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. . . M y S e l f D e c l a r a t i o n. . .

I am not perfect. I am not daddy's little girl anymore. I am not an angel. I do party, i do drink occassionally but i am not a drunk, i know when to stop. I dont like school and i do get into trouble. I do listen to what i want, whether it be ska, punk, metal, rap, emo, alternative, rock, underground, or good ole icp. I like them, i dont care if you dont. I do say whats on my mind and from time to time it may be the wrong thing, but i wont take it back and regret saying it. I do feel pain, maybe even more then you do sometimes and i do bleed. What a surprise its red just like yours. I do stupid things and i can laugh them off later. I like to laugh, sometimes i laugh at something that may be unfunny, but it was funny to me. I do cry, i might not admit to it alot, but i do. I make mistakes and i learn from my mistakes. I do need protection from time to time but i also need to be left alone to learn to protect myself. I like drawing, i may not be the best, i may not even be good, but i like doing it. I want to explore the world. I can be confusing, but thats half the fun of knowing me...figuring me out. I dont like authority and sometimes i purposely defy it. I am a rule breaker, problem starter, and dilemma diva. I learn from the past and strive for the future. I have enough guts to dance naked on a table one night and live out the effects the next. I have scars to show a war ive fought with myself and what life has thrown at me since 5 and though they bring back painful memories..they prove ive survived. I like baggy clothes. I dont like all. I am not girly, i am a tomboy. I make desisions everyday, some easy, some hard. but i make them and dont regret making them because why regret something, instead of dwelling on that, turn around and fix it. I fight a never ending war with myself constantly yet today. I do not cheat in my war. I do play a game of life, day by day, everyday. I also play as fierce if i can. I will make it. I wont give up. Ive realized who i am is fine, not perfect but thats great to me. Perfection is a disease, if you want it bad you'll never have it cuz you'll never be satisfied. Your always lookin for something better. I dont want to be perfect ever. I will not change for anyone but me. This includes whoever reads this. So dont try and change me, you wont. If you can take the time to point out everything thats "wrong" with me and to try and change it to your liking, you dont care enough for me to realize that maybe i like it the way it is and your hurting me. You cant make me who i am not.