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Monday, 22 December 2003

Happy Bunny
Well I wanted to do an entire post dedicated to Happy Bunny, but copyright laws say otherwise.As apology for laughs that you will miss out on, I give you this quiz.

you smell like butt
congratulations. you are the "you smell like
butt" bunny. your brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 9:38 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 22 December 2003 9:44 PM CST
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Sunday, 21 December 2003

Stupid Questions...Enjoy
Yep i'm bored so...

[ .001. ] first name: Ven
[ .004. ] nickname(s): Gothy,Evil Ven,Satan-Lover,Hey mommy,look its a witch!
[ .005. ] gender: Female
[ .006. ] age: 13
[ .007. ] birthday: July 9,1990
[ .008. ] height: 5'4"
[ .009. ] hair color: varries between reddish-brown and black,depending on who you are
[ .010. ] eye color: brown or black,once again depends on who you are
[ .011. ] race: Mexican-Swedish
[ .012. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: Neither
[ .013. ] do you have braces: at one point in time
[ .014. ] is your hair long or short: long
[ .015. ] hometown: Overland Park,Kansas
[ .016. ] current location in house: In the computer room.
[ .017. ] current residence: Overland Park
[ .018. ] how many languages do you know: 1,english of course.this is america is it not?
[ .019. ] AIM sn: SocietalHazard27 or Scissors2Wrists
[ .020. ] bad habits: having a negative outlook on life and talking about killing people i know
[ .021. ] piercings you have: 2 ear piercings and 2 cartilage piercings
[ .022. ] piercings you want: 4 more cartilage piercings,lip piercing,and nose piercing
[ .023. ] tattoos you have: none
[ .024. ] tattoos you want: dotted lines across my wrists that say "cut here" and probly some others that i havent thought of
[ .025. ] today's date: 12/21/03
[ .026. ] the time: 1:03 am
[ .027. ] ready for a bunch more questions: Sure why not
[ .028. ] mother's name: Mary Kay or shut up and leave me alone
[ .031. ] brother(s)'s name(s) and age: Chris 17
[ .032. ] sister(s)'s name(s) and age: none and glad not to have any
[ .038. ] do you get along with your parents: not at all
[ .039. ] does anyone in your family understand you?: No
[ .040. ] do you have any pets? yes
[ .041. ] what are their names: Shadow,Cairo,Frisco,Tekkar,Asher,Joel,RC
[ .042. ] what kind of animals are they: cat,cat,snake,lizard,rat,rat,bird

S C H 0 0 L
[ .043. ] are you still in school: yes..
[ .044. ] did you drop out: no
[ .045. ] current gpa, or last gpa you got: am i supposed to know?
[ .046. ] favorite grade: 5th
[ .047. ] least favorite grade: 7th and 8th
[ .048. ] favorite teacher: Miss Owens/Mrs.Gittinger
[ .049. ] least favorite teacher: I hate them all except for the 2 in the last question
[ .050. ] favorite subject: Lit
[ .051. ] least favorite subject: Religion
[ .052. ] do/did you buy lunch or bring it : bring it,my school's lunches are raw sewage and styrofoam
[ .053. ] play any sports on the school's team: track
[ .054. ] do/did you do any extracurricular activities: no
[ .055. ] are/were you popular: nope they hate me
[ .056. ] favorite dance song: i dont dance so none
[ .057. ] favorite memory: watching my cousin scream in horror as my cat visiously clawed at her face, the day i got that cat as a birthday present, watching drunk college kids at the Embassy Suites
[ .058. ] least favorite dance song: did i not already say i dont dance so i none?
[ .059. ] least favorite memory: anything relating to the incident with the principal
[ .060. ] most humiliating moment: cant think of one right now

