2
Rote : Crime and Consequence
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.72

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Mind : 1 Time : 3 Prime : 2 Forces : 2
Tradition : Cult of Ecstasy
[ Used with a focus. It stops time until the action triggering the rote is redone. Examples: snapping the fingers, removing glasses, switching on a vibrator. Vulgar without witnesses. Diff. 6. For each time period over 15 min the mage rerolls vs Diff. 6.]
Author : The rote library

Spheres : Mind 2, Matter 1, (Prime 2 Optional)
Rote : Grand Style
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.71

Author : White Wolf

Spheres Mind 1
Rote: In the Zone
This technique, created by a newly Awakened Cultist of Ecstasy to make him a better kisser, allows the user to completely clear their mind of all distractions of any kind. They will not even notice most things going on in their surroundings, but will instead devote every single bit of their attention to the task at hand, be it singing, dancing, or having sex.
System: For each success on the Arete roll devoted to the effect, lower the difficulty of the action to be performed by one. The Mage may not take any action other than that which they are focussing on, nor even notice anything in their surroundings, until the duration of the effect is over. [Note: Due to the high twinkability of this Rote, Altear STs have ruled that it cannot be used in combat.]
Author: Gavin the Sane

Spheres : Mind : 2 Forces : 3 Prime : 2
Rote : Inner Music
All people have their own inner music, but few can hear it and even fewer can express it outside themselves. Most people who try simply fail to convey the exquisite harmonies they find. However, an unknown Cultist of Ecstasy during the middle ages developed this rote to bring the music into the world. By connecting the subconscious of a person with the ability to create sound, the mage could make the mental music heard. The result was often staggeringly beautiful. However, the music also influenced the person who created it in unexpected ways. Since it symbolised the personality and whole mind of the person, it seemed to reinforce his most dominant traits. Fundamentally happy people become even happier when they hear their exorbitant music. Sad people become even more depressed by hearing their ominous music. Confused people become more confused while intellectuals are filled with the urge to study and understand.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 2 Matter : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Leave Feeling
The mage focuses on his current emotions and diffuses them through the surrounding area, making tiny modifications to things. People who enter will feel subtle cues towards the same feeling as the mage left. This is often used to create rooms for different purposes in eastern chantries, or by the Cult of Ecstasy to enchant places they like.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Matter : 2 Prime : 2 Mind : 2
Rote : Liquid Pleasure
Some cultists want to give others a taste of the pleasures they experience, so they create bottled experiences. This range from the mixing of odd drinks which lets the imbiber experience whatever emotion the cultist wants to drugs which cause visions showing the secrets of the cult.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 2 Life : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Love is in the Air
Some cultists enjoy spreading positive emotions around themselves, and this rote was developed as a simple but efficient tool. The mage creates "love germs", which infect people and give them positive feelings. Gradually the happy emotions spread through a crowd, changing the overall mood. The type of emotions are determined by the will and personality of the mage; some mages spread happiness and joy, other hardcore lust. [The "love germs" are completely outside of the realm of technocratic science, they are immaterial beings which spread their emotions to anybody they infect. The number of successes in casting the rote tells how strong and tenacious they are; everyone who interacts with an infected person under the duration of the rote will have a chance to be infected (this is resisted by willpower, modified by nature and mood). These newly infected persons in turn infect others (although now with an infection one success smaller etc). ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 3 Entropy : 2
Rote : Mass Confusion
This rote was invented on the fly by the cultist of Ecstacy, Mara "teardrop" Covey. At the time, Mara was being pursued by a disguised HIT mark, and had ducked into a crowded mall. Unable to shake the tenacious android, she decided to make the crowd work for her. By making surface contact with the minds of everyone around her and scrambling their surface thoughts, Mara created a huge diversion that allowed her to escape. (System: For every success, the mage may affect two people for a single scene. Targets will either stand confused, or suddenly act out a random, non-destructive impulse, ie, scream at the top of their lungs at nothing, begin to dance, etc. This inevitably causes more confusion, which makes great cover.)
Author : Kyle Felker

Spheres : Mind 2 or 3, Time 3, (Life 1 Optional)
Rote : Nostalgia
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.71

