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Robb's Page

Are my interests divided? Do I spend my time thinking how I can please Him? Am I devoted in body and spirit? A relationship with Jesus will set you free forever! I can have that life I dreamed of as a child! Do I acknowledge God in all my ways? Faith through trials produces endurance that smiles with all joy when hard times come. If it doesn’t promote a life of faith I won’t hear it! A spiritual leader takes control and does not look to the opposition; he blasts through the obstacles never taking his eyes off the vision or considering the reports or circumstances of his dreams enemies. Never compromise the vision! Strengthen and protect the vision by placing God’s Word as a hedge of protection around it! “Call down the anointing and look up for the blessings.” Your circumstances are God’s opportunity. Wait for God’s counsel. (Psalm 106:13) In my spiritual life do I seek counsel from man? Or from God through His word? What do I think about as I go to sleep? Reflect on God’s Word what I read that day in my devotion! Find my composure in God. Will I act on the Word? Is my life still explained in terms of “me” or is it explained in terms of “Christ who lives in me”? Sacrifice of Praise (Psalm 141:2) Christ’s righteousness dwells in me to help me do things that are right, and make Godly choices! Not to think more highly of myself than others or that I am special. It is Christ that enlarges me in my distress. I don’t (seek) want the lease, I (seek) want the title deed. The Lord has put gladness in my heart. It is the heart that keeps the Father’s commands, not my good deeds or normal lifestyle! “Teach me Lord to keep mercy and truth in my heart.” (The confidence I put in myself is destructive!) Fast for direction. Pray and supplicate make known your requests and petitions. Receive the instructions of vision and confide in the hope of God. Stand in faith with bold confession of the Word in praise of victory. When we pray the Word of God we pray the Will of God.

I am:

Spirit = New Creation

Soul = Mind, Will, Emotions

Body = Flesh

God is:

God = Father

Jesus = Son

Holy Ghost = Spirit

God desires our presence more than we desire His. It is in the middle of our brokenness that God wants to move to change us most. It is not an “all me experience”, it is a co-experience with God. What you see determines what you become and faith sees! Faith sees the outcome according to God’s will and what the Word says. Obedience is the true evidence that the Love of God is being perfected in us. (John 14:21)

(1) Surrender my heart in obedience (2) Demonstrate love to others Renewal through confession of the Word Physical obedience manifests spiritual power. Don’t move into your promised land until you are clothed with power from on high! Faith is from the heart not the mind! Don’t subject God to your reasoning’s, let Him impress the Holy Spirit upon your heart and let Him stamp His image upon you. “Kingdom Righteousness and Godly search continues!” Unshakable faith produces victory, in the spiritual that manifest in the will of God in natural. Quickly submitting to the hand of God in your circumstance gives you ability to overcome the enemy and receive double portion for what you have stolen. God’s response to loss is always restoration. When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. “Confession…God’s pathway to your victory and blessings.” As a result of a renewed mind confession aligns itself with the Word of God and then sets itself in agreement with His will. Know who you are in Christ. Cause your thoughts to think it. Believe and confess it. Confession is faith’s way of expressing itself. Faith grows with confession. Faith’s confession creates reality. Confession dominates my/your spiritual, physical, mental life, also your surrounding or current circumstances.

When sin is in the cup joy springs a leak. When sin is in my life the Joy of the Lord is no longer my strength. Eye lashes cleaning the dust keeping the vision clear. Faith is increased by rehearsing the Word, which recalls previous divine encounters. Search me…try me…teach me…lead me… Use Faith to defeat the ability of anything/something to take control; emotions, circumstances...etc…

Prophetic Intercession God says…”Even though (things) have been scattered, I am going to bring (them) back together according to (your) obedience and surrender.” “To receive My blessings son…you must put ALL on the altar, and have empty hands that I may fill them with My Will.” His eyes of love pierce me with awe-struck wonder that brings me to my knees. The anointing and the gifts can destroy you if there is not a healthy connection to God. I must daily bring myself into a “position of worship” ready and submitted to bring a “sacrifice of praise.” Am I a worrier or a warrior? Self-pity draws attention to our loss. Instead we must continue/ persevere and believe God will heal and forgive. Faith denies feelings, it starves feelings so that praise can open the door for worship of God in the “Beauty of His Holiness” This faith produces victory that demonstrates God’s power and a manifestation of His promises. Faith works by and through love.

1. Believe in your heart. 2. Confess with your mouth. 3. It shall come to pass. 1. Victory in your heart. 2. Victory with your mouth. 3. Victory will come to pass.