F A V 0 R i T E S
[ .061. ] number: 76
[ .062. ] clothing brand: Level27
[ .063. ] shoes: Chuck Taylors of any color
[ .064. ] saying: "Oh NyQuil we love you!You giant fucking Q!"
[ .065. ] tv show: Daily Show,Conan,Good Eats
[.066. ] sport to watch: fuck sports
[ .067. ] vegetable: Carrot
[ .068. ] fruit: green apple
[ .069. ] movie: Nightmare Before Christmas,the Matrix series
[ .070. ] magazine: Guitar World
[ .071. ] actor: do directors count as actors? I think so...Tim Burton
[ .072. ] actress: dont know
[ .073. ] candy: Starburst
[ .074. ] gum: Strappleberry Juicyfruit
[ .075. ] scent: mango-mandarin
[ .076. ] candy bar: Twix
[ .077. ] ice cream flavor: Phish Food
[ .078. ] color: orange/black
[ .079. ] season: Summer
[ .080. ] holiday: Halloween
[ .081. ] band: Alkaline Trio,AFI,Avenged Sevenfold,GC,Dead Kennedys
[ .084. ] rapper(s): all rappers should burn!...or at least aquire some real talent
[.085. ] type of music: punk,hardcore,pop-punk
[ .086. ] thing in your room: loveseat/CD player
[ .087. ] place to be: alone in my room
[ .089. ] tv channel: 67
[ .090. ] junk food: anything fatty and lacking nutritional value
[ .091. ] clothing: hoodies
[ .095. ] restaurant: Apple Bee's
[ .096. ] shape: the the hell kind of question is that?, triangle?
[ .097. ] time of day: 5am
[ .098. ] country: Mexico
[ .099. ] state: Arizona/Texas
[ .100. ] boys name: Nick/Billy/Vamp
[ .101. ] girls name: Josie/Lindsey
[ .108. ] music video: Days of the Pheonix,Punk Rock101,Hold On
[ .109. ] swear word: why Fuck of course
[ .111. ] month: October,July

[ .116. ] eminem: shut up!
[ .117. ] dog: roadkill
[ .118. ] hot: death
[ .119. ] britney spears: burned alive by Ven
[ .120. ] nsync: impaled by Ven
[ .121. ] real world: utter crap
[ .122. ] orange: banana

Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 1:41 AM CST
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Friday, 19 December 2003

Yes,Its Back!
Yep,all three of the people who read this thing will be glad(or angry)to know that Ven's Page of Misery and the Like is back.I wont tell you what has happened since the discontinuation of this page because if you read this then i talk to you everyday and you know all of it.But if you want to know,this is what happened today.

Today was green and red day.I dont really own anything thats not black so i wore a red shirt with a black collared shirt over it and called myself festive.I knew good and well that the nazis would have a problem with this.And while they didnt yell at me,one of them did say as she was passing by,"Happy Halloween."This seems to be a favorite insult of theirs.

Now around Christmas people bring things to school and hand them out to their friends.I decided to do the same but confuse and anger people at the same time.So i gave dreidles to some of the kids in my class.I knew it would confuse people.They'd be like,"Wow.She went from satanist to jew?What the fuck?"And amoung others things that happened today,I watched my classmates tear apart a pinata of Santa Clause's head.It was quite amusing.And thats about it.

~Ven,Owner of your Soul

Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 6:42 PM CST
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Wednesday, 3 December 2003

The Title Says it All
Can't post much since the "incident" Those few of you who are close to me know what I'm talking about.I'm not allowed to post anything that could be used as "evidense" until this thing is all over.But judging by the way its going now I doubt its going away anytime soon.

I think I'm going to switch schools at the end of semester.And next year i may move to lawrence with my brother and go to highschool there.But thats still just an idea.Today someone helped me realize how stupid people are around here so I want to get away from here.Anyway I leave you with a quiz that i took.I think its pretty accurate.

I am not a happy person. I don't like life,
I am always in pain, and I need it to go away.
I wish someone would understand.

What Goddamnit song are you?

Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 9:14 PM CST
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Monday, 24 November 2003

No title
I have to type fast. As soon as I'm done updating they're gonna drag me out to the car and drive me to my first session of therapy.I refuse to go.I'll fight them to the ends of the earth cuz I'm not letting this happen.They say they're trying to hel but they're making me hate them.This won't solve anything but they cant see that.It'll just make things alot worse.This sucks so much.

Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 12:51 PM CST
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Sunday, 23 November 2003

Hey everyone.I'm leaving for Pheonix,Arizona on Tuesday.Why am i going to pheonix?Fora concert,thats why.I'll be back on thursday but while i'm gone you can look at this picture of the band i'm going to see.

I love you Nick!

Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 2:01 AM CST
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Tuesday, 18 November 2003

You asked for more roadkill!And you got it!Lots of dead rabbit and a little bit of possum too.The list of things to do with it coming soon!

img src="!rcNavL7DsrjXjCrwvBL8PT!eFqbsHrSSeAShd96W62!uTeCM/100_3713.JPG?dc=4675439230715326753">

I Love You Nick!

Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 10:22 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 November 2003 10:24 PM CST
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Saturday, 15 November 2003

Randomness Day!
Today is the day for random facts and pictures!So let the randomness commence!

-Currently,my nails are painted red and white
-I have reason to believe that my cat has been posessed by satan
-There are more blue toothbrushes in the world than red ones
-My bedroom walls are black and green
-The Matrix movies kick ass
-I once had an imaginary friend named Jenny
-Jenny lived with me for two days
-Then Jenny turned into a giraffe and ran away
-I killed all my other imaginary friends
-I was kicked out of Hen House for bringing a rat into the store
-Falling head-first out of a moving vehicle hurts like hell
-I hate my brother's girlfriend
-The world will end on March 11,2880
-Tim Burton is god
-There are two gay couples currently living in my neighborhood
-"To resist is to piss in the wind;if you do you'll end up smelling"
-I once had a pet rock named Chuck

Asher...enough said.

Don't ask.

Maybe it was once a rabbit.I really don't know.

All photos and some captions curtacy of Elle.


Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 11:35 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 15 November 2003 11:40 PM CST
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Thursday, 30 October 2003

Llama y llama
"My consentration camp of a skool sent the my class to prolife forum.Basically all the catholic schools in the city piled into a church and for three hours,listened to a bunch of rednecks rant about how evil abortion is.I think i would have slipped into a coma had i not found a pencil underneathe my chair.A lifetime's worth of entertainment is crammed into a pencil.Bottom line is it sucked and seeing as how i dont really believe in god,it didnt mean anything to me.All i got out of it was a bumper sticker that says'God is Prolife'"

Thats what i told my mom yesterday and she said that she was worried about my faith in god.I told that i didnt really care.

I found my brother's writing journal from 5th grade and its funny as hell.So for your entertainment here's a Chris journal entry(the spelling mistakes have not been changed).....

Stupid? 9-30-96
Why do hot dogs come in packs oftens,when buns come in packages of twelve or thirteen?I know why.Why because you always have to eat leftovers.Weird!

Today's lesson:Don't snort pixie stix like crack.

Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 5:03 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 30 October 2003 5:04 PM CST
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Thursday, 16 October 2003

Torch the Skool and Hang the Principal!
My school sucks!Yes,i know we've all heard it before,but it truly does suck.My principal really must hate me.So far in these short 2 months of school,she's managed to lay down 7 new rules directed straight at me and Myshel.Today it was Mrs.Mann telling me that i can't wear my hair in my face.
Its funny though how it always seems to be the teachers speaking for the principal instead of the hag coming down here to say to my face.She wants us all to be angelic mindless slaves with no personality or opinion,destined to work in a fucking cubical for the rest of our lives!I swear,one more fucking pointless rule and I'm burning this hell hole to the ground!

And on a less-pissed off note.Today Myshel and me were talking about the different names for boner(don't ask why)Well,Myshel was rattling off all these synonyms for hard-on when she randomly said "grandpa"I was like,"seriously?Since when do they call boners grandpa?"

Anyway,I thought that was kinda funny.And feel to check out my poll!

Posted by rebellion2/alkalinedarkness27 at 9:31 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 16 October 2003 10:13 PM CDT
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