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The Burne Crew As Brought To You By Mikey

Yes yes... here it is. The Burne Crew. The greatest group of friends in the world (minus a few absentees that will make their way to this page sooner or later). And now, since most of us are allowed to do the things we do, I've decided it's time to post it on the web. For those of you who just stumbled upon this site, we in the Burne in no way promote underage drinking. If that's not sarcasm I don't know what is.

Fall and Winter - I haven't put up a page in about 5 months... mostly because every night I take pictures I never take enough to make a couple pages out of it. Well I've got quite a few now. Here's Fall '04 and Winter '05 in a nutshell.

Lake George Trip '04 - Matty's almost out of the Navy, but he gets leave for a week and a bunch of us head up to Lake George for a fun filled weekend with him. Things were crazy (as always if you put the Wurtz boys, me and Trish together for a whole weekend) and it was a fricken blast. Check it out

Pong Tourny at Rutger - One drunken night... all of the house regulars decided that before we were all to leave, we should put together a one on one tournament to see who was truely the best. My path didn't go exactly as I planned, but the night, overall, was fun for all.

Party at Rutger Street - Well one night we threw the whole no party rule out the window and actually go caught because we had like 13 cars outside. It was crazy. Here's a couple pictures of the good times.

Random Pics - I got a new camera and I haven't really had a night with a ton of pictures yet, but I got a bunch of random ones and here they are.

Block Party 2003 - Well it took me about 3 months to get these things developed, but here they are. This was one of the most drunken nights I've ever seen, and judging from these pictures I'm pretty sure everyone else would agree. Check it out...

Montreal Trip Feb 2003 - Once again headed towards the greatest city in the world, Tom, Caleb and I, with tickets to see WWE's No Way Out, met up with Nick and had yet another wonderful time amung our neighbors to the north. And we got to see Stone Cold, how cool is that?

Katie's 21st Birthday!! - Katie turned 21 at midnight on morning of January 12th and we took full advantage of it by heading out to the bar when the calender turned. From drunken morons dancing with Jericho to dancing Caldwells and long-time-missed friends, Katie's birthday was a good time for us all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!

Holly Hour to the Hour Glass 1/7/03 - Matty left VA at Midnight Monday night and arrived at ten the next morning. After a few hours of porn and a nice, dirty lunch at the Diner, do you think this Navy boy would want to go to sleep? HELL NO!! He's my bestest friend in the whole wide world!! We don't sleep after something like that, we drink!!

New Years 2003!! - The New Year looked to be in jeopardy with the planned group party being cancelled just days short of Christmas Eve. Everyone was bummed, not able to think of anything we could all do together, underage and over. Luckily Scottie saved us all by providing the place and for being a party only put together in two days... I think we did one hell of a job.

Bar Night 12/27/02 - Well lets see here... almost the whole crew is 21. Gee... what should we do two nights after Christmas? Well go to the bar of course. Every member of the crew that could go was there and even a few of the friendly neighbors known as Hamiltonians.

Miscellaneous Pictures - Sometimes I just don't have enough pictures from a night to put up an entire page about them. This is where they end up. Check 'em out!

Miscellaneous Pictures continued...
