From birth, Lystra was a special fur. Born from a unique parentage, she had the powers to morph into any species (including morphing only certain parts) control over the powers of wind, and some control over water. Not born with wings, she loved using her morphing powers to give herself a beautiful set of blue bird like wings. Growing up, she was heavily influenced by her darker twin Seomios and often caused trouble with her sister. The two of them would wreak havoc throughout the town they lived in, causing riots and generally making the townspeople quite angry. However, no matter how much trouble they caused, they NEVER hurt or killed anyone..…

One day when Lystra was in her teens, she was heading home from school when she saw a huge pillar of smoke coming from a building. She watched as the firefighters attempted to put out the blaze, but it was just too strong for them. Without thinking, Lystra quickly took to the air, and flew inside through an open window. She helped as many furs inside as she could, helping them escape by jumping out the windows to the waiting firefighter trampolines below, or finding a path through the fire to a safe exit. While attempting to help the last few furs the fire completely engulfed the building, cutting off all possible escapes, and trapping Lystra and the last furs inside. Lystra gathered the furs together, trying to keep them calm in their last few moments of life and perhaps make finding the bodies a bit easier……

When the fire was finally put out, the bodies of Lystra and the ones she had been so desperate to save were found gathered together just as Lystra had hoped they would. As though protected by some special force, the bodies were not burned beyond recognition by the terrible blaze. Even Lystra’s wings, though badly burned and torn up, were still recognizable and spread over the other bodies found with her, as though she was trying to protect them to the very end. Funerals were held for them, and Lystra, though having caused much trouble in her youth, was remembered as a hero for her bravery at her death.

Lystra’s soul went to be judged. There, the judge looked over her record, frowning at the troublesome youth she had, yet he seemed quite pleased at her bravery, even if it appeared to come too late in her life. He granted Lystra an afterlife as an angel, helping furs who, like her, started off on the wrong side of life, but just needed some guidance, or a certain event to occur, to get them back on the right track. He also replaced Lystra’s fire ravaged wings, with a brand new set of wings, these ones permanent and real, unlike Lystra’s older, morph made wings.

It is a bit ironic however, that Lystra’s life was ended by the same force of nature which her twin sister has power over, and seems to hint at something hidden just beyond the simple story….