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This Month During the Civil War

  1. August 2, 1861?
  2. August 6, 1811?
  3. August 10, 1861?
  4. August 17, 1862?
  5. August 2, 1861?
  6. August 7, 1862?
  7. August 8, 1861?
  8. August 22, 1862?

August 2, 1861?

    The damnyankee Congress pass the first national income tax.  They follow the plan outlined by Karl Marx - taxing only the 'rich'.  The rate is three percent on income over $800.00.

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August 6, 1811?

    Confederate attorney general and secretary of state, Judah P. Benjamin is born Saint Thomas, British West Indies.  The Confederacy had a very diverse government, Judah P. Benjamin is Jewish and President Jefferson Davis is Catholic.

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August 10, 1861?

    Confederate troops beat the damnyankees at the major battle of Missouri, Wilson's Creek.

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August 17, 1862?

    Major General J. E. B. (Jeb) Stuart is made commander of all cavalry in the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.

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August 2, 1861?

    General 'Spoons' Butler (U.S.A.) bans the sale of alcohol to soldiers under his command at Fort Monroe, Virginia.  Thus endearing him to his troops.

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August 7, 1862?

    A public meeting in Blackburn, England, a vote is taken urging the British government to recognize the Confederate Government.  The Confederate's are expected to win their independence from the Union.

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August 8, 1861?

    President Jefferson Davis signs into law authorization for the deportation of enemy aliens, damnyankee sympathizers.

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August 22, 1862?

Major General Jeb Stuart captures U.S.A. General Pope's baggage train and Pope's personal papers.

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Web site created by Low Private Stennett
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Revised: 02/22/06.