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The Crazies of Kraziness!

Thank you for visiting my awsome website on which I will document and chornicle my random (sometimes scary) thoughts and stuff.and if you don't, get out, just get the freak out. Now.

Otherwise, you MAY stay and enjoy the meager (I'm still working on it) contents of my website, and someday, you may witness the l337ness that will occur when I take over the world. I wish. Anyway, This is my website. It isn't finished, really, because it doesn't have the stuffs that I want on it yet. Eventually I will set up a blog and will post images of my creation, and whatever the fuck else I wanna put on it. yeah. YEAH! Anyway, don't you want some of that pocky? I know I do.... mmmm, pocky... MEN'S pocky... ;)

Things that make me tick:

Link up these links! They are l337!

Sluggy Freelance- the greatest comic in existance
JED's website. He will be helping me build my own. yesssss. see the men's pocky thing, AND MORE messed up english things, go here. it rocks
To learn how to swear at people in 133 different languages, go here. its beautiful
captain--jean-luc-pi-card-ofthe u-s-s--en-ter-prise....
