mikeal gookus preidecy campign oficail hed corders!
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presidency campain notes

hi i am running for prezident of us'eh in 2004! i am aa real go getter! my age is 14 and i think i make a good president cuz i am cool and people and scool give me some cool niknames. i dunno what they mean but thay are cool like me! one is "fat" and the cool kidz call me that. i am happy to be running even tho i kno nothing of politics but that its boring ya ya. any way i want you to know my steps for sukses in todays troubled world

1. call canada american jr.
2. tell ireland that they r playing soccer and not football. proceed to call them dumb whoers.
3. coloniez antartica and use its naturla and vast forest as a mean of politcal domnatien in the wood market. thats rite america will have (a) big wood (market). i am happy to give it to us.
4. the greet wall of china will now be moved to amerikas southern border. imigrants make me so angry wit there diferent cultuer. damn dang it!
that is all! thank u! and remeber to vote for me wen you go to polls in 2004.