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Future Site of Asian Invasion  ver 1.0

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The Invasion of the Asians has begun!!!  (Hence the title of the website, Asian Invasion.)  I am afraid to say that the original March deadline will have to be postponed.  However, I believe that if I continue working on my website, it will be up by mid-April.  I am looking forward to this, and about 6 months after Version 1 goes up, be on the look-out for the updated Version 2. I won't spoil what Version 2 will bring, but it will be a little bit different.

Life is full of surprises.  You never know what will happen until it happens.  This holds truth for me, as if my father was still alive, I wouldn't have the great friends that I have today.  Still, I sometimes wonder what would have happened to me, if he was still alive.  Guess I'll never know now will I?

A taste of what is to come...

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