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Protest,Protest,and More... Growing dissatisfaction with government policies is growing.As citizens take the streets and fight for what society has lacked for a while now, general common justice for the global community. The friction is further increasing. "Government sponsored media", fails to dictate the people's struggle. The force driving the earth, has been denied the carrying if its message.Thousands have displayed their discontent in places such as Florence,New York City, and all over the globe. These displays by disgruntled citizens usually are inspired by either the U.S.'s unjust policies in the Middle East or against Globalization, both equally crimes against humanity.People are starting to wonder what it will take to make a change for the better as the world's well-being is plumeting. Protest are little skirmishes but only world-wide unity can solve it.

Hippies Take On Globalization

The number of tree-sitters in the world is increasing. It is proving relatively responsive. Camping in trees, mostly in California in National Parks, are everyday citizens, as the corporations have little power. The globe has recognized and respected the effects of these actions, as they take much patience, and much bravery. We commend you tree-sitters.

Into the Black Hole

The U.S. in particular seems to be in a troubling situation.The economy is not recovering very much.Tax hikes will bring the 1% of the countrie's richest, more profit, as they already control 95% of the countrie's economy. Many states are below "the Red Zone", with gigantic budget deficites. For example, California is in the above $40 billion range.This could also prove disastrous. With Republicans controlling the country, it seems alot this country had to offer is beinjg changed or rid-of. The prospects of war are becoming more and more of a reality. Typically,the economies or battling countries suffer further, in other words, it will get worse. The Presidents aproval rating is sinking as citizen faith in the administration is tarnishing, despite patriotic-hiked numbers on America's favorite news channels. The future is starting to look more and more grim for this country. However, community oriented projects are starting at full swing, giving people a little bit of hope. If this attitude continues, it may prove to be a turn-around point.

Vast Nationalist policies are growing in schools across the nation,and some are asking,is this the beginning of fascism?Well,not in the traditional sense,but the Pledge of Allegiance's presence in school is surely debatable,particularly in terms of making foreign students feel alienated.

Peace for the Middle East

Family Honor

Stella Rossa's Mission

Our Mission is to give you the truth.We want to join the world-wide fight of defying government corruption and Propoganda.We want to provide you with un-biased and honest opinions and news.So as you read our content,we commend you for joining the fight and lending a hand in improving the global community.With you we are are one person stronger,and one step closer to victory.

Visit us weekly for more information and news articles.

-Your editor: Comandante Gabriel

Monster Island, a Great Vacation!

Today's Revolutionary Articles:

Historical Heroes of the Month: "The Diggers"

(Circa-1860)The Diggers aren't brought up too much in history.But they did establish an interesting set of beliefs based on common wealth in England, when they tried to cease a hill for themselves to establish a miniature system based on agriculture, mutual rule, etc.Keep in mind, that this was the era of the revolution, in which the monarchy was shunned as well. The impressive thing was this was all pre-communism and before alot of what has been established today. In these men's struggle there is also evidence of anarchy, in the sense of being rid of government for the people's mutual existence.Eventhough this movement never reached its whole dreamed-of capacity, it's ideologies can me applied in the modern global society today.

Revolutionary Band of the Week:

The Clash

The Clash might possibly be one of the top bands of all time.They spit out great songs one after another.With songs such as White Riot(1977) they spoke the words of truth.They constantly refered to politics, which one probably one of their stronger points.All band members had alot of talent, despite their almost selling out to dance music towards the end. They had their own unique sound that can't be duplicated.Let's hope they make it to the Rock Hall of Fame.Either way check it out if you're not already a fan.Every record, excpet Combat Rock was extraordinary. Stella Rossa gives this band a 4/5