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|[Scene 01]| Picking Up Daddy’s Little Girl |[Scene 01]|

The scene opens up outside of a fancy Spanish tiled home in Miami, Florida where The Rock’s ex wife Dany Garcia is currently residing with their eight year old daughter Simone. As the camera pans around showing the beautiful gardens and huge water foundation that was built in front of the house, a silver convertible Mercedes Benz with tinted windows pulls up to the gates. The driver of this vehicle rolls down the window and extends his arm out of the car as he pushes a button on the keypad and waits patiently for someone to answer.

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “Garcia residence…”

|[Man‘s Voice]| ???????: “It’s me…open up.”

The driver of the Mercedes Benz pulls his arm back inside of the car and rolls up his window as the gates slowly open allowing access to the house. The car smoothly rolls onto the circular driveway and parks with the engine shutting down seconds later. The owner of the car then opens the door and steps out as the gates surrounding the front of the house close behind him. He shuts the door of his Benz and slowly walks up the tiled steps to the front door as he knocks a couple times before waiting with his hands by his sides. Not a minute later, the door opens and Dany Garcia is present with her arms crossed wearing a yellow sun dress with gold stilettos.

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: [sighs] “Dwayne, your late.”

The camera then pans over to the owner of the Benz who appears to be none other than The People’s Champion himself, The Rock. He looks down at his Rolex with a confused expression on his face before looking back up at his ex.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “What are you talking about? You said I needed to be here at 5:00 and its 5:04 now.”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “My point exactly..”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Dany, I know your not complaining about four minutes. Do you know how busy I am?”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “Yes I do but that doesn’t give you the right to abuse this privilege. I’m a busy woman too ya know?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Whoa whoa whoa let’s back up a second here. Did you just say that this whole thing is a privilege for me?”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “Yes I did Dwayne. It is a privilege for you to see your daughter”.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [shakes his head] “Nah Dany that’s where your wrong. Ya see this ain’t a privilege for me, it’s a damn right! I deserve to see my daughter, who I helped you create so I think you may need to rethink that statement.”

Before The Rock’s ex could respond, her daughter Simone had rushed past her and jumped into her father’s arms that lifted her up off the ground.

|[The Rock’s Daughter]| Simone Johnson: [smiles really big] “Daddy!!!”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “H-Heey little mama how you doin’? Daddy’s missed you, you know that?”

This little girl was her daddy’s world and he would do anything for her, even if it meant bumping heads with her mother occasionally. Simone had kept that big bright smile on her face as she kissed her dad on the cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck.

|[The Rock’s Daughter]| Simone Johnson: “I’m fine daddy…I missed you too!”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [kisses her on her forehead] “So what do you say we get outta here huh? You ready to go away with your dad for a few days?”

Simone nodded excitingly as The Rock set her down gently on the ground. You could tell she was really looking forward to spending more time with her father as she held his hand.

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “Well do you have everything packed Simone?”

Simone nodded as she raced back inside to grab her suitcase leaving The Rock and his ex wife alone once again.

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: [tilts her head and cocks an eyebrow] “So when should I be expecting her back?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [crosses his arms] “I’ll bring her back Monday”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “But she has school on that day..”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Okay then I’ll bring her back Sunday night.”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “How late on Sunday?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [sighs heavily] “I don’t know. The Royal Rumble is that night so it’ll be very late most likely.”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “Then bring her back on Saturday.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [shakes his head] “ No, I’m not doing that. She really wants to go to this pay-per-view and meet all her favorite superstars and divas backstage. I’m not gonna take that away from her.”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “Then you’ll just have to explain to her that school is more important and that she can meet them some other time.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [looks in disbelief] “Ya know I don’t know what’s gotten into you but whatever it is, it needs to chill out. I’ll have her back Sunday night and she will be just fine to go to school the next day. She maybe a little tired but she’ll be fine, I promise.”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “Dwayne it’s not even about that. It’s about respecting my wishes and concerns for our daughter.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [frowns] “What’s there to be concerned about? I’m a good father and she’s doing well in school.”

Just as Dany was about to respond to that, Simone came back into the picture as she rolled her suitcase behind her. She told The Rock she was ready as he scooped her up into his arms once again and grabbed her suitcase for her.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “We’ll discuss this later”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: [sighs] “Okay Simone I’ll see you later sweetie. You have my cell phone number if you need anything okay?”

|[The Rock’s Daughter]| Simone Johnson: “Okay mom, I love you.”

|[The Rock’s Ex Wife]| Dany Garcia: “I Love you too baby take care.”

