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BlAh BlAh
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Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: 3 Doors Down----Let Me Go
Topic: BlAh BlAh

Name: Kelsey
Birthday:September 5
Hair:redish brown
|*|//This Or That\\|*|
Coke or Pepsi:Pepsi
Night or Day:Night
Black or White:White
Guys or Girls:Guys
TV or Radio:Tv
Basketball or Football:Football
Shoes or Barefoot:Shoes
Skirts or Dresses:Skirt
Shorts or Pants:Shorts
McDonalds or Burgerking:McDonalds
Math or English:English
|*|//Last Time You\\|*|
Cried:two weeks ago
Laughed: two seconds ago
Ate:im eating right now
Took a Shower:like 15 minutes ago
Went to the Movies:monday
Did a Survery (not this one.):last week
Were kissed:yesterday
|*|//Last Person\\|*|
You Talked to on the Phone:alan
You Called:alan
Called You:alan
Made you Laugh:alan
Made you Cry:alan


do you like it?//Hell No
colors//green and gold
favorite teacher//NONE
what do they teach?//none
gym teacher//none
do you like your mascot?//yea
least favorite teacher//trahan
what do they teach?//english 1


cell phone//ring ring
ice cream//cold
cheerleading//rah rah
pictures//damn he hott
fat lard//tina
hilary duff//so yesterday
brad//my freind
movie star//movie

Posted by rebellion2/adorably_cute_punk at 3:48 PM EST
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My WoNdErFuL DaY!!!
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: CaNdIsHoP-50 CeNt
Topic: BlAh BlAh
hay its me gosh today was kool i woke and my me and my mom went shooping i got me some clothes and some other stuff it was leavin tommorrow and i cant dotn know how lond im stayin though...ok i got a secret i think im startin to like paul agin that sux....really bad.. i dotn think he likes i g2g love always me

She fooled,
all of her friends into thinking shes so strong,
but she still sleeps with the light on,
and she acts like its alright on,
she smile,
again her mother lies sick with cancer,
and her friends dont understand her,
shes a question without answers,
who feels like falling apart

but she knows,
she so much more than worthless,
she needs to find her purpose.
what did she do to deserve this?

She's calling out to you,
This is a call:this is a call out
cause everytime i fall down,
i reach out to you
And im losing all control now,
and my hazard signs are all out,
Im asking you, to show to show me what this life, is all about

He tells everyone a story,
Because he feels life is boring,
and he fights, so you wont ignore him
Because thats his biggest fear
and he cries, but you rarely see him do it,
he loves but hes scared to use it,
so he hides behind the music,
cause he likes it that way

He knows hes so much more than worthless,
he needs to find the surface,
because hes,starting to get nervous
He’s calling out to You,
This is a call, this is a call out,
Everytime I fall down,
I reach out to you
And I’m losing all control now,
And my hazard signs are all out,
I’m asking you, to show me what this life, is all about
Have you ever felt this way before?,
Cause I don’t want to hide here anymore,
Take me to a place where nothing’s wrong, and,
Thanks for coming, shut the door
They say someone out there sees us,
Well if you’re real then save me Jesus,
Cause I’ve been this way, for far too long,
I wasn’t meant, to feel alone
Now I’m calling out to You,
This is a call, this is a call out,
Everytime I fall down,
I reach out to you
And I’m losing all control now,
And my hazard signs are all out,
I’m asking you, to show me what this life, is all about
show me what this life, is all about

-Thousand Foot Krutch -This is a call!

Posted by rebellion2/adorably_cute_punk at 2:45 PM EST
Updated: 03/25/2005 2:53 PM EST
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x\\ spell your name backwards: yeslek
x\\ have you ever had a song written about you: nope
x\\ what song makes you cry: Crazy-KC and JOJO

x\\ what song makes you happy:LALA-Ashlee Simpson

x\\ what's your all time fav. song?: LALA-ashlee simpson
x\\ what do you listen to before you go to sleep: ashlee simpson
x\\ height: around 5'5'
x\\ hair color: reddish brownish blackish
x\\ piercings:none
x\\ tattoos: i wish

Right Now . . .
x\\ what color pants are you wearing: black
x\\ what song are you listening to: lala- ashlee simpson
x\\ what taste is in your mouth?: pizza

x\\ whats the weather like?: alright
x\\ how are you?: umm im happy i got to talk to my very hot freind allen
x\\ get motion sickness?: nope
x\\ have a bad habit?: telling people wut i think
x\\ get along with your parents?: depends
x\\ boyfriend/girlfriend: talkin to someone..
x\\ have a current crush: yeah
x\\ have a big regret: yea

Favorite . . .
x\\ tv show: viva la bam and ashlee simpson show
x\\ conditioner: herbal essences

x\\ book: idk
x\\ non alchohol drink: Pepsi
x\\ alchohol drink: apple pucker.
x\\ things to do on the weekend: chill with friends

Have You Ever . . .
x\\ broken the law: um....maybe
x\\ ran away from home: nope
x\\ snuck out of the house: nope
x\\ ever gone skinny dipping: nope
x\\ made a prank phone call: yes
x\\ tipped over a portapotty:
x\\ use your parents credit card: nope
x\\ skipped school before:
x\\ fell asleep in the shower/bath: nope
x\\ been in a school play: yeah
x\\ had a boyfriend/girlfriend: ....yea duh i had a bf
x\\ had children: NO!
x\\ been in love: yea
x\\ have a hard time getting over someone: yea
x\\ been hurt?: is this physicly or emotonaly?..yea
x\\ gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: yea

