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Cirrus SilverWolf

Heyz, Welcome to my site! I'm a 16 year old cold-hearted, loveless and Anti-Love bitch...A humourless Ice Queen who attends Bishop Ryan hishschool in Hamilton,Ontario,Canada. Not exciting huh? Nah of course's school! Lol. You guys may know me using alot of nicknames like...Rini, Scorched or my Wiccan name, Cirrus SilverWolf!. And some of you may know me as Lizzy bear, Lil Brat or just plain Brat(Ashley)! But usually by my real name, Elizabeth.This site is dedicated to basically all my friends and everyone's who's been there for me when I needed them. I Love you to death! There are a couple of friends which I want to say some things to.

Chibimars16/Sarah: I Luvz you like a sister. You were one of my first friends and I hope that while you're in military school and when you're out fighting for your remember that we're all behind you and wishing you the best. We will meet again. I promise.

Air_Faerie/Brittany: Sis what can I say? You've helped me with many of my problems and watched my back when you could! You've told me things I promise I won't tell to anyone else. I will not let you down when you need me. I Luv You.

Cinis/Ashley: You're my evil twin. My Partner in crime...shhh! ^-^ And I tell you basically everything There is to tell. As you better tell me *shakes a fist at you* Or Else! I'll make you tell!!!...I'm serious. Lol...The only thing I can think of saying to you is this...Ashwey Bear!!! And let's move away from Bad 21 year old Shawn and Bronco ok? ^-^; Oh and from Jimmy...and JOE!!!You know you can come to me for anything Ashley. I Luv Ya and I'm watching your back when you need me. Just remember that poem in your locker k? Lol.

Helios/Danny: Danny..Danny..Danny..Lol What can I say to you? We had a lot of fun during the time we dated and through our entire life! But nothing makes me happier then knowing you're my friend ...but more then that you're like my brother. Both you and Marcus have put up with alot of bullshit from me and I love you two to death! I'm glad you decided to move back to Canada...couldn't picture my life without ya, Hun.

theevilblackcat: HeHe...I know you!!! I barely see or talk to you nowadayz But it's alright because I know you're studying hard for school. I know you're going to get very far in life so I wish you luck and fortune. Even though we haven't talked too much recently I know that you're here for me too. Thanks Bud.

Angelus: I just wanted to congratulate you on your engagement...When we broke up this year, I told you I'd accept us being friends and I have kept my promise to you...Lovez ya Babez and good luck, from the bottom of my heart.

Vampire_Shadow_01/Robert: Heyz Bro, You wanted on and so i put you on. Just wanted to give you some advise. Don't be getting yourself into trouble and don't be asking too much of people alright? You never know when th other may..snap and just give you nothing. Wish you the best of luck and lubz you. Ciaoz.
Well I'll stop being all mushy and get back to finishin the site cuz as you can see it's not entirely complete. Just give me a few more days and I'll see you guys soon.

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