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 1 Entropy : 2 Mind : 1
Rote : No-Time
This bizarre rote removes the sense of time from the subject or the mage. It becomes impossible to plan for the future or remember the past, all that exists is an eternal now. By combining this with entropy it becomes impossible to predict what the subject will do, even with Time. The Cult of Ecstasy usually invoke this by extreme intoxication, loud music and then by placing the ring on a finger; as long as it remains, the rote will be active.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Spirit : 2 Correspondence : 2 Mind : 3
Rote : Ride With the Spirits
This rote allows a mage to perceive what a spirit perceives, regardless of where it is. By using it again, the mage can "jump" onto another spirit which the first one perceives. It was used by a cabal of Cultists who used it to learn the deepest and most frightening secrets of the Deep Umbra, but one day they were found dead or incurably insane. To use this rote on certain spirits is very unwise, partly because they might notice it and take objection to it, partially because certain beings are not wholesome for humans to contact or even see.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 3 Life : 3
Rote : Shure, I'm Pefectly In Control...
Many drunk people think they know that they are doing, or that they are capable of doing things they normally would avoid. Some Cultists have taken this to heart, and get completely drunk before undertaking risky or complex business. In this way they don't have to worry about any risks, and since belief is reality, they are in fact just as (or even more) capable as when they are sober. [ During the duration of the rote, intoxication causes no penalties to any abilities. Although the mage is roaring drunk and suffers from the usual lack of judgement, he will not do anything directly stupid or hurt himself. In some situations they even think they can do more than usual; add as many dices as there were magick successes to their dice pool if it fits the story and the roleplaying ].
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 4 Mind : 2
Rote : Sugar Magnolias
Please refer to MtA-1:p228

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 4 Mind : 3
Rote : Tapping the Network of Knowledge
This rote is one of the great secrets of the Cult of Ecstasy, and one of the reasons why they are able to maintain a semblance of unity despite having nothing in the way of organization. By using this rote, the Cultist can tapped into the base of knowledge gathered by all the Cultists that have ever lived (or will live). The Cultist mentally forms a question, and then mediates with the aid or her favorite vice. When in the right state of mind, she "transmits" the question into the Network, and forgets about it until she receives an answer. Unfortunately, the answers are a composite of the opinions of all the responding Cultists, and can contain contradictory information. Other strange and confusing things can happen as well, such as receiving the answer too late to be of use, or before the Cultist even asked the question. Once a Cultist has used this rote at least once, she is linked into the Network. Every month or so thereafter, the Cultist will receive queries from other Cultists elsewhere in space and time, on any number of subjects. There is nothing compelling the Cultist to answer, but it is considered gauche not to do so if the Cultist knows something about the subject. The Cultist replies with a variant of the rote, sending her opinion into the byways of time to make its way back to the querent. [Increase the difficulty for more obscure question. The number of successes determine the usefulness of the answer, as well as how quickly the answer is received. Divide the successes between the time and the usefulness of the answer. Each successes devoted to the answer gives one useful fact. If at least three successes are devoted to the time, the answer is received promptly. Fewer successes devoted to time means that the answer will come more slowly, or at an inconvenient time.]
Author : Paul Strack

Spheres : Time : 3 Mind : 2
Rote : Temporal Psychedelia
Always questing for new and interesting altered states, the Cult of Ecstasy developed this Rote long ago as a way of utilizing Time to expand their minds. Simply put, the Cultist uses Time to alter the flow of sense perceptions to the target's mind, resulting in some spectacular hallucinations. Images flow through the target's mind out of temporal sequence, causing weird color shifts through doppler effects, and occasionally giving strange visions of the things "outside" of time. This rote can also be used offensively on an unwilling target. The confused images make it very difficult for the victim to tell what is going on around them, or to take any meaningful action. [The target must make a Perception + Awareness roll, with a difficulty of 5 + (the number of successes of the Rote), to tell what is really going on around them. Furthermore, add the number of successes of the rote to the difficulty of any action require sight (i.e. most anything). The enlightening aspects of this rote should be left to roleplaying. Life 3 can be used in place of Mind 2 to affect the target's brain directly, giving a raw, more visceral experience.]
Author : Paul Strack

Spheres : Life 2, Mind 1
Rote : Tolerance
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.72

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Mind : 4 Correspondence : 2 Time : 2
Entropy : 1
Rote : The Trip
Please refer to tBoS:p140

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Entropy 1, Mind 1, Spirit 1, (Life 1 Optional)
Rote : True Form
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.70

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Forces : 2 Mind : 1
Rote : Tune Psychic Radio
Please refer to tBoS:p140

