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Welcome to Underten. If you have found this web page you were most likely brought here from some other internet freestyle roleplay. This is not very different from the other ones you have roleplayed in.

We are excited you are here and wish to tell you a little bit about Underten. Underten runs directly beneath Tenaria(or yahoo teen roleplay)but is seperated by diminsions, there should be a lot less fighting and a lot less people trying to destroy every character you made. There are several rooms that are strictly Underten. These are Mayfair Inn. Darkness Tavern.. and DarkCavern.. Each of these are going to be explained in pages further. Also there is going to be a message board eventually for everyone who wants to post on it with any problems.. Two other things and these are important.
1. every room that is a part of Underten is a secured room which means you have to be invited to get in. No room that is not secured can be a part of UT.
2. There can be no out of character comments in our rooms. Please keep all ooc to the message board or PM.

Finally have fun. Roleplay. And have fun.

please Excuse The Mess. I Fixin it.

Gaming Devil

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Inside Underten

Other Abnormals
Middle Tenarian Tavern
Darkness Tavern
Mayfair Inn
Forum Comunity
Free UnderTen email