Dany walked over to her daughter and kissed her on her forehead before watching The Rock walk away with her in his arms to his car. He set her down on the ground and opened the back door for her as she climbed in and put her seat belt on. He then stuck the suitcase on the backseat next to her and closed the door before getting in the driver’s seat. The Rock started up the engine as the car roared silently, and then he took off towards the gates that slowly opened for him. The scene slowly faded to black as The Rock sped down the road leaving his ex wife standing in the doorway.

|[Scene 02]| Guest Starring On Tyra’s Show |[Scene 02]|

The cameras are rolling on the set of the Tyra Banks show that is due to air in a few minutes. Once the people in the audience took their seats, music started playing in the background as Tyra herself made her way out from the back with a microphone in her hand. She started dancing as she made her way over to the white couch on the stage where a flat screen TV was propped in front of a dark blue back drop. The members in the crowd immediately stood up for her and clapped their hands before her music died down and she stood in front of her couch raising the microphone up to her lips.

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Good afternoon ladies and gentleman…welcome to the Tyra Show!!!”

The crowd pops as Tyra smiles and takes a seat on the white couch crossing her legs.

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Now today I’ve got some really really really big celebrities stopping by to share what’s going on with their lives and to put all their rumors to rest. So the topic for the day is telling the truth because like my mama has always told me, the truth will in fact…set you free. I mean I did get a couple whoopin’s in my life…but I deserved them. [smirks] So are you guys ready? Do you wanna know who my guests are for today?”

The crowd pops once again as Tyra smiles even wider and continues to speak.

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Well ladies, you are definitely going to thank me by the end of this show. You see my three guest stars for today are some of the hottest guys in Hollywood. [eyes light up] My first guest to be on the Tyra Banks show will be WWExperience superstar The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson, Pirates of the Caribbean leading star Johnny Depp, and one of the greatest soccer players I have ever seen…David Beckham!!!”

The members of the audience cheer especially the ladies as Tyra stands up from the couch and continues.

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Now since all of these wonderful men are on a timed schedule, we’re gonna go ahead and get the ball rolling. So with that being said, ladies and gentleman please help me welcome at this time, The People’s Champion…The Rock!!!”

White smoke starts to fill the stage and Tyra’s music starts playing through the speakers as the people in the audience stand to their feet and cheer for The Rock as he makes his way out through the smoke with a big smile on his face. He waves to the crowd and shakes Tyra’s hand before giving her a small peck on the cheek. They both take a seat on the couch and the music quickly dies down as the members of the audience take a seat as well.

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: [smiling] “Yay I got a kiss from The Rock you guys!!!”

The women in the crowd go nuts as The Rock simply chuckles for a brief moment and Tyra blushes a little.

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “First of all, I’ve gotta ask you something up front now before I drill you later on in the show with all of these questions.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [grins] “Alright, shoot.”

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Okay now I know your biological name is Dwayne Johnson but I also know people know you as The Rock because that is your wrestling name. So with that in mind, which name would you prefer me to call you by? I mean I know you just recently got back into the whole wrestling thing, but I’m sure it must get annoying at times to be called by your wrestling name when you’re not in an actual wrestling ring right?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [rubs his chin] “Ya know what Tyra? Being called The Rock doesn’t really bother me. It’s a name that I am proud of and my wrestling career is a big part of my life that has made me what I am today. So if you want to call me The Rock or Rocky or even Dwayne, its fine by me. Just don’t call me Mr. Johnson…that makes me sound like I’m the president or something.”

The Rock chuckles once again as Tyra and the members of the audience join in the laughter too.

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Well that works for me. I’ll probably end up calling you all three. [smirks] Now Rock, I’ve invited you to the show today just to catch everyone up with what’s going on with your life and if there are any rumors going around that you would like to address, ‘cause lord knows people can gossip.”

Tyra looks into the camera and rolls her neck while doing her little finger snap before returning her attention back to The Rock.

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “So Rock, I figured we would start off with the more intense stuff first just to get it out of the way. Now earlier today when you had arrived at the show, I noticed you brought your little girl with you.”

Tyra then looks at the TV behind her and it shows some of her co-workers in the green room playing with The Rock’s daughter. The crowd “awww’s” at the sight of that as one of the guys in the back tells her to wave to the camera and she does.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [smiles] “Yeah that’s my little princess Simone.”

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Aww Simone. She is growing up so fast! How old is she now?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “She’s eight, she won’t be nine until August.”

