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Saiya-jin Fantasy Studios


Pixie's Week
This contains the links to other parts of my site as well as the news.
Deck------------------------------------------------September 13th, 2002


This deck was made by my cousin Troy, it isn't the best I have ever seen, but it has great potential for emperor games, take a look!


Deck-----------------------------------------------------August 18th, 2002

The Bruise Deck

This is the bruise deck that Ryan sent me, and so I will broadcast it to the net, hope you enjoy!


Week Devotions-----------------------------------------January 13th, 2003

Who's Pixie

An interesting meeting of characters.


Disclaimer:This site and any dipictions that are not of my own creating aren't under any rights mine. I wish to thank all those that spent countless hours drawing and creating any pictures and songs not of my own creation. Subsequently, the actual character Saiya-man is by all rights the property of Funimation and I only wish to use it as a alias.
e-mail me at:

a superb warrior with mad skillz.

resourceful; evasive; kick-ass
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]
Take the quiz see what warrior type you are!