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Vanes - The Real Italian Stallion ;)

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I am Vanes, a fountain of knowledge, and this is my first attempt at a webpage. By the way, this top pussy in the background is Mooncat, one of the great underappreciated television kids' characters of all time. Better than those whining brats the Tweenies or bloody Dogtanian This page is full of shite, but it will give you all you need to know about anything. Ho Ho Ho. Christmas comes early this year with this stupendous Santa. This bloke is maybe the scariest person alive, up there with Ronald McDonald, The Sugar Puff Monster and Jamie Oliver. Observe the bemused expression on the baby's face, almost saying "Mum, get me off this twat's knee", and the Santa looks like the bloke who used to present Bullseye, with that cartoon bull, who has since signed up to star in Boddington adverts. Talking of celebity cows, I once met that Claire Sweeny person off the telly, and what a miserable bint she was. Here for no paticular reason are some cigarettes. Go on children, inhale! Inhale! Like the beagles did before the bloody RSPCA came along. Dogs turned vicious when deprived of their tabs. There's a film called American Beauty, which I have never seen, but I know there's a scene with some naked chick and some roses. This rose was in that scene, and also the Stone Roses were a top band, and there was a Bond movie called The Name Of The Rose, where 007 travels back to become a Franciscan monk, and becomes mates with Christian Slater. This kinda stuff is the kinda thing to expect from this wonderous site, so enjoy.

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About A Terrific Ska Band - The Aquabats, Those Crazy Kids
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