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: [smiles] “Well that’s just great. I can tell you’re a good father figure to her and I’m sure she loves you to death.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “I only hope so.” [smirks]

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: [nods] “So Rocky, what exactly happened with you and Dany? You guys split up a year ago right?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [sighs] “Yeah we got divorced because things just weren’t working out how they used to be. We were both on different schedules and had very busy lives. It was hard keeping our marriage fresh and with Simone coming into the picture, I thought things were gonna get better but they didn’t.”

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: [looks sad] “Well I'm sorry to hear that Dwayne. But you guys are still good friends right? From what I hear at least..”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Actually we are still very good friends, we’re best friends to be exact! But we still have our moments when we argue with each other and just need space.”

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “So is everything figured out about who gets what and the whole custody thing?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Yeah we both split holidays and the week with seeing Simone. I have her until Sunday night so I’ll be taking her to see the Royal Rumble live this week.” [smiles]

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Well good for you guys and especially good for your daughter. Now I’ve gotta ask you something because these women in the audience practically begged me to ask you this question before the show. [pauses] Is The Rock single?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [laughs lightly] “Yeah The Rock is single.”

The majority of the women in the audience scream at the top of their lungs after hearing that as Tyra looks at them shocked.

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Well there you go ladies…But now I’ve gotta ask another question. Are you dating any one or looking to date?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [puts his hands behind his head] “Actually, I’m not looking to date anyone at this time. Ya see Tyra, if my marriage couldn’t last because of my busy schedule then there’s no chance in hell I could maintain a relationship with anyone right now.”

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: [nods] “You know what? I totally agree with you on that one. Sorry ladies but you heard the man. [shrugs her shoulders] So Rock my next question for you is, now that you have gone back to wrestling, would you say your wrestling career is more busier than your movie career or vice versa?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [thinks for a few seconds] “ Ya know my wrestling career is definitely busier than my movie career Tyra. At least when I was being filmed in movies, we took breaks, and it would practically take a year for a movie to be finished. But with wrestling on the other hand, as soon as you finish your match, you’re on the next flight to the next arena. Out of the three hundred and sixty-five days of the year, I probably received thirty days off if I was lucky.”

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: [frowns slightly] “But don’t you guys do autograph signings and things like that to take a break from the ring?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “You would think that Tyra but we also do house shows and promotional shows so even if we did have an autograph session, within the next two days you were guaranteed to be wrestling somewhere.”

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: [looks surprised] “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that answer. So I guess a wrestler’s life is a whole lot tougher than what I thought. I mean it must be really lonely when your traveling all the time and don’t get a chance to see your families. Did any of this cause you to do any type of drugs or drinking?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [shakes his head] “I’m actually one of the fewest guys I know in that lockeroom who didn’t feel the need to go down that road. I never smoked and I rarely drank. [pauses] If I did drink, it was for a special occasion. “

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: “Well Rocky, is there any rumor or rumors out there that you would like to address right here right now?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [nods] “There actually is a rumor going around right now claiming that The Rock is a “part time” wrestler and I would like to have a say in that.”

|[Top Model]| Tyra Banks: [extends her hand out to the audience] “Go ahead Rocky, the floor is yours.”

The Rock then stood up from the couch and looked directly into the main camera as it zoomed in on his serious face.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “For the people out there that think The Rock is gonna turn his back on the WWExperience and go back to making movies, well you roody poo candyass’s can all kiss The Rock’s ass! Ya see The Rock is back full time baybee and there ain’t a damn thing anyone can do about it! And if you‘ve gotta problem with that then you can Just…Bring It!”

With that being said, the crowd popped again as Tyra clapped for him before he sat back down. She then asked if anyone in the audience had any questions for him as everyone’s hand in the crowd shot up fast. The Rock chuckled and looked very surprised as the scene then faded to black.

|[Scene 03]| Don’t Sing it, Just Bring It!!! |[Scene 03]|

The cameras were rolling in backstage area where The Rock was shown strolling down the hallway holding his daughter’s hand. Once they reached his lockeroom, he opened the door for her and told her to make herself comfortable as they both went inside. Simone immediately went for the TV as she grabbed the remote and turned it on. As The Rock watched her with a smile on his face, a knock was heard at the door as he told her to watch the TV and stay put. When The Rock opened the door, he found Jonathan Coachman standing on the other side holding a microphone in his hand.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [raises his eyebrows] “Coach?…is that you? When did they hire you back?”

Just as The Coach was about to answer his question, he was cut off by The Rock. Which really isn’t a surprise now is it?

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Actually Rock I was h-…”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Ya know what Coach? Never mind that. So how ya doin’ man? How are things treating you?”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Things are going p-…”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Nah nah let’s not even go there. Let’s talk about why you are here. What is your purpose?”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: [sighs heavily] “Are you gonna let me talk?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [smirks] “Yeah yeah of course The Rock is gonna let you talk. Why wouldn’t he?”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Well because you always cut me off every time I have something to say.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Like what?”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “I don’t know like for instance I-…”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “It doesn’t matter what you have to say!”