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Mind : 1 Spirit : 1
Really, the 'mood' label is unnecessarily specific. This trick can be used to manipulate almost any aspect of the caster's aura, provided he/she has some familiarity with the emotion/feeling/color(s) being simulated -- a eunuch, for instance, may simply be unable to grasp or exactly imitate the 'feeling' and 'color' of sexual arousal, and a real cold, cruel Ebenezer Scrooge of a man may be unable to fake, much less actually experience, gratitude, devotion, or joy.
Difficulty is variable -- easy changes like 'I'm happy' or 'I'm mad' should reside at diff 6 or so, while 'I'm a vampire' should notch up to an 8 or 9, and outlandish feats such as 'I am a vampire who has achieved Golconda' or 'I possess True Faith' should sit firmly at difficulty 10, as well as requiring the caster to have some familiarity with what that variety of aura even looks like.
A Mind oo Spirit o variant exists that allows others' auras to be manipulated, although both this rote and its modification are seen as extremely dishonest and manipulative by the passive Cult of Ecstasy and Dreamspeakers...
Author : S. Skoog

Spheres : Correspondence : 2 Entropy : 2 Mind : 1 Time : 2
This rote was designed by the Cult of Ectasy as a joking way of utilising Chaos theory. The cultist usually uses it when (s)he has not got access to a map, when (s)he wants to go somewhere in a hurry or just to upset and frighten sleepers (and other mages) who (s)he happens to be sharing a car with. The rote involves simpily picking out a car or other vehicle from the many passing by and setting out to follow it to its intended destination. The mage can select the car using a variety of criteria including its colour, shape, year - whatever takes the mages fancy at the time. It is, however, reccomended that the car be travelling in at least something resembling the right direction to start with if the effect is to be considered coincidental. With luck (sorry, with a willing avatar) the car the mage follows is just happening to be going somewhere near to the place where the mage wants to go. This rote can be quite disconcerting for passengers, especially if the cultist still requires a focus for some of the spheres. This can mean that the mage may need to employ narcotics or other illegal drugs while driving (God knows what (s)he will need to if her/his vice is playing the guitar or sex.) However, to offset the effects of this a Mind/Life effect can be instigated to keep the mage sober. [The mage uses the sphere of Entropy to pick out a 'likely' vehicle based upon some criteria. For instance, it could be decided that the mage likes the colour red and would thus always follow red cars. More coincidental choices could come from reading the license plate -"It says California on the license so I assumed that it was going there..." or from following trucks and vans with company names on them. The number 29 bus to the area the mage wants to visit could also just happen to be passing at the time. Once the vehicle has been selected the mage locks onto it and follows it using Time and Correspondence to see where it is going and memorises the route using the sphere of Mind. Storytellers may well decide to enforce a roll of PER +Intuition (Diff 6) to see how well the mage understands the information.]
Author : The rote library

Spheres : Mind 2, Spirit 2, Time 2
Rote : Zetgeist
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.73

Author : White Wolf


Spheres : Forces : 4 Prime : 2
Rote : Active Radar
Once, Jason Lechanoir, the Cult of Ecstasy musician, was struck blind right near the end of a set during a concert. Luckily, the paradox flaw did not last long. Jason was able to finish the set, and use this rote to navigate his way off teh stage into the green room. He successfully duped his band-members into thinking everything was Okay. His sight returned that night. This rote works in exactly the same was active radar and active sonar does--by sending out varous signals, and judging the time it takes for those signals to come back. Doing so can give a very clear view of what is in the room--though details like color, solidity, etc do not come across at all.
Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Prime : 2
Rote : Aura of Power
The mage channels quintessence into himself and his surroundings. He cannot control where it goes or how it manifests, and it will spread. The result will be that the mage will be quite noticeable, and appear more "real" than the background. It gives a definite impression of power. The negative side is that the quintessence attracts lots of "little nasties" and can suddenly ground into patterns, turning them more real too. Cult of Ecstasy perform this rote by watching light reflecting in the surface of a drink and then make a silent toast to themselves. [ Each success will give on extra dice on social rolls. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Entropy : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Concentrate Luck
The mage concentrates luck (or misfortune) into something. If done well, the object will retain its luck for a while. This is often done by surrounding the object with symbols for good luck, like dices with sixes up, money and flowers. [The object will be favourably biased for the duration of the rote. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind 2, Matter 1, (Prime 2 Optional)
Rote : Grand Style
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.71

