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Home Made Movies

(Former Home of Adattams)



-My First Music Video

-My Second Music Video


-When Good Psychos Go Bad

-The Playground: Better Safe than Sorry

And now for something completely different...

-The Kathy Award!

8/13/05 - I haven't updated this site in a while. As
you can see, Andrew added his new movie,
The Playground: Better Safe than Sorry to the
site a few days ago. I've also changed the site's
layout a bit to make it (slightly) more pleasing to
the eye. Enjoy! ~Adam

2/23/05 - Welcome to the New Adattams! Ok, it's not
so much a new version of Adattams as it is a site for
Andrew (mostly) and me to put our movies on the
internet. Enyoy! ~Adam