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Backround:: New to just about where ever her travels take her seeming as a stranger to new and old faces, She is the one who has no Past as she was simply a creation, made by dark elves bent on Death and bloodshed. What happen after she was created remains a mystery, She mainly seem to just wander seeking out those of great power and only lingering for a day or two even a month. She is also one who dosen't like to speak much and never goes out to find other to speak with, as well as being one who never gets excited over anything plus she is one to remain back and watch others in silences However, Her dangerous asspect is when her anger is invoked where even at the slight of blood she is known to go into a Bersekers Frenzy, calling forth armies of the undead and Diablic kind, as well as unleashing Dark powers and strikeing swiftly with Blade and speed tearing her victims apart and createing a Ghastly following with blood soaked kisses.