nathan gray - subliminal suicide
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Height - 6'2
Weight - 224
Born In - Newark Delaware
Resides - Allentown, PA.
Date of Birth - 29, 8/22/74
Eye Color - Brown
Hair Color - Brown
Build - Compact, ripped

Style - Technical, All Arounder
Quotes - "Fuck off and Die."
Stance - Fan favored heel.
Theme - The After Dinner Payback by From Autumn to Ashes
Ring Flaws - Goes for quick wins, gets ahead of himself.
Ring Attire - Plain black jeans, black t-shirt, black DC shoes. Nothing fancy or remotely wrestling like. The jeans loose fitting though so he can preform comfortably

Ring Entrance -

"The After Dinner Payback" by FATA slowly builds up, and then heavy and hard guitar riffs start blaring over the PA. Nathan steps out from the back and makes his way to the ring. In his zone, ignoring the crowd. He slides under the bottom rope and heads to his corner. Standing there, pacing back and forth waiting for the bell.

Nathan Gray - Standered Moves

Closed Fist Punches
Swift low kicks
Scoop Slam
Runnning Clothesline
Standing Dropkick
Snap suplex
Snap DDT
Snap elbow drop
Leg Drop
Arm Breaker
Back Breaker
Running Forearm
Hammerlock Suplex
Arm Drag
Atomic Drop
Sidehead Lock Bulldog
2nd Turnbuckle Axe Handle
Single Arm DDT

Nathan Gray - Strong Moves

Swinging DDT
Full Nelson into DDT
Shoulder Jawbreaker
Flying Head Scissors
Spinning Heel Kick
Running Knee Lift
Russian Leg Sweep
Tilt-A-Whirl Slam
Inverted Facelock DDT

Nathan Gray - Top Rope Moves

Flying Leg Drop
Flying Elbow Drop
Flying Body Press
Missile Dropkick
Falling Headbutt
Frog Splash
Falling Fist

Nathan Gray - Submission Holds

Camel Clutch
Boston Crab
Half Crab
Back Mounted Full Nelson
Buffalo Strech
Indian Deathlock
Figure Four
Jaded - Elevated Surfboard
Nights End - Sharp Shooter

Nathan Gray - Potential Match Enders/Trademark Moves

Brainbuster DDT
Double Underhook DDT
Sambo Slam
Inverse Russian Leg Sweep
90 Degree Spin Belly to Belly Suplex
Falling Front Suplex
Point Blank - Snap Powerbomb (Pending on opponent size.)

Nathan Gray - Finishing Moves

Miligram Smile - Superkick
Chapter Four - Katahajima (Tazzmission)