Jonathan shakes his head knowing he shouldn’t have fallen for that as The Rock grinned and patted him on the back.

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “See that is exactly what I am talking about!”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Alright alright The Rock won’t cut you off anymore.”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Listen Rock, I’m only here to get your thoughts on your United States Championship match against Kurt Angle.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Oh that’s it? Well The Rock can do that. He’s got some time to address that.”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “That’s great, that’s all I needed to hear. So Rock after finally going th-…”

The Rock held his hand out in front of Coach’s face stopping him dead in his tracks. He then took the mic out of his hand and held up his index finger.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [tilts his head back] “Fiiiiinally….The Rock…has come back…to Detroit, Michigaaaannnn!!!”

The crowd at the house show erupted into cheers as The Rock shoved the mic into Coach’s chest.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “As you were saying?..”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: [clears his throat] “After defeating the likes of John Morrison and Kenny Dykstra to get into the U.S. Championship finals…you will now be facing The Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle in singles action at the Royal Rumble this Sunday. What are your thoughts going into this match against the undefeated Kurt Angle?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [mocks Coach] “What are your thoughts going into this match against the undefeated Kurt Angle? [changes his voice back to normal] Ya know something Coach, you say that like The Rock hasn’t faced Kurt before. The Rock knows what to expect from him and The Rock already knows what the outcome of this match is going to be.”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Which is?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Which is The Great One, The Brahma Bull, The People’s Champion, The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment, The Rock walking out of the Royal Rumble as the new United States Champion. It’s true, oh it’s damn true!”

The Rock smirks as he looks dead into the camera after that one. Did he just go there? You bet your ass he did. If Kurt Angle can steal The Rock’s catch phrases then he might as well return the favor.

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Well what makes you so sure that you can beat Kurt? He calls himself Captain America, and says he bleeds red, white and blue.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [looks confused] “He calls himself Captain America huh? The Rock thinks a better name that would suite him is Captain Jackass. Because he looks like one when he dances around in the ring shouting “wooo” at the top of his lungs. And as for him bleeding red, white and blue? I’d say he needs to get that crap checked out. I mean I wouldn’t want the kinda disease Kurt has…especially if it’s something contagious.”

Coach tried to hold back his laughter as The Rock cocked his eyebrow and tilted his head slightly to the side.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “I’m sorry did The Rock say something funny?”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “N-no not at all Rock”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Yeah The Rock didn’t think so. So let’s get this thing going popcorn fart!”

Coach frowned at that comment but decided to move on and brush it off as he continued.

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Well a lot of people think Kurt will have this match won. They say he seems to want the title more than you do.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [squints a little] “And who in the blue hell thinks this?”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: [shrugs] “I don’t know, his fans?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “His fans? Oh you mean the Angle-ites? [bursts out laughing] Yeah all three of them right? [tries to regain his composure] Ya know something Coach, I don’t know if Kurt is simply in denial or just plain stupid so I’m just gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say he’s in denial right now. Because those people out there who chant “You Suck” at him each and every single week he comes down to the ring are certainly not his fans. So I don’t know if Kurt’s lost a couple screws in his head but The Rock will gladly bring him back to reality because he simply can’t stop The Rock!”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Well I don’t know if you heard but Kurt did a little song for you in the middle of the ring while he played the guitar…let’s take a look”

The Rock and Coach both turn and look at the flat screen TV that plays the clip of Kurt being booed while he sings his song about The Rock. After the clip finishes, The Rock stands there with his hands on his hips and a look of disgust on his face.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Are you kidding The Rock? Is this some kind of sick joke? Because The Rock’s heard Jillian sing better than that and God knows she completely sucks!”

The fans laugh and so does Coach until The Rock shoots him a serious look.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “The Rock doesn’t get it Kurt. Why do you continue to make yourself look like a complete ass on national television? You see you ain’t embarrassing The Rock, No, because for one you’re not funny, two you look like Mr. Clean, and three you’re an idiot!”

The Rock continues on as the fans back him up laughing at his comments and cheering his name.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Kurt you keep bragging about how your on a mission to get gold. Well Kurt, if you want gold so bad…the only thing you gotta do is stick your finger up your nose and badda-bing badda-boom! There's your gold! Because The Rock will guarandamntee you that that is the closest you will ever get to getting any gold around here.”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: [doesn’t look impressed] “I don’t know Rock, Kurt’s been training a whole lot these past couple of weeks and he given got the chance to speak to the new president Barack Obama a couple weeks back.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “So Kurt’s been training for a couple weeks, big deal. The Rock’s been hitting the gym as well but see the only difference between The Rock and Kurt Angle is, when The Rock goes to the gym, he doesn’t take steroids.”