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Mind : 2 Forces : 3 Prime : 2
Rote : Inner Music
All people have their own inner music, but few can hear it and even fewer can express it outside themselves. Most people who try simply fail to convey the exquisite harmonies they find. However, an unknown Cultist of Ecstasy during the middle ages developed this rote to bring the music into the world. By connecting the subconscious of a person with the ability to create sound, the mage could make the mental music heard. The result was often staggeringly beautiful. However, the music also influenced the person who created it in unexpected ways. Since it symbolised the personality and whole mind of the person, it seemed to reinforce his most dominant traits. Fundamentally happy people become even happier when they hear their exorbitant music. Sad people become even more depressed by hearing their ominous music. Confused people become more confused while intellectuals are filled with the urge to study and understand.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 2 Matter : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Leave Feeling
The mage focuses on his current emotions and diffuses them through the surrounding area, making tiny modifications to things. People who enter will feel subtle cues towards the same feeling as the mage left. This is often used to create rooms for different purposes in eastern chantries, or by the Cult of Ecstasy to enchant places they like.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Matter : 2 Prime : 2 Mind : 2
Rote : Liquid Pleasure
Some cultists want to give others a taste of the pleasures they experience, so they create bottled experiences. This range from the mixing of odd drinks which lets the imbiber experience whatever emotion the cultist wants to drugs which cause visions showing the secrets of the cult.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 2 Life : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Love is in the Air
Some cultists enjoy spreading positive emotions around themselves, and this rote was developed as a simple but efficient tool. The mage creates "love germs", which infect people and give them positive feelings. Gradually the happy emotions spread through a crowd, changing the overall mood. The type of emotions are determined by the will and personality of the mage; some mages spread happiness and joy, other hardcore lust. [The "love germs" are completely outside of the realm of technocratic science, they are immaterial beings which spread their emotions to anybody they infect. The number of successes in casting the rote tells how strong and tenacious they are; everyone who interacts with an infected person under the duration of the rote will have a chance to be infected (this is resisted by willpower, modified by nature and mood). These newly infected persons in turn infect others (although now with an infection one success smaller etc). ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Prime : 1
Rote : The Rush
Please refer to MtA-1:p210
Please refer to Mta-2:p.214

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 3 Prime : 2
Rote : Tantric Meditation
One of the more important methods of tantric yoga is to have intercourse, but avoid orgasm. This is continued as long as possible, resulting in a powerfully altered state of mind. The main use is of course theurgical, to experience the true White Light, but some cultists have found a more practical, theurgical use of the practice. The tantric Masters of course disapprove of it, but its useful nevertheless. During the state of no-time which develop, the mage(s) can weave new magickal effects but just as orgasm is delayed, delay their expression until the final moment. This gives them the ability to create extremely complex magick which is released in a single instant, or strengthen magick greatly. [ In order to work, the participants must succeed in reaching tantric trance, using stamina + meditation with a difficulty of 6. The successes can be used to lower difficulties for magick in this state as described in the Book of Shadows. The rote requires prime to sustain the etheric patterns of the magick even when the mage directs his or her will to other purposes in the ceremony. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Correspondence : 3 Entropy : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Traffic Jam
This rote was devised by Kurt Fjdllstrvm of the Children of Bacchus to disrupt the quintessence flows in the traffic networks of a city. He quickly downed a rather large amount of whiskey, and then began to drive through the city in a car he had "borrowed". Needless to say, his drunk driving and absolute disregard for traffic rules soon caused complete chaos wherever he drove. But through his intuitive understanding of the ebb and flow of traffic, he also managed to make the disturbances grow and spread across the entire city. The result was a memorable traffic jam, made even worse by the summer heat and the presence of other tradition mages subtly affecting the already irritable mood. [ The Correspondence part allows the mage to affect a large area, and to avoid getting trapped himself. Entropy affects traffic flow and prevents random accidents, while the Prime part fuels the growing chaos and allows the mage (in conjunction with Entropy 1) to find the parts where the Technocracy would want a traffic jam the least. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Forces : 3 Spirit : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Ultraviolet Burst (VULGAR)
This rote, alows the mage to emit a burst of ultraviolet light, for double the number of successes seconds. The mage essentially calls into the spirit word for a fire elemental to come and possess his body. 10 seconds is usually enough to seriously hurt a vampire, if not kill her. Jason Lechanoir used this spell when he found himself cornered by the Sabbat in Toronto. Wrong time, wrong place, right spell (I guess). 10 kindred dead or seriously injured. Note: If the mage is not without paradox during before this rote is enacted, he will gain a 2 or even a 3-point paradox flaw. A 10% chance that the gauntlet in the immediate area is ruptured.
Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Time : 5 Forces : 2 Prime : 3
Rote : Zen and the Art of panhandling
Please refer to MtA-1:p229

Author : White Wolf


Spheres : Mind : 1 Spirit : 1
I'm sure it's in the core rules somewhere, if I bothered to look. You could also pull this off with just Mind o (the effect 'Pathos') or just Spirit o ('Spirit Eyes'), but the combination of the two achieves the color/emotion/spiritual combination that vampires with the Auspex Discipline are used to seeing.
Author : S. Skoog

