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Life in the Animal Farm
Monday, 11 October 2004
Horrors on the Animal Farm
Today has been horrible. The sheep returned today with a new chant.

"Four legs good, two legs better"

This was spectacle was joined with a parade of pigs walking on their hind legs. Wearing clothes. Holding whips. I was terrified. The pigs have become so much like the humans. I don't even know the difference between the two anymore.

And the Seven Commandments have been changed completly. Only one commandment (if you can call it that) remains...

"All animals are equal. But some are more equal than Others."

~Comrade Ashley

Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 4:10 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 October 2004 6:41 PM EDT
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Much has changed on the farm. The farm is now a republic, and Napolean the leader. I'm not sure how the other animals think about this, but I am not very pleased with his rule.

But of course, I do not want Jones back.

This is funny that I don't want him back when I can barely remember him myself. I was just a kitten, but still, I am sure that the time with Jones was much worse then it is now.

Napolean and the other pigs seem to be planning something. Squealer took the sheep away from the farm and we have not seen them in days. I am beginning to worry.

~Comrade Ashley

Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 3:46 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 October 2004 6:42 PM EDT
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Much has changed these past months on Animal Farm... The second windmill fell. We were attacked by humans, they blew it up. I felt devastated. But Napolean has said that we will start work on another windmill. I'm not sure I want to work on another one...

Boxer has also died. He was very old. He worked all the way up to his death. Squealer told all of us that he was taken to the best animal hospital in the area, but when the van came to take him Banjamin said that they were taking him to the knackers. I don't know who to believe.

~Comrade Ashley

Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 3:34 PM EDT
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the republic of Animal Farm
Mood:  lucky
Food is scarce for the other animals on the farm, but not for us and the pigs. We deserve it, too. We protect Napolean and kill anyone who needs to be killed. We are the protectors of the farm and we need our food to grow stronger. Squealer confirmed this by saying, "The dogs need their nourishment".
In other news, Napolean's four sows gave birth to piglets! He's even building a schoolhouse to give them a proper education, like us. He's such a great father figure.
Oh, and get this, in April, Animal Farm became a republic. Napolean of course is President. We wouldn't have it any other way.
In other news, the horse Boxer has died. He just worked too hard and collapsed. Napolean gave a speech in praise of Boxer, how heartwarming. What a great pig.
Well i must go. Napolean calls.


Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 8:23 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 October 2004 8:24 AM EDT
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Napoleon was finally right about something as devastating as it may be. he warned us that Mr. fredrick would be attacking and he did. He planted dynamite at the foot of our newly built windmill and detroyed it. He and his armed men came onto animal farm with such rage.

I've heard rumors that the sack of money that Mr. Fredrick gave us was nothing but forgeries.

And yet another rule has changed "No animal shall drink alocohol." Is now "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess."


Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 8:22 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 October 2004 8:25 AM EDT
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Rules changed
today as i walked by the posted rules of animal farm I noticed that one had changed. the rule i most understood,"No animal should kill anyother animal," now reads "No animal should kill anyother animal without cause." yet another factor in proving what a manipulative Pig he is.

Squealer keeps reminding us about how much better we have been doing than we were doing under Mr. Jone's reign but it is so hard to stay optimistic when my stomach is so empty and my body aches from the hard work of rebuilding the windmill in the cold.

We keep getting lead to false idea's of what Snowballs location may be. And i believe that it is used to Napoleon's advantage because everytime he dislikes another farm more he pins Snowballs location on that particular farm.


Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 8:15 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 October 2004 8:23 AM EDT
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that Stupid Snowball!!!
We're re-building the windmill. It's so cold and there's hardly enough food. That stupid jerk Snowball knocked it down, I can't believe this. Everyone else thinks that the walls weren't thick enough but I know that's a lie. We're gonna build it twice as thick this time though, that way Snowball can't get his dirty little feet on it and destroy like he did last time. I swear, I might be tiny but if I see him again on this farm, I will rip his throat out like Napolean told me too. Snowball needs to die. He's been coming in secret, Napolean says. His name should be Slimeball instead.
In other news, a few other animals met their deaths courtesy of my brothers and sisters and I. Napolean told us that people were actually betraying the farm and helping Snowball! Well that's just not right at all. It got me so angry that I started to attack some animals. Of course they should be punished for being traitors. That kind of behavior is so unhealthy for this farm. Two of my brothers killed the hens for refusing to sell their eggs. how selfish of them. after the killings, animals began to sing "Beasts of England", but I agree with Squealer, there is no need for it to be sung anymore. The Rebellion is over. Stupid animals.


Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 8:07 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 October 2004 8:26 AM EDT
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Sunday, 10 October 2004
Windmill Begins
Recently we have started on something we are calling project windmill. This windmill has proves very significant on animal farm. It proves to all the animals that we can work together and survive just as well or better than humans. The windmill took much hard work and time to build. Although Snowball was the original leader of this project Napoleon has taken over and once again we are left with a commander more concerned with his own well being than the greater good of the community.

Unfortunately the windmill was knocked down and all of our hard work was lost and of course blamed on the one great leader we ever had, Snowball. Napoleon has already stated that we will not let snowball win, and we will start working on a new windmill as soon as we find the resources.


Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 8:22 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 October 2004
Mood:  irritated
Napolean is great!!!! We bow down to him!! He's taught us to be so ferocious and tough!!! We have grown so big and our teeth are sharp and we are prepared to attack!! Yesterday we chased that jerk Snowball down and out of the farm! No one messes with Napolean and whoever does has to face us!! It was so fun to attack!! We are so angry, we were such wusses before.

Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 8:45 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2004 8:04 PM EDT
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Napolean the new leader
Mood:  surprised
Hello. This couple of days have been interesting. First Snowball unveiled plans to create a windmill. I'm not exactly sure what a windmill is, but it sounds like a lot of hard work...

Snowball and Napolean have been having something called "debates". They never seem to be able to agree on one thing. It is rather confusing since they both have good points. I don't know who to really believe.

Later on however Snowball was chased out by a pack of vicious dogs. We have never seen these animals before... well thats what we thought. These were the dogs that Napolean took away some time ago. They have grown... I am scared. They are saying Snowball was a traitor and that he was working for Jones all along... I'm having trouble believing that. But I don't know what else to think.

~Comrade Ashley

Posted by rebellion2/ashley070 at 8:40 AM EDT
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