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The Site Without a Reason

Note: all information and quotations on this site are not to be used without permission from Thunder Spunk or Shortess herself

Welcome to the site without a reason, I don't know why you'd want to look at it but it's your time not mine...haha :) Anyways yeah we're still working on the band and some other fun stuff but yeah...have fun and this is the SITE WITHOUT A REASON!!!

*June 12...i think* "Once again, here we are in this wonderful thing we call life..." it's 730 in the morning and i shouldn't even be up, i don't have to leave til like 10 but what the heck. some interesting developments in my "exciting" life, but yeah it's all good...

as for the site, it's going to be pretty boring for a while until it gets a face lift...which should be sometime soon.

luv y'all....shortness

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