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Lewis University of Romeoville, Illinois--afraid of intellectural FREEDOM

Lewis University (Romeoville, Illinois) is a Roman Catholic and LaSallian University that believes in CENSORSHIP to protect the immature minds they enroll and the really small minds they employ!!!! __________ BULLETIN_______ The library is heavily filtered and on very SLOW line service (BUT they have COFFEE --cheaper than the cafeteria and don't charge tax!!!)_____________________________ Are some of the men's volleyball players semi-pro's, inquiring minds want to know . . . ALL information about LEWIS UNI is now second-hand.  I Have spent the last year (and the next two) at  a Roman Catholic university that doesn't filter the internet . . . got to check it out . . . All of those staying behind . . . remember not to believe even half the pious crap that flows from the mouths of LEWIS UNIVERSITY TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS

Lewis University is now firing groundspeople and other underlings to save the President's really BIG salary!!!!!!!!!

Links about CENSORSHIP and what my advisor told me

the secondpage
What my advisor told me about Lewis University
The Ego of this man who teaches at Lewis (and may be well-hung)
Ron the librarian, he huffs and he puffs and Lewis University just ignores him (one of the lame librarians)

Bad Things about Lewis University

    THEY CENSOR, really really really, censor the internet

    They monitor faculty activities on the internet
bullet     They censor access to the Internet in the dorms
bullet  They monitor faculty access to the internet