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Son of Dixie


Dixie, has given brith to many great men and women of our time. She has wept as grand children fought aganist her children. She has been call all matter of names, yet she still stands today triving. People whom do not even know her for themselves have labeled her rascist. Yet daily she seems to grow stronger, influing ever aspect of the lives of people she comes in conttact with. With her white stars she shows she is welcomed in heaven, her red flag symbolizes the blood she has lost, and with her blue strpies she shows she will stand true. So when you see the dress of Dixie, try advert your mind away from the hate groups, and look at where she has come from and where she is headed.


DiXiE RoLl CaLl, is were I reconigze some of my friends and family memebers.

Voices of the Son, this is were I take time and say what's on my mind weither it's by pome, essay, or simple quote.

Children & Friends of Dixie, these are just a few pictures of frineds of mine and associates.

Dixie's Past, how can you know what going on if you don't know what's already happen?