7.21.03-- hmmmmm neglecting the site again it seems. actually i have put some new things on recently but failed to update this section. not that any of you really need to know what im up to these days :P. lets see, what HAVE i been up to??? shopping for the baby, remodeling the nursery, shopping for clothes for me :)) since i seem to have grown a belly (i still have an innie belly button though :P )found out my second youngest sister is gonna have a baby too in april (btw someone needs to teach the females in my family to breed with better men) umm i think thats about it. baby and my son have consumed my entire world lately. awwwwwww the joys of children.

6.26.03-- well look at this an update finally lol. i havent had mush time to send working on this damn site with all thats gone on lately. as most of you know i am gonna have another baby (due november 15 or so) and its alot of work getting ready for all that. ill try to spend more time working here and posting the latest shit. adn im working on making pages for downloads and site links and such. check back later. muuuuahhhhhhh ~1~ love

3.18.03-- well chris is leaving all of us behind. what will we do without him? he's not even gone yet and i miss him already. who will laugh at my antics and ask me if im 'ok'? well chris, i guess this is bye bye for now but keep in touch damn it or ill hunt ya down :P ok so anyways, ive finally started serious work on the site. i added the guestbook and some other stuff but im not pleased. its not going as smoothly as past sites have. (could it be the big news that i just received today?? lol) yes im distracted. frankly, ive almost become a scanmaster. ill let you all know about it later.

3.11.03-- i have started a new project!! i am doing something as lame as modifying an IMV. it should be done soon and ill post the file on here for download. actually the first one ill post will be a minor mod so i can get used to my imaging software. the full mod will follow shortly after if i have success with the first one. oh and another thing wanna know what life will be like when we are all old and grey?? read Otherland by Tad Williams. lmao

3.6.03-- ok kids, lmao, ive heard plenty of bitchin cause this hasnt been started even. so with that here i go!! ill get to workin on it like a good girl. sorry it took so long but you know when the puter blows up you have issues getting online :P and ive been a busy girl with work, school and the boy.

1.2.03-- well i have had this site for awhile now and as you can see its still not even started much. sorry been busy. ill get to it though no worries.

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LiNkS and ThInGs

Here's the link to LiZaRd'S site.
Elite Z Fighters by: Majin_p_Vegeta
anti for yahoo messenger (not the latest though cause i cant let you have what i have til im done with it :))
LnH mod for MSN (install normal msn then install this mod. lots of fun)
Fun little site full of nothings
java maker (old but trustworthy has never let me down)
heres a list of my screen names in yahell. im still working on it so :P
pics of the belly. ill add more as i go :P

Email: revillusionz@yahoo.com