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Dear Humanist,


We are all at each others throats in our house over voting for pop idol.  Half the family think we should vote X for he is from our locality.  But most of us agree that Y is more talented.  I think we should vote for the guy we consider to be the best singer.


The Humanist says,


Damn right you are!  Voting for someone just because you know them or because they are one of you is totally unfair.  The purpose of pop stars is to entertain and take the talented to the top.  I would feel totally insulted if I was X or Y and my family were voting for me not because of my talent but because of who I was.  To do that is the same as not voting for a talented person just because they are black or gay.


Dear Humanist,


I have been asked to sponsor a child at a Catholic Confirmation ceremony.  But I am an Humanist.  I feel I will be looked down on if I refuse so what should I do?


The Humanist says,


You are right to perceive that the role of sponsor is a problem for an Humanist.  Sponsors are regarded as having the right and duty to supervise the faith of the child they are sponsoring but the Humanist cannot do that for the Humanist will seek to undermine the child’s faith if the child consents.  Sponsors don’t usually exercise that right which shows up again the total hypocrisy of Catholicism.  You will be looked down on unless you explain tactfully why you are not happy with it.  if they still pressure you then they are not real friends and you can give as bad an impression of them as they can of you!  Confirmation is a serious act of child-abuse for if a child has reservations they are pressured to go ahead with the ceremony.  You don’t hear of children not going forward especially in Ireland.  If the child has too many doubts to commit to Catholicism or if the child does not feel ready nobody cares.  The ceremony gives the impression that the autonomy of the child and the right to think for yourself are to be discarded.  Nobody recognises superstition as a good thing.  The whole point about superstition is that it claims that the doing or not doing of certain actions makes some force attack you for some reason best known to itself.  Confirmation is definitely a superstition for it claims to impart a greater measure of the Holy Spirit.  You only need to see that confirmed children are worse than unconfirmed children to know that is not true.


Dear Humanist,


I am married to my wife and in a few years after we together we became Humanists.  Given that Humanism frowns upon marriage we feel we are doing wrong by being married.  Should we seek a divorce and cohabit?


The Humanist says,


Humanist regards marriage as an invalid contract.  Just live together as before but the degrading elements of marriage must be put out of your minds.  Marriage is anti-respect.  Frankly, it makes a prostitute of your wife but you can correct this and the only way you need to do it is in your heart.  Even if your wife earns her own bread the relationship is still one of prostitution for you are to give her financial benefits for sex if she needs them.  A woman that has sex with a man so that she can have a bed with him for the night is as much of a prostitute as one that walks the streets and takes money.  Men are the stronger and more fearsome sex so it is absolutely certain that women will never have or be able to take full and equal rights that match men’s.  The intimidation is there.  Marriage gives men the wrong idea of women because when women will never be proper equals their getting married implies that women are consenting to this treatment and are the bad guys if they protest afterwards.  Any man that really respects his wife does so in spite of marriage and not because of it.  Recognise that marriage is really nothing.  A relationship is better when there are no rings and rules to try and force it to last for life.  Resentment is stronger when someone you are tied to for life hurts you because you have to put up with them until you die or they die.  But in a relationship based on mutual desire and affection and not on the rules of other people this resentment will naturally be less.  Most married people hate their partners but have learned to disguise it.  They also carry the burden of feeling trapped.


Dear Humanist,


I’m in my late teens and I like to dress sexily.  My mother thinks I should have more respect for my sexuality and stop doing this.  She thinks I should have more modesty.  But I don’t want to feel I must be ashamed of my body and my sexuality.


The Humanist says,


Dressing sexily is about making yourself feel good.  If it feels good then do it.  It does not mean that you will do anything wrong sexually with anybody.  Nobody has any excuse for seriously believing that it means you are making yourself too sexually available.  They might say it about you but they know it is not true so it is only words.  There is no doubt that your mother is trying to get you to be ashamed of your body.  The stuff about self-respect that she comes out with sounds like the drivel that comes from the Christian faith which says that to excite lust is a very serious sin when the truth is that it is a good thing when channelled sensibly and properly.  Lust makes life fun and nothing makes people abuse sexuality but their own inner sickness.  The truth is that the Christian prudery because anything that has to be respected so much that unnecessary misery and pain come from respecting it must be a bad thing.  Think of it this way.  If you got the opportunity to become a pop star you would have to dress skimpily for sex sells.  Obviously the Church begrudges pop stars their success.  They will reply that they do not but only oppose the way they go about getting it.  Falseness like this is one of the cult’s many attempts to exploit people for you cannot want people to succeed and have wonderful lives if you want to stop them doing something that is a major part of that success.  By suggesting that by being clean and sexy your morals are bad the Church is encouraging the belief of many raped and abused children that the abuse is partly their fault.


