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American Association for the Protection of White People


This is NOT a hate site & NOT a hate group site!

Every body is welcome here!

The purpose of this Association/Society is:
To promote the protection of white people,
To promote the protection of the rights of white people,
To promote the safety of white people,
To promote the right of being proud of ones race,
To help bring back the rights of white people,
To promote unity in the white race,
To promote and present FACTS.

We do NOT & are NOT:
Encourage violence of any kind,
Promote violence of any kind,
Claim "White Power",
Against Gay people,
Against Jewish people,

We have GREAT respect for 2 brave black americans who admit truth. Those 2 black americans are: Shelby Steele (research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution ) and UC Berkeley Anthropology Professor John Ogbu.

We are NOT against ALL black people, only the ones that act stupid, commit crimes, want special rights, seek revenge, can't put slavery of the pass behind them and continue to corrupt the safety of this countrys existence. We are against the powerful NAACP and it's leaders who are more prejucice than any of our members ever dreamed of being. But we are also against the modern day versions of the KKK and other so-called "White Power" and "White Pride" hate groups who do not appreciate the freedom that this country gives to Jews, gay people, non-christians and the non-violent and non-racist blacks. We maintain that black people can be just as good as the author of this website! BUT that the black population of today in America is very much over populated with a very corrupt form of people, more so than the white population, and that the condition of many of the countries in Africa today was caused by similiar types of black folks.

This group was formed because I am sick and tired of the other groups who have forgotten the main purpose of white protection. The KKK used to be a great group, simply for the PROTECTION of white americans (and even for the protection of black americans), against black crimes and federal injustice. But after Congress stopped funding and supporting the rights of the KKK, the KKK's membership dropped dramically with the uprising of the NAACP. The KKK then had to add other missions of purpose to increase membership, accepting anti-gay & anti-jewish right-wing extremish hate groups. The American Association for the Protection of White People has been created to return some of the original ideals and purposes of the original KKK. We must protect our white rights, white race, white groups and white businesses. We must protect the American borders. Blacks have the legal right to have their own groups, schools, organizations but our white rights have been taken away. Blacks and aliens now have far more rights than white americans. That must be undone. Blacks and aliens are killing white americans in massive numbers without any protest, yet when one white person kills one black person, thousands of blacks head to the streets in violent protest. We must start making ourselves known and stop the violence of the blacks and islamics. Although the southern states had every right to succeed from the union during the Civil War, we must adopt a new plan. The 50 states are a strong union and are needed for protection from foreign nations such as China, North Korea, Russia, Iran & other war loving nations. To divide our nation in half during this century would no longer serve our purpose. In fact, if we were to divide, We would have one more nation against us AND along our borders! We must stand united. We need to stand united across all 50 states against the powerful NAACP and black lobbyist. They have a new weapon, the Islamic religion. They are standing united. They do not disfellowship blacks due to sexual preference, gender, religion or geographical location. As long as they are anti-white, they stand together. We must stand as united as they are and more so. And actually, if any black person agrees with the following, then they may too join our society. As the original KKK also had black members! Agree with this: Blacks (in general) commit MUCH more crime than the white race as a whole in percentages, Blacks are more prejucice than whites, Blacks have special rights, Blacks have more rights because they have special rights, Way too many black people use the race card in every situation, Blacks claim racism even when they know it's not just to get revenge on the system for what people did decades ago, The American Islamic black groups directed by black folks are racist war mongers, Malcom X was a terrorist, Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, Martin Luther King was great (the greatest black leader) in that he did not preach violence but however he was a communist and stole the words and writings of other people, The black teenagers of today in America act completely ridiculus dancing down the streets acting like idiots singing and dancing like morans, The black influence on white teenagers of today in America is the down fall of American intellience and decency, with their pants down to their knees and stupid rap "music" instead of learning about and enjoying true music, AND MUCH MUCH MORE!

The American Association for the Protection of White People (AAPWP) has great respect for two brave black americans who admit truths. They are Shelby Steele (research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution) and UC Berkeley Anthropology Professor John Ogbu. Professor Ogbu conducted an intense study in Cleveland Ohio and concluded that it was the black peoples own fault for their low test scores, not racism or school funding! Learn more about him and his research at ""
Professor Ogbu received much criticism for his work. To racial theorist Shelby Steele, the response to Ogbu's work was predictable. Steele, a black research fellow at Stanford University & the author of "The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America", has weathered similar criticism for his own provocative theories about the gap between blacks and whites. He believes continued societal deference to the victims of racial discrimination has permitted blacks "the license not to meet the same standards that others must meet," which has been detrimental to every aspect of African-American life. "To talk about black responsibility is "racist' and "blaming the victim,'" he says. "They just keep refusing to acknowledge the elephant in the living room -- black responsibility. When anybody in this culture today talks about black responsibility for their problems, they are condemned and ignored."
Learn more about Shelby Steele at the following two links: ""

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