Daaaamn now The Rock just owned Kurt Angle right there with that comment.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “And as far as Kurt speaking to Obama goes, good for him. I’ve hung out with him plenty of times before he even decided to run for president. Why do you think he uses The Rock’s catch phrase instead of yours Kurt? [raises an eyebrow] Gee I know, it’s because you absolutely suck!”

The fans start a huge Rocky chant as he takes the time to stop and appreciate it. He closes his eyes and listens to his millions…and millions of The Rock’s fans before opening his eyes and turning his attention back to Coach.

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: [frowns] “What?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Did you just fart?”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “No what are you talking about?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Oh I think you did, you sick…freeaaak!!!”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “But I didn’t do anything I swear!”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Uh huh sure. Go ahead and lie like Kurt’s been doing all week thinking he can beat The Great One.”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Rock I swear to you that I-…”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Shhh. Please know your role and shut your mouth before The Rock does it for you! And you wonder why The Rock calls you a popcorn fart. [shakes his head] Anyway can we wrap this thing up? I wanna spend some time with my daughter.”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Oh you have a daughter? How old is she?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [has a stern look on his face] “Don’t you even go there Coach. If you ever think let alone try to go look for my daughter, The Rock will shove his boot so far up your monkey ass that Kurt Angle will feel it before he even steps into the ring.”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: [gulps] “I’m sorry Rock, I got carried away.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “Yeah you bet your damn ass you did. Anyway let's get back to the subject at hand here which is that whinning Jabroni Kurt Angle.”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Right. Well Kurt Angle has been saying that he is going to break your ankle this Sunday. If this does in fact happen, what will you do?”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: [looks at him crazy] “First of all, Kurt Angle ain’t breakin’ The Rock’s ankle. He can barely lace up his own wrestling boots which is why he has Charlie Haas do everything for him. So how on God’s green Earth do you expect him to break The Rock’s ankle? It’s just not possible Coach. And you know something else? The Rock is sick and tired of hearing Kurt Angle talk about winning his Gold medal with a broken freakin’ neck. So What Kurt? How about you try to win another gold medal in a more recent event? Because you sound like a broken record and The Rock's about to pull the plug!”

|[Popcorn Fart]| The Coach: “Well Kurt says he will bring one of the three I’s to the ring with him when he faces you one on one.”

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “And which I is that one huh? Idiocy? Look Coach, no matter what you tell The Rock, everything will end up exactly the same and history will repeat itself. Ya see the only thing that’s gonna get broken at the Royal Rumble is Kurt’s pride after I pin his shoulders to the mat…1...2...3! And after The Rock celebrates with his newly won championship, he will watch Kurt Angle’s joy crumble to the ground as he runs to the back and cries to his mama. [ponders something] Maybe The Rock should bring him some milk and cookies so he doesn’t go home a complete loser. After all, there’s no point in crying over spoiled milk right? So The Rock will make sure that he brings in a cow…do you think Stephanie McMahon will do?”

The crowd laughs as The Rock finishes up his promo.

|[The People’s Champion]| The Rock: “But ya know what on a serious note, this Sunday at the Royal Rumble…The Rock is gonna show a side to Kurt Angle that he has never ever seen before! Kurt, all The Rock has to say to you is Don’t Sing it, Just Bring it Bitch! ‘Cause once you bring that ass to the ring, The Rock will certainly bring the whoopin’! If ya smelllllllalalalaala look at the tongue, look at the tongue…what The Rock…is…Cookin’!!!”

The Rock then cocks his right eyebrow and stares into the camera for a few seconds as the scene fades for good leaving the WWE logo on the screen.

The Rock

Hometown: Miami, Florida
Height: 6 foot 6
Weight: 275 pounds
Finishing Move: The Rock Bottom;The People's Elbow
Nicknames: The Peoples Champion; The Brahma Bull; The Great One; The Most Electricfying Man In Sports Entertainment
Allies: The People

Match: The Rock vs. Kurt Angle
Card: Royal Rumble
Stipulation: U.S. Title

W/L/D Record: 02-00-00
Roleplay #: 3
Roleplay Title: Don't Sing it, Just Bring It!
Power 10 #: 9
None Yet
Hit Rock Bottom:
John Morrison
Kenny Dykstra