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....I Aint Mad Atcha....
....Let he who is without Sin cast the first stone....

Hello....guess u came here to find out something about me......i could make myself be anyone on here, but im going to be here goes: my name is 20 and i live wherever feels like a good place at the time. I have changed my page my moods change. Alot of people want to judge me..all I can say is, judge away..what you think doesnt really matter to me, only a select few opinons make a difference in my life. I live a day at a time...I used to try to plan everything out, but that blew up in my face, so I live for the moment, ya kno? While I am single, Im not really looking. I do have a son Blaine...he IS my world, my heart and soul...Guess this isnt really what you were expecting, but get over it....had I not intrigued you, you wouldnt still be reading.


*Becca-what up wich ya??*L*I'm not sure of what to say here...but o'll be aight....get at me....

*Hawaiian Wallflower-Tamala....u used to be my we hardly ever talk anymore.....but I'm still here for ya babygirl.

*Heather Walden- where to start? It seems that we have been through everything. Thanks for being there.You meant a lot more to me than you will ever know.

*Sexy Shae-well, I dont kno what to say, you talked to me alot more before we got to know each other very well. Even though you dont talk to me much anymore, you still my girl.....

*Nicki-I took you off here for a while b/c we lost touch....glad to be talkin to you again....good luck with the marriage thing...and the baby...

*Mighty Aphrodite-Angela, I dont know where to start with you. I'm sorry about everything. I never meant to hurt you or cause you any pain, I hope you know that. It always seemed that the more I talked, the more I screwed up things between us. I wish that I could change all that, but I cant. I dont kno what the future holds for us, but I hope that it is full of happiness and joy....and Blaine having a good life and bein able to have BOTH parents in his life.

Picture Page

*This spot used to be for my "tru" friends, but most of mine weren't so I'ma put my opinons here. I've changed it several times...not all that long ago it was saying how you should try to get along with everyone....I tried that....and I must say...FUCK THAT...some ppl u cant reason with, well....thats their loss, to bad we cant all just get along, but o well....guess thats life.