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This is the new home of my Photos and any other junk I have kicking around!

I find It really hard maing a website, thats why I stole the code from somebody else. This way I get a pretty cool looking site with minimal effort. I did make the banner though, took me all of about 20 minutes on paint so count yourself lucky! -A.C

About the Site

This did start off as a place for storing photos of my friends...but now its all nice and shiney Ive decided to move in for a while. Like the decorating of a house, the building of this site is going to take some time. I hope to fill it with fun toys for you all to play with. Maybe a throw rug, a cat maybe...


The photos are up there! Up in the top right hand corner, thats all thats really here now! The page looks empty and shallow if i dont type anything, so witness me typing, type type type, I bought a hat today, its quite a nice hat, i plan to wear it every day until my hair grows back, its pretty hot, I never rememember June being this hot, maybe its becuase Ive never been so unfit before in my life. I do nothing, well actually I got a job recently but even that makes me sweat. Its not just me though, we had to buy a fan for the bedroom because Its too hot to sleep!

If you are still reading this you really shouldnt, Im not typing it for people to read, go do something productive, draw a picture, go have a run around.

In hindsight maybe Aaron's Room wasnt the greatest title for the site. Its not a room its a webpage, why do web designers give their sites such teritorial names. I already have a room, two even and they are much bigger than this. If you were to push your face up against the screen and hold your breath, thats what this particular room would feel like, were it a room and you were forced to come over and visit.

Its pretty quiet and lonely in this room/page! I should put some music on, stll trying to work out the mood, its very blue, and black but not in a morbid sort of way. Or is it.. i cant tell, ive been staring at this thing for too long now. I pretty hungry too, I ate a KFC today and got scared by the bad food and service. It never used to be so bad, It must just be a rough area, or time of year. The KFC in Brixton has bouncers outside incase of chickeny warfare!


Overall I was happy with my website, I felt that I had achieved what I set out to do and my hypothesis was proven good! If I were to make another website I could Improve it by not talking for such a long time and bringing some kind of food, drink, sustanance with me. It was an enjoyable experience and I would reccomend it whole heartedly to people who have as little to do I, ?

How do you stop this crazy thing?
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Updates Coming Soon, I promise!

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