Spheres : Spirit : 2 Correspondence : 2 Mind : 3
Rote : Ride With the Spirits
This rote allows a mage to perceive what a spirit perceives, regardless of where it is. By using it again, the mage can "jump" onto another spirit which the first one perceives. It was used by a cabal of Cultists who used it to learn the deepest and most frightening secrets of the Deep Umbra, but one day they were found dead or incurably insane. To use this rote on certain spirits is very unwise, partly because they might notice it and take objection to it, partially because certain beings are not wholesome for humans to contact or even see.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Entropy : 2 Spirit : 2
Rote : Sacrifice to Fortuna
Fortune is by definition capricious, and all attempts to placate the goddess of chance are of course quite useless. But some gamblers are risking it anyway, hoping that the attention from the powers of chance they gain will help them rather than destroy them. The player sacrifices something expensive, preferably in a random way (like throwing money from a rooftop into the street below) surrounded by symbols for luck and chance (like dice, cards, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card or lottery tickets) while invoking the powers of chance into his life. [ If successful, chance will begin to affect the mage much more strongly. Each time the mage is in a random situation, roll a dice. If the result is below the number of successes of the rote, the mage will either get that number of extra successes, or that number of ones (toss a coin). The rote will also make the mage get involved in more random events, both good and bad. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 2 Spirit : 2
Rote : Summon Timekeeper
One of the more unusual kind of elementals is the time-elementals, known in the Cult of Ecstasy as timekeepers. They seems to be the spirits which keep track of everything, making sure things happen at the right time for the right reasons. They seldom manifest physically, preferring to communicate through coincidences and physical phenomena like the sound of a ticking clock. The timekeepers know everything about what has happened and will happen, and may give information to the mage as long as it will not cause any disturbances of time. If the mage disrupts time too much, they might become very dangerous servants of paradox. Persistent rumours tell that they have a lord known as Chronos, the Master Timekeeper. Some mages speculate that Chronos may be Wrinkle.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Entropy 1, Mind 1, Spirit 1, (Life 1 Optional)
Rote : True Form
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.70

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Forces : 3 Spirit : 2 Prime : 2
Rote : Ultraviolet Burst (VULGAR)
This rote, alows the mage to emit a burst of ultraviolet light, for double the number of successes seconds. The mage essentially calls into the spirit word for a fire elemental to come and possess his body. 10 seconds is usually enough to seriously hurt a vampire, if not kill her. Jason Lechanoir used this spell when he found himself cornered by the Sabbat in Toronto. Wrong time, wrong place, right spell (I guess). 10 kindred dead or seriously injured. Note: If the mage is not without paradox during before this rote is enacted, he will gain a 2 or even a 3-point paradox flaw. A 10% chance that the gauntlet in the immediate area is ruptured.
Author : Jason W. Tice

Spheres : Mind : 1 Spirit : 1
Really, the 'mood' label is unnecessarily specific. This trick can be used to manipulate almost any aspect of the caster's aura, provided he/she has some familiarity with the emotion/feeling/color(s) being simulated -- a eunuch, for instance, may simply be unable to grasp or exactly imitate the 'feeling' and 'color' of sexual arousal, and a real cold, cruel Ebenezer Scrooge of a man may be unable to fake, much less actually experience, gratitude, devotion, or joy.
Difficulty is variable -- easy changes like 'I'm happy' or 'I'm mad' should reside at diff 6 or so, while 'I'm a vampire' should notch up to an 8 or 9, and outlandish feats such as 'I am a vampire who has achieved Golconda' or 'I possess True Faith' should sit firmly at difficulty 10, as well as requiring the caster to have some familiarity with what that variety of aura even looks like.
A Mind oo Spirit o variant exists that allows others' auras to be manipulated, although both this rote and its modification are seen as extremely dishonest and manipulative by the passive Cult of Ecstasy and Dreamspeakers...
Author : S. Skoog

Spheres : Mind 2, Spirit 2, Time 2
Rote : Zetgeist
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.73

Author : White Wolf


Spheres : Mind 2, Time 2
Rote : Crime and Consequence
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.72