Dear Humanist,


I find a great sense of peace with religious images round the house and by visiting religious sites such as Lourdes.  I find an emptiness inside me since I became an Humanist because I have to do without these things.


The Humanist says,


The fact that you have these needs does not indicate that your devotion to the Humanist philosophy is any less.  You have just learned to feel safe with these things.  Do not push yourself too fast.  It is probably best that you wean yourself off these things but take your time.  Be perceptive.  There are other pictures and there are other places that give you a similar sense of peace if you just look out for them and try new things.  Meditate often on The Gospel According to Atheism.  When you conquer fear through its message you will find the need for these things will disappear.


Dear Humanist,


There was a sermon preached by the priest in the local Catholic Church against Humanists.  The priest said that Humanists were opposing human dignity for our dignity is found only in submitting to the will of God and not our own.  He stressed the role of the Church as a prophet of God and that only the Church could guide us to eternal salvation.


The Humanist says,


Go to that priest and have a friendly word.  He is judging us not by our merits but by his own presuppositions and that is intolerable.  His words however sweetly spoken are undoubtedly an attack on us.


Dear Humanist


I am a girl of 17.  My girlfriends at college boast of the guys they have done it with.  So to be like them I seduced a lad I know.  We had sex and I told the rest of the girls and now they call me a slag and avoid me.


The Humanist says,


As long as you were careful you are not a slag.  There is nothing wrong with casual sex for enjoyment as long as you can avoid emotional harm and more importantly when you are sure there is no danger of rape or of catching a sexually transmitted disease.  I could advise you to stress this but it may be that if you say nothing the whole affair may be as good as forgotten far sooner. Be clear in your mind that your friends have no right to treat you this way.  Maybe when the new college year begins you will be able to make new friends.  But be aware there is a lot of difference between saying something and doing it and that what your girl friends were saying they did was just talk.  But the tragedy is that when the girls boast about their alleged sexual activities they know fine well you haven’t done wrong for they would see that it is not wrong when they boast about being like you.  Another tragedy is it is religions and parents who hit out at sex outside marriage that call you a slag.  They will say they would not use that word but they mean that word by their condemnation.  Understand too that nobody no matter what they do is a slut or a slag. To dislike the sin is to dislike the sinner – that is what happens when you believe in free will which we Humanists deny.


Dear Humanist,


I like to wear a cross.  I am an office manager and some of my staff think I should not wear the cross for it is offensive and discriminatory towards agnostics and atheists.


The Humanist says,


The cross represents things that to the atheist and agnostic or humanist are very offensive so you should stop wearing the cross in public.  In the office you should not have religious screensavers on your computer, you should not have religious pictures anywhere or have a Bible on display.  Religious expressions like “Thank God”, or, “God Bless” are grossly inappropriate in a work situation even when all the workers are the one religion.  It is a bad habit.  The practice of saying grace before meals at office meals must also be struck out.  All work relates to the public and so it should be secular for the sake of the public.  Your God wants you to put him first so it is certainly wrong for you to heed these directives for God wants reminders of him everywhere so that his grace will work and convert them.   But we cannot accept that as an excuse.  We have to try and please everybody on earth as well as we can and if God suffers in the process then tough. 


You must remember as well that humanists cannot be expected to be comfortable with people who have not looked into the insights of humanism which seeks to put humanity first.  Why humanism and not some religion like Buddhism?  Because humanism is person focused.  Not looking into humanism is a deadly form of discrimination against humanists.


Dear Humanist,


I have a son of five years of age.  I never had him baptised and it is time for him to start school.  I am worried about sending him to the Roman Catholic primary school because I worry about how he will feel when he cannot go forward to the First Communion like the rest in his class.


The Humanist says,


Children can be devastated by not being able to participate in what the other children participate in.  Ideally, the child should not mind but be proud not to be going for First Communion but this rarely happens.  Send him to a Presbyterian school or to a mixed Protestant school where it is more up to the child what he or she wants to do and where the Anglican children might be going for their First Communion and the Presbyterian children will not be at least at the same time.  Better still send the child to a secular school.  It is possible as well to get the teacher to teach religion to the child but not in an indoctrinating way when there is no way to avoid the child being exposed to religion and when you don’t want the child to be seen as too different.  There is a danger of attracting bullies. There is a danger with all religious run schools that humanist children will be urged to degrade themselves by praying.  We know that praying is degrading for many reasons for when we pray we pray that people would do what we want we are trying to get people’s wills manipulated for our ends.  We must do all we can to have the education system secularised.  

