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Welcome Bush Haters!
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It's not a partisan issue...

At this point, I, a left leaning Democrat/Green, would vote for a Republican candidate as long as it's not George W. Bush. That's my slogan: "Anybody but Bush 2004!" His reckless ways are driving the country in the wrong direction...his fiscal policies are running huge debts that WE have to pay off while suffering the loss of government programs. His environmental policy is...wait...I don't even think he's got an environmental policy...oh,'s got something to do with drilling in Alaska...Further, his foreign policy is inconsistant and puts America at a greater risk for terrorist backlash. His domestic policies involve giving back to the huge corporations that helped him to steal the election. HE IS NOT A COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIVE...HE'S A WAR-STARTING, ARROGANT SON-OF-A-BITCH. I don't mind republicans that's the person that George W. Bush is that I hate. (Also, I fear that John Aschcroft and his buddies might come and haul me away...cause after all, I'm not with him so I must be against them...damn...)


I'm not one to complain about the way things are going and not offer any better solutions. But what puzzles me most is how the American public reacted to the attacks on 9/11. Don't get me wrong, I felt terrible about all the innocent lives that were lost on that dreadful morning. I grieved like everyone else. But, I AM NOT AS DUMB AS THE AMERICANS WHO BELIEVED KING GEORGE WHEN HE SAID THAT THE REASON PEOPLE FLY KAMAKAZI MISSIONS INTO BUILDINGS IS BECAUSE THEY HATE OUR FREEDOM. That is the most absurd thing that I have ever heard. But the gullible public grasped that idea and ran with it. It's not our freedom that they hate. If they wanted freedom, they would be flying planes into the homes of their tyrannical leaders. They hate what America does in the World. Yes, we do help many nations in need. But our capitalistic ideas of economic growth and profit have made rich countries richer and poor countries poorer. Further, our idea that we alone should set world agenda simply because we emerged from the Cold War as the lone Super-Power creates anger from parts of the World where things are quite different. It's a cultural clash...not a fight for freedom. People put bumper stickers on their SUVS that read, "Fight to keep America free." When did they try to take our freedom? They only wanted to cause damage and fuel the fire to get reactions from us that lead to wars like Iraq, which helps Muslim extremists recruit people to fight off the enough blabbing...My solution?...Find an exit strategy to this whole Iraq mess...then increase funding to develop engines that run on less gasoline or a whole new fuel source (Hydrogen). Then become more compassionte in the World, and stop threatening every nation that does not agree with the US. Our strong military presence drives nations to aquire non-conventional weapons. It could be a long process before we're totally safe, but THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP IN FINDING SECURITY IS TO GET RID OF PRESIDENT BUSH!!


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