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(Poor Ununionized Native Workers Are Never Idle)

Application to Slavery

16-year-old girls assemble Keds sneakers and apply toxic glue with their bare hands and without respirators.

And I thought Ms. Punwani's class was bad. Adults and children are forced to work in hazardous conditions for wages that won't ever let them live the most meager of existences. Does this bother anyone?!? Then there's the fact that children are sold to the people who run sweatshops for less than $15, wages for workers are less than 20¢. "A shocking new report compiled by UNITE shows a pattern of abuse in 43 factories producing Gap clothes across 3 continents. Workers report beatings, verbal abuse, sexual harassment, and harsh repression of union organizing. The pay is so low that workers making Gap clothes are trapped in desperate poverty. For the cost of a few dimes per garment, the Gap could double the pay of workers in these factories." ( It is impossible to ignore such sickening anti-humanitarianism, partly because we are the consumers of clothing, sports equipment, and tacos made in sweatshops around the world.

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