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Wizdumb AKA Looney... Savage Lyricist

ToneDeaf Teknicians

The Rose City's premiere eclectic compilation of beats, lyrics, and funk!
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Although the concept of ToneDeaf Teknicians was originated in Alaska, at the dawn of the new Millenium ToneDeaf began to rock crowds as a "just kick-it and spin" crew of homegrown P-Town Kids. Now, though the company is a scant two years old and still fresh to the scene, they have had the opportunity to work on projects with other crews such as Good-Poop, 805 Productions, Kaos Kreations, Senor Frog, Greenhouse, and a few others. ToneDeaf's involvement with these other companies ranged from promoting to DJ'ing to hosting break dance competitions.
Tone Deaf is the Originator of Wednesday's "Boogie Nights" in 2001. The put on "Shake it" at the vinyards and let's not forget "Fusion". (Check out coming events for sequels to these parties in the coming months)
More recently, the ToneDeaf events staff has just finished helping with the "128 Bitches Per Minute Tour" and they're currently placing the finishing touches on their much anticipated "Therapy" party.
The ToneDeaf Collective is steadily striving to implant the beats... resistance is futile...
... you will be assimilated!!!

Website Created by Ashanti Hall - ShacklesnappaZ Enterprises