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Life : 3 Time : 4
Rote : Do Not Suffer Today What You Can Suffer Tomorrow
This rote is commonly used to avoid the nasty after-effects of partying for some time; the cultists simply pushes them further into the future. It can also be used to move pain, hunger or other negative experiences ahead, and even move wounds into the far future. They will still be felt, but (hopefully) at a time of the cultists choosing. [When the displeasure appears (as determined how far into time it has been pushed) it will give the usual penalties, in addition to the penalties the mage may have had before. Moving wounds is very dangerous, since the mage may suddenly find himself mortally wounded ].
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Life : 2 Time : 3
Rote : Faint
The Cult of Ecstasy don't like to hurt people, but sometimes they have to. This rote was perfected by a Lady de Joen during the 18th century, who sometimes had the problem of being surprised in embarrassing circumstances by the appearance of the wives of her lovers. However, by slowing down the blood supply to their brains, she could easily make them coincidentally faint. And people often forget what the saw just before fainting...
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 5 Correspondence : 3
Rote : Fan-shaped Destiny
This rote is reputed to have been invented by the Dealy Lama many millennia ago, although the venerable sage of course only jokes about it when questioned. The mage sits in his temple, breathing incense doped with hashish. Gradually his vision of time and space broadens, until he can see all the different futures in their totality. He can then pick and choose what futures will come to be, by seeing exactly what events are needed to bring them about, or how to avoid them. One of the main problems with this rote is that once the mage begins to see existence at this level, he quickly begins to realise how insignificant most events truly are. Instead of caring about the obvious problems, he will begin to explore the far futures in search for ever better solutions, which often are extremely long-range plans. [The number of successes denotes how far into the future the mage can see and comprehend. He then has to roll more successes with his willpower with a difficulty of 8, or become lost in contemplation. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 1 Time : 3 Prime : 2 Forces : 2
Tradition : Cult of Ecstasy
[ Used with a focus. It stops time until the action triggering the rote is redone. Examples: snapping the fingers, removing glasses, switching on a vibrator. Vulgar without witnesses. Diff. 6. For each time period over 15 min the mage rerolls vs Diff. 6.]
Author : The rote library

Spheres : Mind 2 or 3, Time 3, (Life 1 Optional)
Rote : Nostalgia
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.71

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 1 Entropy : 2 Mind : 1
Rote : No-Time
This bizarre rote removes the sense of time from the subject or the mage. It becomes impossible to plan for the future or remember the past, all that exists is an eternal now. By combining this with entropy it becomes impossible to predict what the subject will do, even with Time. The Cult of Ecstasy usually invoke this by extreme intoxication, loud music and then by placing the ring on a finger; as long as it remains, the rote will be active.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 2 Correspondence : 3
Rote : Peeping Tom
Please refer to MtA-1:p228

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 2
Rote : Premonitions of Danger
The Time mage keeps alert by continually looking briefly forward into the time stream (usually a few seconds is enough) and keeping an eye out for bad things about to happen. Cultists in particular use their vice to raise themselves into a higher state of awareness to make this possible. Unfortunately, to the young disciple of time, this can be a little distracting (the mage suffers +1 to the difficulty of all rolls that he makes). There are two ways around this. A conjunctional Mind 1 effect allows the mage to compartmentalize part of his mind to do nothing but watch for danger, leaving the rest of his mind free. Alternately, by the time the mage reaches Adept status (Time 4), he is so comfortable with temporal perception that this minor Rote no longer distracts him.
Author : Paul Strack

Spheres : Life : 3 Time : 3
Rote : Prolong Life
By selectively slowing down the processes of ageing, many Cultists remain young and healthy despite their hectic lives. In fact, most users of this rote perform it by simply living as pleasurably as possible.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 2 Life : 3
Rote : Prophylactic
Some mages know they are going to get hurt in the future, and take steps to limit the damage. By reaching into the potential futures and choosing one where the damage isnąt that bad, they can avoid the worst possibilities. This is usually coincidental; a wound turns out to be much less severe than expected or a weapon just makes a glancing blow. The rote will just protect against the next wound. Among the Cult of Ecstasy, this rote is usually done by dressing imagined wounds, followed by a period of intoxication where the mage removes the bandages happily proclaiming ˛It doesnąt look that bad!˛.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 2 Life : 1
Rote : Psychometry
The Cult of Ecstasy has become expert at reading the "vibes" of an object, revealing much about its history. The auras and histories of people are fairly simple to read as well. Of course, it helps if one is already in an altered state of mind before using such magick, to "access the inner senses". [The Cultist uses conjunctional Matter or Life magick to see the past of an object or person rather than a place. Events of great emotional impact tend to leave a stronger "imprint", and are easier to read. Particularly traumatic past events can cloud an objects aura to the point where it is impossible to see anything else.]
Author : Paul Strack

