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An assortment of magical items lay in the sands...which one do you choose?

You touch the Magical Seashell...and suddenly, you are taken over by a strange giggly feeling, like a thousand feathers were tickling you all at once! When you come to your senses, you are here, in Vionnettre Swamp, land of the Mermaids!

A red-headed Mermaid combing her hair on a rock, waiting to lure sailors in with the Mermaid's Chant.

A Mermaid with a Red Tail playing with the fish in the Coral Reef. How fun!

Here's a great example of a Mermaid's mischeviousness: a Mermaid holding down a ships anchor for fun. It is a very funny sight to see, but the sailors won't be very happy...

Mermaids are the only beings who can communicate with fish. Here's a Mermaid playing with her Angelfish friends.

Here's my favorite Mermaid, a very spritely energetic Mermaid who loves to stand out in the crowd with her vivid blue hair!

A very unique black-and-white Mermaid! It is said that these have the ability to call upon the Dragons...

Mermaids do have a tendency to play with Angelfish rather than others, it is because (they say) Angelfish are nicer and can relate to Mermaids better than others.

Here are two Mermaids playing in the long seaweeds, looking for a handsome sailor to rescue.

There are some strange creatures you can only see in Vionnettre Swamp, the Brollie this Mermaid is riding doesn't like the any of the slightly different conditions of the waters outside the Swamp.

The Mermaids can go on land, but they have to be careful that they don't get beached and dry up. The second they get too dry, their gills stick together and they suffocate.

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