beauty is bone thin beauty beauty is bone thin
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beauty is bone thin

HI WELCOME TO MY SITE. WARNING: if you are in recovery for an ED or you are not pro ana. Don't read on leave!!! But if you are already entrenched in your disorder. If you want to perfect your Ed, or if the only comfort in your life comes from ana or mia or both read on...... Get the skinny **************** If you are going to eat be sure that people see you eat. At least then your fatty foods count for keeping people from bothering you about not eating. Never eat more today than you ate yesterday. Always drink a glass of water before eating. This will fill you up and can stop you from wanting to eat (especially if you aren't a fan of water). Chew gum. I had a nutritionist tell me once that this is a bad idea because it can stimulate the hunger sensation even more but I've found that my "hunger" is usually more of a need to have something in my mouth and the gum fixes this. Ice might be just as good. Think before you eat. Would you get in a car and hit a tree just because you felt like it? Would you take drugs just because you felt like it? Well eating is an urge just like anything else. Really consider the consequences before you put anything in your mouth. Imagine your food with mold growing on it. This might work to gross you out at least a little bit. When you make food measure out one portion then immediatly put the rest of the food into the fridge or throw it away. This way you aren't as tempted to go back for seconds. It is easy to get a second cup of soup if it is on the stove still warm but harder if you have to heat it up. Even harder if the dog has already eaten the leftovers! Notice the obesity that surrounds you. Do you really want to look like your fat english teacher? Do you want to have your mother's butt? Use your surroundings as a trigger. Sign up for marathons and charity walks. This way you have an excuse to exercise a lot! No one will tell you not to prepare for the marathon and few people will object to participating in a charity walk. Use websites such as to hold yourself accountable. Fitday is a FREE site that allows you to chart your food, activities, and weight. Believe me when I say it is worth checking out. is also good because they will e-mail you every week to remind you to weigh in. I advise for the newbie and fitday for the serious ana. Add salt to foods as you are cooking them. In fact add so much salt that you can't stand to eat them. Also, soak bread products in water before you take a bite. Mushy bread is appealing to very few people! Just be sure to stick with it. One bad day doesn't mean that things are over. Remember that if you really mess up you can always fast the next few days! Exercise tips ************** Remember that exercise is all mental. As soon as you decide that you are too tired to go on you will quit. Push through the mental block and you can go forever! Join a gym. Working out alongside people can be a motivator to keep going or to move to a new level of exercise. If you can't afford a gym then I advise looking around for free trial memberships. Go running at a park instead of on the streets. Often parks have fitness trails or measured running tracks. Running on a track with other people is also a motivator to do more. If you are a beginner then be sure to pace yourself against people who are running a little faster than you are usually comfortable with. Remember that the more you burn the less you will weigh and the better you will look!!! i will finish putting together this site later. email me for advice or if you just want to talk......

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