Random . . .
x\\ have a job: no but i need one
x\\ your cd player has what in it right now: my chemical romance, ashlee simpson, avril avigne

x\\ if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: pink
x\\ what makes you happy?: talkin to allen
x\\ the next CD you're going to buy: i dont buy cds that much...i copy them frum ppl

When/What Was the Last . . .
x\\ you got a real letter: yesterday i got one from allen
x\\ got an email: today
x\\ thing you purchased: a shirt
x\\ Tv program you watched: cant remember
x\\ movie you saw in the theaters:hide and seek
x\\ kissed: comment x\\ hugged: .....umm no comment x\\ song heard: good riddance by greenday
x\\ place you were [ besides home ]: tashia's house
x\\ phonecall: today..a few minuits ago
x\\ you were depressed:last week x\\ you were in the hospital: when my uncle got in that helicopter accident

When/What Comes to Mind When You Hear . . .
x\\ car: civic
x\\ murder: death
x\\ cape: ....
x\\ penis: sex
x\\ cell: phone call
x\\ shoe: feet
x//crush :alan x\\ x//music: rock
x\\ chalk: board

---> oh my name, its:: kelsey

---> middle name:: anne (sucks ass)
---> birthday:: September 5

---> age:: 14
---> location:: Schriever
---> eye color:: brown
---> hair color::
---> height:: 5'5
---> glasses or contacts:: both
---> braces:: nope
---> single or taken::
---> bad habits:: biting ma nails
---> fears:: i hav lots

---> screen name::boyspreferbrunettes0506


---> where do/did you go to school:: evergreen junior high

---> what is/was your school mascot::eagles
---> what are/were you school colors:: green and gold

---> whats your favorite subject::recess

---> whos your favorite teacher:: none

---> what do they teach:: none

---> who sits next to you in math class::umm i dont know


---> do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:: no
---> do you have a crush:: yea
---> do they know:: yea
---> have you ever broken someones heart:: yes
---> have you ever had a broken heart:: yea


---> animal:: pigs and coows
---> color:: pink and orange
---> person:: tanner and josh
---> season:: summer
---> holiday:: christmas and my birthday
---> feeling:: happy
---> word:: jackass and dumbass and many more...
---> month::september
---> food::french fries


---> best::tasha

---> darlingest:: ashley

---> funniest:: josh

---> tallest:: umm....

---> shortest:: tasha

---> loudest:: me
---> shyest:: none

---> smartest:: i dunno they are all smart
---> blondest::christina
---> craziest:: we are all crazy
---> weirdest:: im not saying cause i dont have clue
---> flirtest:: me


---> had a wish come true:: no
---> had a dream come true:: yeh
---> broken a body part:: no
---> fallen in love:: yes
---> done something you regret:: yea
---> tripped & fell in public:: of course

---> sang in public:: yea
---> cried in public:: yea
---> kissed someone besides family:: yes
---> been in a car crash:: nope


---> thing you did before getting on the computer:: washed my hair and took a shower
---> person you yelled at:: justin

---> person you hugged:: umm.....
---> person you IMd:: allen
---> time you cleaned your room:: haha i dont have a clue
---> song you were listening to:: ashlee simpson
---> tv show you watched::

---> movie you watched:: white chicks
---> time you went to the movies:: wow long time ago
---> time you cried:: umm a couple of days ago
---> time you took a shower:: just now


---> coke OR pepsi:: pepsi
---> tall OR short:: tall
---> flowers OR candy:: flowers

---> math OR english:: english
---> blink 182 OR sugarcult:: sugarcult
---> mickey OR minnie:: minnie
---> middle school OR highschool:: high school i guess since that is where i will be for 3 more years

---> boyfriend OR girlfriend:: boyfriend
---> single OR taken:: single...

Posted by rebellion2/adorably_cute_punk at 9:55 AM EST
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My WoNdErFuL DaY
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: CaNdIsHoP-50 CeNt
Topic: BlAh BlAh
hay its me this is my new blog soo this is my first entry..well i dont have to gotop school today because i have a doctor's other

blog really gonna write for a fewdays and then im leavin so i wont be writin for a while...i cnat wait to go to my cuzin's house....yay she is really well i g2g
love always

......SoMeDaY....WhEn YoUr AlL AlOnE.....MeMoRiEs WiLl MaKe U SeE....ReGrEt...WiSh.....AnD CrY...MeMoRiEs Of WhAt YoU DiD To Me...

is it wrong for you to not to be able to sleep, cuz your scared youll dream of him??!!

id give it all awy just for us to be freinds agian

dont ever give up if you still wanna try....dont wipe your eyes if you still wanna cry.....dotn stop askin questions....if you still wanna know.....dont say you dont love him...if you cant let him go...

the wrost guys are the ones that like you

i just stood there and watched you.....s

i love walking in the rain cuz then noone notices im crying

you told me i could never live without you well guess what im still alive

i just cant look its killing me and taking control jealosy , and turning saints into the sea swimming through sick lullabies choking on your alibis but its just the price i pay destiny is calling me open up my eager eyes cuase im MR BRIGHT SIDE~THE KILLERS

your as fake as the padded bra your wearing

you dont have to say your single i can tell by the way you look

your not ugly your just facially challenged lol

look everyone makes mistakes take your parents for example

find someoen who makes you smile and never give up on them

i dont know if i like i, i dont know if i care,all i know is your really hot, and its hard not to stare!

Posted by rebellion2/adorably_cute_punk at 9:27 AM EST
Updated: 03/24/2005 9:56 AM EST
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