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If you wish to place an order, email me at We can be able to discuss what your needs are and a price quote as well. Currently I only accept cash, check or money order, NO CREDIT CARDS. Sorry if this is an inconvenience. All checks or Money orders will be made to "Angela Matters". Mailing address will be provided through email during payment process. Current Pricing is $50 per hour for typesetting/graphics work. I only Design what you want, I am not a printer. My job is to make sure you get a successful design for your product. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS AFTER CUSTOMER REVIEWS AND APPROVES PROOF. If you are not in the Coachella valley area and we are working through email, I need an emailed "OK TO FINALIZE DESIGN" statement in the email, and somewhere in that email your "this message from (your name)" or a scanned signature in place of your name. Anyone who is in the Coachella Valley area must sign off on a proof before your design is finalized. Thank you for your cooperation in advance and I hope we can have good dealings on a future basis together. Angela Matters retains the right to refuse service.


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