Spheres : Life : 3 Time : 3
Rote : Resting
The mage speeds up sleep for somebody, so he will awake rested sooner. A pleasurable side-effect is that dreams will be very beautiful and intense. Very popular among members of the Cult of Ecstasy.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 1 Correspondence : 1
Rote : Right Place at the Right Time
This little effect is usually done subconsciously and coincidentally by the mage: he is always standing in the right place to avoid unpleasantness. When the Oracle of Correspondence teleports into the room, the cultist is not the one standing at the spot where he appears...
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 4 Mind : 2
Rote : Sugar Magnolias
Please refer to MtA-1:p228

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 2 Spirit : 2
Rote : Summon Timekeeper
One of the more unusual kind of elementals is the time-elementals, known in the Cult of Ecstasy as timekeepers. They seems to be the spirits which keep track of everything, making sure things happen at the right time for the right reasons. They seldom manifest physically, preferring to communicate through coincidences and physical phenomena like the sound of a ticking clock. The timekeepers know everything about what has happened and will happen, and may give information to the mage as long as it will not cause any disturbances of time. If the mage disrupts time too much, they might become very dangerous servants of paradox. Persistent rumours tell that they have a lord known as Chronos, the Master Timekeeper. Some mages speculate that Chronos may be Wrinkle.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 3 Mind : 2
Rote : Temporal Psychedelia
Always questing for new and interesting altered states, the Cult of Ecstasy developed this Rote long ago as a way of utilizing Time to expand their minds. Simply put, the Cultist uses Time to alter the flow of sense perceptions to the target's mind, resulting in some spectacular hallucinations. Images flow through the target's mind out of temporal sequence, causing weird color shifts through doppler effects, and occasionally giving strange visions of the things "outside" of time. This rote can also be used offensively on an unwilling target. The confused images make it very difficult for the victim to tell what is going on around them, or to take any meaningful action. [The target must make a Perception + Awareness roll, with a difficulty of 5 + (the number of successes of the Rote), to tell what is really going on around them. Furthermore, add the number of successes of the rote to the difficulty of any action require sight (i.e. most anything). The enlightening aspects of this rote should be left to roleplaying. Life 3 can be used in place of Mind 2 to affect the target's brain directly, giving a raw, more visceral experience.]
Author : Paul Strack

Spheres : Time : 3 Prime : 2
Rote : Tantric Meditation
One of the more important methods of tantric yoga is to have intercourse, but avoid orgasm. This is continued as long as possible, resulting in a powerfully altered state of mind. The main use is of course theurgical, to experience the true White Light, but some cultists have found a more practical, theurgical use of the practice. The tantric Masters of course disapprove of it, but its useful nevertheless. During the state of no-time which develop, the mage(s) can weave new magickal effects but just as orgasm is delayed, delay their expression until the final moment. This gives them the ability to create extremely complex magick which is released in a single instant, or strengthen magick greatly. [ In order to work, the participants must succeed in reaching tantric trance, using stamina + meditation with a difficulty of 6. The successes can be used to lower difficulties for magick in this state as described in the Book of Shadows. The rote requires prime to sustain the etheric patterns of the magick even when the mage directs his or her will to other purposes in the ceremony. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 4 Mind : 3
Rote : Tapping the Network of Knowledge
This rote is one of the great secrets of the Cult of Ecstasy, and one of the reasons why they are able to maintain a semblance of unity despite having nothing in the way of organization. By using this rote, the Cultist can tapped into the base of knowledge gathered by all the Cultists that have ever lived (or will live). The Cultist mentally forms a question, and then mediates with the aid or her favorite vice. When in the right state of mind, she "transmits" the question into the Network, and forgets about it until she receives an answer. Unfortunately, the answers are a composite of the opinions of all the responding Cultists, and can contain contradictory information. Other strange and confusing things can happen as well, such as receiving the answer too late to be of use, or before the Cultist even asked the question. Once a Cultist has used this rote at least once, she is linked into the Network. Every month or so thereafter, the Cultist will receive queries from other Cultists elsewhere in space and time, on any number of subjects. There is nothing compelling the Cultist to answer, but it is considered gauche not to do so if the Cultist knows something about the subject. The Cultist replies with a variant of the rote, sending her opinion into the byways of time to make its way back to the querent. [Increase the difficulty for more obscure question. The number of successes determine the usefulness of the answer, as well as how quickly the answer is received. Divide the successes between the time and the usefulness of the answer. Each successes devoted to the answer gives one useful fact. If at least three successes are devoted to the time, the answer is received promptly. Fewer successes devoted to time means that the answer will come more slowly, or at an inconvenient time.]
Author : Paul Strack

