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Is the Passion an accurate portrayal of the gospels?
"The Passion of the Christ. For those who seek truth read on.
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Know this, I have seen this movie and will not endorse it. All born-again blood-washed children of God should be offended! I pray that people stop supporting it!
If you haven't seen it yet then avoid it!! I would ask you to answer the questions I have listed that are in dispute concerning the movie. God preserved his word through the centuries for a reason. It has all that we need, nothing more nothing less! The Gospels written in your Bible are more than adequate to do it. Search the scriptures. The Bereans were commended for doing so! Please do not compromise your faith by saying, "yes the movie is flawed but," or "yes he assumed some things for the film but," or "The end justifies the means." God will not use idolatry in an effort to save souls! God is a Holy and Jealous God, and he is not mocked, he will remember where you stand concerning this movie.

I was told by a man that Mel Gibson used minor artistic license,
then I ask the following questions given the fact that Mel Gibson said 
that he based the movie in part on the Gospels:
Mat 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. As it was then, so it is today.

Where is it written that Jesus had long Hair?
Where is it written that Satan was in the garden taunting/tempting Jesus?
Where is it written that Satan was bald?
Where is it written that Satan was a female that spoke as a man?
Where is it written that Satan produced a snake from his robes in the garden?
Where is it written that Jesus stomped a snake in the garden?
Where is it written that Jesus was brutalized at every step after the arrest?
Where is it written that Jesus fell from the bridge hanging by chains to confront Judas?
Where is it written that Judas was confronted and chased by children/demonic children?
Where is it written that Judas saw the demonic face?
Where is it written that Peter and John called Mary Mother at any time?
Where is it written that Peter knelt before Mary in shame?
Where is it written that Mary was present at the scourging of Jesus?
Where is it written that Satan, carrying a child/creature, watched as Jesus got beaten?
Where is it written that Pilate's wife handed cloths to Mary?
Where is it written that Jesus stood to his feet when he saw Mary and was strengthened?
Where is it written that Jesus was beaten twice, 39 lashes each time?
Where is it written that Jesus was turned over to beat him further?
Where is it written that Mary fell on her face directly above where he was imprisoned?
Where is it written that Jesus was imprisoned under the temple?
Where is it written that Jesus looked up through the stone as if to see Mary?
Where is it written that Mary cleaned up the blood Jesus shed?
Where is it written that Jesus was beaten continually on the way to Golgotha?
Where is it written that Jesus fell many times on the way to Golgotha?
Where is it written that Simon confronted the Romans in defense of Jesus?
Where is it written that Simon stood next to him and carried them both?
Where is it written that Simon tried to comfort Jesus by saying anything at all?
Where is it written that Veronica offered Jesus drink?
Where is it written that Veronica wiped the blood off of his face?
Where is it written that Mary participated in Jesus' sacrifice for us?
Where is it written that Mary followed Jesuson the path to the cross?
Where is it written that Mary had supernatural power to see Satan?
Where is it written that Jesus told Mary, "Behold I make all things new."
Where is it written that Mary flashed back to Jesus' childhood?
Where is it written that Mary and Jesus discussed a rich man's table?
Where is it written that Mary Magdalene was beaten and bruised ?
Where is it written that the cross was flipped face down and back again?
Where is it written that Jesus' blood sprayed all over the Soldier's face?
Where is it written that Jesus' blood sprayed all over Mary's face?
Where is it written that Mary kissed his foot?
Where is it written that the thief to Jesus' right wore the brown scapular?
Where is it written that a thief had his eye pecked out by a crow/raven?
Where is it written that God shed a tear that day?
Where is it written that the floor of the Holy of Holies was cracked in two?
Where is it written that Mary held the body of Jesus after taking him down?
Where is it written that Mary helped take Jesus down from the cross?
Where is it written that the stone rolled away for Jesus to leave the tomb?
Where is it written that Jesus left the tomb nude?
Where is it written that we can use a nun's visions in the place of scripture?
Where is it written that we can add to the Bible as needed?
Where is it written that we may edit the Bible to make a movie?
Where is it written that we may use tradition in place of the Bible?
Where is it written that "The end justifies the means"

I ask these questions because the Bible has said what needed to be said and nothing more. The Bible is not a picture book accept to the mindseye. We were given the necessary details and the rest was left out for good reason and one day we can ask God why, but for now lets not add to, or take away from the greatest book ever written.

The biggest problem with people today is that we have no idea what the Bible says. We only know and remember what we have seen, and that is the error Satan uses. We are ignorant so we start to believe the traditional stories and then we pass them down to our kids and when someone points out our error and says "Where does it say in the Bible thus and so." When the error is mentioned most people then will argue that "it does not matter if its not in there" or if "it says some thing close to that" or "we can assume that happened". I simply say emphatically, "IT MATTERS TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!" He would not have preserved his word for centuries if we could just assume and presume and make up things to fill in the story as we see fit to do.
While it is true that the Bible does not tell us everything that happened that day, IT DOES TELL US EVERYTHING GOD WANTS US TO KNOW THAT HAPPENED THAT DAY! I am not talking about your daily private meditation at home. We all meditate upon the word that we read at home but a hollywood movie is not the same! This movie was presented to the masses as gospel and it is idolatry and blasphemy rolled into an emotional rollercoaster that shrouds a flawed gospel and another Jesus.

Click the link above to read the Dolorous Passion online and see the proof. In some instances the movie was word for word what is in this book. It is NOT gospel! It is not the BIBLE! If this is what Mel believes and are representative of what he believes, then he needs to read the bible as written, not the deluded visions of a mystic. Mel used the Bible too, or so he said but I don't believe him. I guess he skipped the second commandment part. Oh yeah, I forgot that he is a conservative Catholic, Idolatry is not frowned upon by the Catholic Church. In a recent interview with an Australian newspaper, Gibson mused about whether his wife, an Episcopalian, would enter heaven. "There is no salvation for those outside the (Catholic) Church," he told the Herald Sun. "I believe it. "And it's just not fair if she doesn't make it, she's better than I am. But that is a pronouncement from the chair (papacy). I go with it."
Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium" are "CT" editors and contributors) supplied the following: Mel Gibson told "CT": "I've been actually amazed at the way I would say the evangelical audience has--hands down--responded to this film more than any other Christian group." What makes it so amazing, he says, "is that the film is so Marian."
Catholic traditions are destroying the Bible God gave us and destroying the protestant churches that have made this country the greatest on earth!
Make sure you use the Bible to prove all things, it is profitable to do so. Let no man be responsible for your soul except Jesus. Be like the Bereans of Acts 17:11, they searched the scriptures daily to verify what they were told. Your soul is on the line, and remember that you have only have a single lifetime to make a choice. You have but a short time left to choose.

I found the following picture, I think the image of an upside down cross speaks volumes! I was told it was a reference to Peter being crucified upside down but I don't remember the Bible mentioning Peter in Rome although Paul did go and never mentioned seeing or hearing about what Peter did there, very strange. He professes to speak for Jesus yet his throne tells another story. He is a false prophet, his seat will be the seat of the false prophet in revelations
Mark W. Barton This is a work in progress. comments or suggestions, email me