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Welcome to DanFan! For those of you unaware, this page was made for Dan Mcg. by one of his stalkers because Dan is just so very cool! LoL j/k, it was made by Eilene, Dan's o-so-best friend, for Dan and his fans as a graduation present, since he is always talking about wanting his own website. Hopefully, Dan will soon add to this site, and pictures of him will be put up.

Updates on the stalkee:

6/23/03-Dan, Eilene, kathi & katie went across the river today to a cute little small-town souvenir/candy shop, where eilene discovered just how much of a cheapo dannio is. it also amused the girls to see dan's unease of use with a bike. katie ditched the others soon across the river so she missed out on dans buying of presents (candy.) When Katie finally got back from her escapades, she went to dans house, assuming the others were there. they werent, as dan was still on the "toe-path" heading home. There was slight panic as Dan was thought to be lost. But he is obviously found, as he is online, (though away) right now. is out on Tuesday the 24th. Dan is planning on attending tennis camp over the summer. Dan was angry on Friday because he paid for a yearbook but did not get one. He cursed off Mrs. Doctor to his close friend JorJor, while Eilene acted as the paparazzi and snapped pictures of Dannio. On Thursday, Dan was angered at Eilene because in his opinion, she was being a bitch and was judging him. However, they are friends again...or are they? Who can fathom the mind of Dan?

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