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Welcome To The Website Of Blood Spirit


Blood Spirit was formed as The Cümmerz in Stockholm durring the summer of 2003
We recorded our first demo in March 2005, and in August the same year we changed our name to Blood Spirit

Hello all you headbangers, moshers and glamslammers out there!
Thank you all for the response on the gig. Blood Spirit loves you!
We have also another gig booked at the same place the Friday the 17th.
See ya all there!

We have a video-bootleg from the gig at Brikagċrden for ya, just cheack the "MUZIKVIDEÖ" section...
Love ya!//Nima Blaydz

Hello! Due to problems with members during the last months, the band has been pretty unactive.
But now we have a new gig for ya next friday!
Check out the "Gig" section for more info

Well, all of you probably know what has happend in the Crashdïet-camp with Dave's suicide and everything.
Since Crashdïet has ment so much for the band, me and Marty wrote some condolencesletters on
Crashdïets forum for Dvaes memory.
This are THE official statments from the band.


Nima's statement
Marty's statement

Hello all you fuckers out there!
The "Pixzz"-section is down due to bandwidth problems, and our guestbook is a succes-story,
we have like 20 overactive kids talkin shit about us in it.
Check it out, it's hillariuos!
alos, we have some big changes we're working on...
But thats a suprise for all the Bloodsuckers, not all thoose jealouse poserkids!

We now have a guestbook so you can shit talk us...

We have orderd some official Blood Spirit-buttons
they will be sold att the gig at Birkagċrden so all you Blood Suckers can go out on the streets and spread the word!
They will cost just a few bucks...

New info about the G-day, or the day that we are gona play our first fuckin' Blood Spirit gig!
Also some info about our new basist, Jogi Beer.
See ya you SMF's!

We have a new gig booked. For more info, check out the "Gigs"-section.
And ther has been some line-up changes.
Due to musical differences, Mandraniq/Vinny Axe is not a member of Blood Spirit anymore.
We wish him good luck in his new Thrash-band Inflict Death.
Maniac has also changed from bass to guitar, so we have a lethal doubleguitar-attack!
We will anounce new members soon...

Well, if you havent seen it, then your probably blind.
But as all you non-blind people can see, we have changed our name to Blood Spirit.
Why? To make a long story short, The Cümmerz started as a goof, and now we want to take this band serious, and it was time for something fresh.
So now we're all gonna drink blood big time, cause blood is our favourite drink.

After a summer of inactivity, we can anounce that we are gonna record a demo later this fall.
Stay tuned for moore info.

The gig was good, with 100 people showing up for the first song,
but because Léstradska is a school with a high brats-frequency, in the end of the gig,
it was only like 50 teachers and kids seeing us.
But thats very good considering that this was our secind gig.
Check out some photos from the gig and a photosession with the new line-up in the "Pics" section!
Don't miss our gig at Léstradska tomorow!
Check out the "Gigs" section for more info and a map!

Don't miss our gig tomorow!
We'll, since our old bassist, Tommy Lee Fuxx, is from England, we have been forced to replace him.
The new bassist is a total Maniac called... Maniac...
He is a good ol' friend from prison (school), so now when we have a fulltime bassist and fulltime drummer,
we are ready to set Stockholm on fire!
Thanks for the good time Tommy! And Welcome to the gang Maniac!

Don't miss our debute gig att Växtverket, Brommaplan on Wedensday!
Moore info under "Gigs"

We can no announce that we have a new member in The Cümmerz!
After struggleing to find a drummer in the town of Stockholm, we finnaly found a cool one!
His name is Charley, and soon we are gonna perform our first gig!
Check out the "Profilez"-section to learn more about him!

New photos up and runnin...

Vote for The Cümmerz! go to: RiotLab And vote for The Cümmerz in their competition.
The Cümmerz loves you all!

Our demo are finnaly mixed, and you can now listen to one of the songs.
Just klick on "MUZIK".
If you like the song, called "Screw This Town", you can roder the demo by mailing me at
See ya!

A new episode of "The Cümmerz Adventure In The Studio" is online.

We have started recording our first demo.
Read more about it in the new "DEMO" section.

We now have a new section on the site, a photo section.

We can now announce that we have find a bassist for the summer.
It's Tommy from the Official Crashdïet forum.
He will come Stockholm durring the summer to trash Sweden to pices.
This summer, the summer of 2005, will be the summer of erotic löve, it will be the summer of The Cümmerz.
We have allredy started to wrtie some lyrics...

Blood Spirit recomends:

THE guide to the scene...
Our friends in Bare Bones. Chek 'em out!
Crashdïet, Riot!
Zan Clan - The only band in Sweden that likes The Cümmerz...(thanks!)
One of the great drummers of Heavy Glam...
Home of Mandraniq...
Häng Pung!
Heart Attakkk!
