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There is a revolution brewing in our midst. New minds are making new ideas and sharing them with the general populace. Societies collective consciousness is evolving and expanding to form a whole new generation of free minded souls. Suddenly thousands are realizing this opportunity for their lives and interesting changes are beginning to take place at a more rapid rate, society is preparing to put forth a new generation of revolutionists who will bring on a new era of social freedoms and change the experience of reality as we know it as the human race. This is not conspiracy, nor is it fantasy, this change is evident in our everyday lives, anyone with an open mind can begin to realize and accept these changes.

In this new age of technology there are so many outlets through which a great majority of the younger generations can be reached and informed of the coming change, and educated as to what they can do to help initiate the changes in their everday lives. We feel lost, we feel abandoned, it is as if the path in life were shrouded, we want so badly for things to change but haven't the slightest clue exactly how to bring it about. Yet there are those of us with ideas and plans and visions who have experienced these changes and are realizing just what can be done to assist them in being assimilated by the rest of society. We, the informers, wish genuinely to spread the good news and amazing realizations of the coming age, this website is an outlet for connecting with and absorbing this energy.

Please enjoy the information that has been assembled here, it has been my little child for the past 4 years and i think i am finally realizing the potential of the internet. I only ask that you enter with an open mind, and that anyone who has any questions or comments or maybe wants to contribute to the collection feel free to email me at

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