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.:hey u_____
If I know you, then i guess you would know bout me. For people who are new to this, welcome to my page. I am really tired from trying different codes so i would be happy if you wouldn't take anything. If you do have a trouble; contact me! ^^ well i'm just having fun sitting around doing nothing... I have to probably change the layout once in a while. I can't (sometimes) contact you in anyway from schoolwork piling up and my afternoon activities. Sorry! well I ope you enjoy the page and hopefully I would keep it up daily. Enough about that, now about me: oo> [e]rin oo> air-no-neck-madusa-whiner- oo> january 30,90 oo> rh, ont oo> chps oo> tim[e]: 9:45 oo> mimi(dog) ¯°¡ (hamster); oo> YN oo> christian oo> listenin to music oo> watch trista n ryan's wedding oo> last ate: chocolate; oo> "never ever ever ever ever give up" oo> gr.8