Dear Humanist,


I would like to say that though I sympathise with your cause the straight-talking blunt tone of your books bothers me.  Most of my Churchgoing friends don’t mind – they don’t care enough about their religion to mind but surely some will be offended?  How can I direct people to your website?  It embarrasses me to say anything good about it.  Titles like Love People, Not God and Blessed Sacrilege of the Altar are clearly intended to offend.


The Humanist says,

The site deals with very serious issues.  There is no way to talk about distortions of truth that do harm except bluntly and assertively.  Love People, Not God used to be a book called Hate the Lord thy God but I changed the title to keep it blunt but less offensive and confrontational and make it more positive by showing that love means giving God the elbow.  It advocates love for people not God and religious people are going to find that offensive no matter what.  To love God demands that you be antagonised and insulted if anybody suggests you should not.  The new title is meant to grab attention and is certainly more effective than say a title like, “Why we should not believe in loving God”. 


It is not my intention to offend.  My intention is to jolt people into reality.  We all know that though aggression is always bad it does no harm to be blunt and to the point and controversial when we have to be.  Being too sweet waters down the effect.  If you don’t do your job properly you will listen better and take more heed of the person who says, “You are lazy” than a person coming up smiling and nice and shy saying, “We would like you to do more work than you do”.  We need fast results.


When I say that the Mass is a sacrilege I am only saying what my head tells me it is.  I am not saying I am right or wrong but I have the right to tell it as I see it.  If the Mass is a sacrilege it should be called one and people should not be feeling turned off by such language even if they are believers.  They should not be offended for views are just views and not worth annoying oneself over.  If I tell a Catholic, “I don’t believe in the Mass”, what I am saying is, “The Mass is a superstition and a sacrilege”.  That is what I am saying.  So why shouldn’t I say the latter when I can say the former?  There is no such thing as offensive language but there is language people like to upset  themselves about and that is their concern.  They are finding what is not intrinsically offensive to be offensive and insulting the person who is speaking to them by accusing them of doing something bad.  Though I should be blunt I should not say things like, “F**k the Mass it’s a pile of s***e”.  That is aggression not assertion and it is wrong.  That would be really offensive and abusive talk.


It is vital that society be encouraged to value straight-talking and get away from imagining grievances.  Religion has encouraged people to take offence as part of its own self-defence and to stop them hearing anything that proves religion to be a force for error.


As long as you prepare people properly and try to get the points of view I have made across regarding the language I use and warn them you should have no problem with directing anybody to read my writings.

Dear Humanist,


My son is living with his girlfriend.  They are coming to stay for a few days.  They want to share the spare bedroom.  I think sex outside marriage is wrong so what do I do?  Refuse to let them come?  I feel I am a hypocrite because I visit them at their house.


The Humanist says,

What if they had to come to your house to live?  Would you forbid them to sleep together then?  It would be sure to lead to them breaking up.  Though it is your house, you have no right to force your views on them.  They don’t think they are doing is wrong and you should respect that.  What you are saying if you refuse them is that you are judging them as evil if they have sex.  Well waken up sunny one, not everybody can be expected to see things as you do and to have your prejudices.  If you are going to refuse them over something that is doing them no harm and making them happy, then don’t have them around.  Has it ever occurred to you that it is not just what they are doing in bed that you would have to consider sinful?  It would have to be their whole relationship for that relationship is an erotic one.  One of the reasons they are together is to have sex.  If you are going to let them into the house even for a cup of tea you are giving the message you approve of their relationship and their arrangement so you should let them go to bed together in your house.  I’m sure you have no problem with gossip-mongering relatives coming to stay and do harm to the neighbours but you need to ask yourself why you are so bigoted that loving sex is a problem.  It is true that people should respect your own views in your own house but your prejudices is a different matter.  If your faith told you that races should not intermarry, you would not have the right to put your son in a different room from his wife if she was black.  Marriage is one of the most disturbing sources of hate and prejudice out there, remember that.  Remember too, that when you treat them as a couple by visiting their house you are sanctioning their relationship.  Because of the kind of relationship they have you cannot treat them as girlfriend and boyfriend without sanctioning that relationship.  You know that you are being a hypocrite and that is good for it shows you that the Church teaching about sex is vicious and troublesome.


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