Spheres : Time : 3 Correspondence : 2
Rote : Temple of Love
While the mage uses tantric sex-magick with a partner inside a circle of lit incense-sticks, the time outside the participants slow down while their own time accelerates. The result is a zone of relative safety around the mage for a short while. The difference in the passage of time is so abrupt it creates a kind of barrier, which seeks to delay passing objects or personas. Most such effects are coincidental, like having enterers stumble, doors getting stuck or shoelaces suddenly appearing untied. The mage will also instinctively know well before when somebody will try to enter, and have ample time to prepare.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 3
Rote : Tempus Fugit
"Time Flies when you're having fun," goes the old saw. And, nobody knows how to have fun like the Cult of Ecstacy. By showing her subjects a good time the Cultist can alter their relation to time causing it to seem to pass much more quickly. This is useful when trying to delay an unsuspecting opponent or to reduce the tedium of some activities. The Cultist must be indulging in her vice to get 'in the mood' of course. [The apparent amount of time that passes while the effect is going is reduced by a factor equal to the number of successes. Thus, 4 successes will make a 20 minute conversation seem like only 5 minutes, and a single success has no appreciable effect.] F/X - The effect of this Rote is so commonly accepted among sleepers that it can be considered Static magick.
Author : BLAKE 1001

Spheres : Time : 3 Mind : 1
Rote : Time is of the Essence
One problem many people have is that they become stressed or feel they don't have enough time to think in tense situations. The Cult of Ecstasy has a reputation of having many great improvisers or wits, and this rote is one of the reasons. By simply focusing on the present, the mage can speed his own thoughts to great speed while appearing to be acting normal. [ The rote will not give the mage any increased speed in movement or other physical actions (like looking at something else). For practical purposes, the world seems to have slowed down into slow- motion. Time is slowed at the rate normal for Time 3. Alternatively, in a live-roleplaying situation, each success will give the mage a minute extra to think over his actions, solve problems or use magick. ]
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Mind : 4 Correspondence : 2 Time : 2 Entropy : 1
Rote : The Trip
Please refer to tBoS:p140

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 4 Life : 3
Rote : Tune in, Turn On, Drop Out
Please refer to MtA-1:p228

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Time : 3 Entropy : 3
Rote : Waste Time
Sometimes nothing seems to get done, regardless of how much you work or plan noting worthwhile comes out of it. This effect can be created by a judicious use of Entropy to make time less "fresh" and useful to people. Some Cultists use it to sabotage the workings of bureaucracies or other organisations by making the employees ineffective and slow. By using even more powerful Entropy magick time can even be destroyed; the victims will notice that a certain period has passed but cannot remember anything of it, and nothing seems to have been done either.
Author : Anders Sandberg

Spheres : Time : 5 Forces : 2 Prime : 3
Rote : Zen and the Art of panhandling
Please refer to MtA-1:p229

Author : White Wolf

Spheres : Correspondence : 2 Entropy : 2 Mind : 1 Time : 2
This rote was designed by the Cult of Ectasy as a joking way of utilising Chaos theory. The cultist usually uses it when (s)he has not got access to a map, when (s)he wants to go somewhere in a hurry or just to upset and frighten sleepers (and other mages) who (s)he happens to be sharing a car with. The rote involves simpily picking out a car or other vehicle from the many passing by and setting out to follow it to its intended destination. The mage can select the car using a variety of criteria including its colour, shape, year - whatever takes the mages fancy at the time. It is, however, reccomended that the car be travelling in at least something resembling the right direction to start with if the effect is to be considered coincidental. With luck (sorry, with a willing avatar) the car the mage follows is just happening to be going somewhere near to the place where the mage wants to go. This rote can be quite disconcerting for passengers, especially if the cultist still requires a focus for some of the spheres. This can mean that the mage may need to employ narcotics or other illegal drugs while driving (God knows what (s)he will need to if her/his vice is playing the guitar or sex.) However, to offset the effects of this a Mind/Life effect can be instigated to keep the mage sober. [The mage uses the sphere of Entropy to pick out a 'likely' vehicle based upon some criteria. For instance, it could be decided that the mage likes the colour red and would thus always follow red cars. More coincidental choices could come from reading the license plate -"It says California on the license so I assumed that it was going there..." or from following trucks and vans with company names on them. The number 29 bus to the area the mage wants to visit could also just happen to be passing at the time. Once the vehicle has been selected the mage locks onto it and follows it using Time and Correspondence to see where it is going and memorises the route using the sphere of Mind. Storytellers may well decide to enforce a roll of PER +Intuition (Diff 6) to see how well the mage understands the information.]
Author : The rote library

Spheres : Mind 2, Spirit 2, Time 2
Rote : Zetgeist
Please refer to CoX Trad Book Rev:p.73

Author : White Wolf