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The following is a roleplay done by the man known as Shawn and is not to be stolen. I took this layout off someone that i don't know so whom ever created this, i give credit to. The pics are from various sites that are also not owned by me. The views in this roleplay are in no way aimed towards you the person directly, WWE or the Sub Parties of WCW & ECW. Now lets get to the roleplay that will earn yet another victory for The pWa's Famous Ass, Bad Ass Billy Gunn

-: Fame-Ass Victims :-




-|- Scene opens up with "The New Age Outlawz" entering 7-11 food market and walks around gets some slushies and chips and a couple magzines and heads to the checkout Road Dogg see's a Slot Machine game in the corner and goes to play will Mr.Ass Billy Gunn pays for the Goods.-|-

-|- 7-11 guy-|- Dave- That will be 5 dollars and 50 cents.

-|- Mr.Ass -|- Billy Gunn- there's a 10 -|- 7-11 guy -|- Dave- here's your change 5.50. Hey Mr. Ass or Mr. Gunn sir, is it true your gonna return to wrestling? Or you really gonna go back to Vince's new business pWa?

-|- The Do Double G-|- Road Dogg- You Damn right he is son, As his new manager Mr. Ass and Road Dogg the New Age Outlawz will return to action you will indeed beable to hear the tightest phrase in wrestling history once again.

-|- Mr.Ass-|- Billy Gunn- See what I picture is I return to the pWa and I do what i've been doing scine I was with my brother and that's WIN, WIN, and WIN. With this man by myside there's no way I can lose so be on the look out for Road Dogg and be on the look out for the sexiest thing in sports and entertianment MY ASS.

-|- The Scene closes when billy and road dogg leaves the story they head to there NAO PT Crusier and leave the parking lot as the camra fades to a dark blackness. A Few days later the same car was seen pulling up to the pWa CEO Vincent K. Mchanon house in greenwich Ct. There were the role play pick's back up -|-

-|- pWa's Ceo -|- Vince Mchanon- Monty, James come in, com in we were just watching a little NFL, come have a seat. Guys you know my Wife Linda, this is the maid Chandra, hmm can I get you guys something to drink?

-|- Mr.Ass-|- Billy Gunn- Yeah can I get some Mintue Maid Orange with a little gin on the rocks please?, thank you.

-|- The Do Double G-|- Road Dogg- Can I get a Cherry Smernoff if you have one.

-|- pWa's Ceo-|- Vince Mchanon- So Monty what brings you by?

-|- Mr.Ass-|- Billy Gunn- Will Vine i've been thinking about the offer you made me to come back to wreslte for the pWa and I think that 13,5 is a good deal, and I am ready to sign on the dotted line, ONE catch, Roadie has to be able to be my manager till his injury gets better and he can not Wrestle till you throw him a nice contract deal?

-|- pWa's Ceo-|- Vince Mchanon- I think you got urself a deal.

With laughs and cheer that all shake hands and smile as the maid brings in the drinks and the 4 begins to watch the Eagles vs Bucs game

-|- pWa's Ceo-|- Vince Mchanon- So who do you like in this game guys?

at the same time both billy and Road Dogg say BUCS. The 4 sit there quiet as a mouse utill vince sprung an idea on billy.

-|- pWa's Ceo-|- Vince Mchanon- How about you do some guess apearances so signings and how about YOU MAKE YOU RETURN DEBUT at The Royal Rumble in the Rumble match!!!.

-|- Mr.Ass-|- Billy Gunn- Vince that sounds great man when should we go?

-|- pWa's Ceo-|- Vince Mchanon- Well Billy how about you go to pWa Flordia first meet greet the fans talk a little bit about your return then, Tuesday we have a house show have a little interveiw and well the rest is magic.

Linda Mchanon leaves the room as the game is in it final second's the score Philly 10 the Bucs 27 Vince show Road Dogg and Mr. Ass the door and they leave as the camra fades out. The next day Billy and Roadie did exactly what vince told them to, appear at pWa Flordia that where the roleplay picks up next.

-|- The Coach-|- Johnathan Coachman- Live Welcome to pWa Flordia where in the house tonight we have the former 9 time WWE tag champ 4 time intercontenial 1 time european 98-99 King of the Ring BILLY GUNN.

Billy Gunns music blasts over the PA system and out comes Billy Gunn.

-|- The Coach-|- Johnathan Coachman-Welcome Billy to pWa Flordia.

-|- Mr.Ass-|- Billy Gunn- It's great to be here coach back in the pWa.

Fans go Wild cheering for Mr. Ass

-|- The Coach-|- Johnathan Coachman- I am goning to get right to the point, What Bring you back to the pWa, what is your purpose here?, is your injury well enough for you to wrestle?

-|- Mr. Ass-|- Billy Gunn- Well Coach it's easy I am back to finish the legacy of Billy Gunn I have held every title except for One Coach the heavy weight title, As far as my injury the doctor said my arm well be 100% in 3 days coach, I've been to every class on an Arm injury in the book and it paid off.

-|- The Coach-|- Johnathan Coachman-Well Billy it's been Rumoured that your Deal it done you visted Mr. Mchanon home yesterday and sign the contract.

-|- Mr.Ass-|- Billy Gunn- Well Coach I signed it and I couldn't have made that deal if it wans't it for...


-|- The Do Double G-|- Road Dogg- IT's ME it's me it's the DO double G kickin' it again with the M to the r to the A cricked letter cricked letter. Where all my Doggs at up in this BIATCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!? Roll and dogg a bone and let's see if we can't make some noise up in pWa Flordia, Ladies and Gentleman boys and girls children of all ages pWa proudly brings to you, your former pWa Tag Team Champion of The WORLDDDD, The Road Dogg Jesse James, Mr. Ass Billy Gunn, the NEW AGE OUTLAWZ

-|- Mr. Ass-|- Billy Gunn- IF you ain't down with that WE GOT 2 WORDS FOR YA

-|- The New Age oUtLaWz-|- Road Dogg & Mr. Ass - SUCK IT

-|- The Coach-|- Johnathan Coachman- Well guys the Outlawz are in affect in Flordia, last question Billy then we are gonna send it home, Are you in the rumble?

-|- Mr. Ass-|- Billy Gunn- Coach YOUR DAMN RIGHT, I am the X factor no one has prepared for me and check this coach I got a big bomb shell to drop on the pWa in the days to come so be on the look out for that till then Mr. Ass and Road Dogg are here to stay.

The Fans are shown going wild as The Outlawz hype up the crowd the roleplay is about to end Coach shake both of their hands and the camra fades out to the pWa Royal Rumble Commercial.

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