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Welcome to my website. This site is dedicated to my roleplaying characters. If you came here via one of my roleplaying profiles, you probably know what roleplaying is. Or at least you should! But for those who don't know, roleplay is almost like writing a story. You invent a character,and go into a roleplay room with other roleplayers. You describe your actions, and invent storylines for your character. You can spar with other characters, talk to them, or pretty much do anything you would in real life, only it's imaginary, and you have to type it all out. I hope that isn't too confusing.

Since I have more then one character, here's a list of the ones I use. There are others but I don't use them, so I wont mention them. I go on various accounts depending on what sort of mood I'm in.

For this site, I'm planning to have extended profile and history on each character. The purpose being that people always seem to ask about the story behind a character, and it's so much easier to have it all in one place, not having to type it out over and over again.

Aldria's Bio Kalysta's Bio Kaori's Bio Liang's Bio Other Stuff Reili's Bio Shianne's Bio Shin's Bio