The Underground -- Ver.2_blue

Konnichiwa, minna-san^^! I'm Wari and welcome to The Underground -- Ver.2_blue! Where the content is sure to please!!^^ Enjoy your visit!

Basically, the creation of The Underground was merely to host a measly amount of Jrock fanfics written by mostly me and (hopefully) a few other talented writers! And if you haven't noticed, I've changed the color scheme from red, black, and white to various shades of blue and white. I hope that this new look will be to your liking somehow!

I mainly write Glay, Dir en grey, and Luna Sea fics, but you never know what else I can be working on! ^___~ I will also gladly accept any gracious fic donations if anyone is willing to contribute! Keep in mind that the site will not grow to be very large because 1) I am posting only a minimum amount of fics 2) I tend to hit numerous writers' blocks and 3) the process of gathering up fics from their respective authors is tedious!

And I also have a sad note: Due to school studies (yes, hell has reopened its gates), our upcoming band activities (No Naka^^), and *blush*...sheer laziness, I will not be able to write and update for The Underground as often as I have during the summer. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. But moving on...

Before you continue, I must remind you that this is a YAOI friendly fanfic site! (Meaning: the contents involve m/m sexual themes and/or activities!^^). So for those who do not wish to stay for any reason, may do so leave at this moment. If you even think about flaming anyone in here, you'll have to answer to my fiery acoustic guitar of death. *menacingly wields Yamaha-san the 2nd* With that said, feel free to explore & sign The Underground's Guest List! Thanks a bunch & have a good time reading! ^______^V

Please click on the gorgeous piccy of Inoran-sama to enter!


Due le quartz is no more, but that isn't the end of Miyabi...or should I say Miyavi? Click here to find out the latest!

Due le quartz mourning badge by Brittany. Go visit her site and mourn, fellow Visual Kei lovers. We will miss you, DLQ! ;___;

Special Announcement:

I'm sorry if The Underground was not accessible on 10/06/02 -- Angelfire screwed up on their service and erased my ENTIRE Menu Page. Luckily, I'd stored one of my out-dated menus on my computer's HD and I have finally finished uploading it onto the Angelfire Database. Again, sorry for any inconvenience.

-- Wari

This webmaster Wari is a member of the ultimate JRock Ring

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Opened since: March 24, 2002*~*~*Last updated: October 7, 2002

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