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October 22nd: We have a show this Friday in River Falls, WI. If anyone is interested, they can email me, and I will get them Directions. Show starts at 6:30.  Blind Approach, and Clear Awakening will also be playing.

October 15th: I just put up a new review, check it out!

October 13th: I thought I’d leave a quick note to say thank you to everyone who came out to see Mark and I play this past Saturday in Mahtomedi. The listeners finally got to hear some of Mark’s songs, and I’m pretty sure they enjoyed them. All the songs we played will be on the upcoming Acoustic LP. I hope all of you will help us out, and pick that up when it comes out. Once again, thank you...Hope to see you all soon. I’ll be trying to book shows this coming week, and hopefully I’ll be able to add a few to the list. Next up:

November 17th @ the Hudson YMCA
w/ Nuke, Maxxed Out, and Clear Awakening
More info TBA...

October 8th:
Hello everyone. I’ve been starting to organize alot of things that are coming up for us, and we are ready to record our CD. It will be titled “This Ones For You”, and will hopefully be finished by late November. It will have 10-11 songs, and will be written by both Mark and I. So far I have written 5 songs for it: “Give The Ghost”, “Before the Stars”, “How Evil”, “In The Headlights”, and a new one called “Dark as Black”. Other songs include the 3 old Radically Strapped songs “Losing Feeling”, “Too Close to Forgetting You”, and “Forgive the Rain”. Mark has also written a few for the CD, although I do not know the titles of the songs yet. As for what else is going on, Mark will actually be playing with me for the first time in a while at this weekends show...Heres the info.

Also, the lyrics for my new song are in my section! Thanks to Blind Approach for all of their help with booking shows lately! Check them out, and leave a good word on their message board.

Thanks guys and gals...See you there!

September 30th: If you hadn’t already seen, I booked another show! Im slowly working on filling up some dates so we can get stuff moving once again. This show will be at Mahtomedi’s, St Jude’s by the Lake. It will be on Saturday October 11th from 6:30 to 9:00. The other bands that are playing are Blind Approach, and The Crisis Four. Directions will be posted soon. Thanks everyone....

September 29th: Hey all, I was just picking out the kinks, and thought I’d throw out a very large thank you to everyone who supported me at Hudson the YMCA this past Saturday night. I’m working on some shows for October, and hopefully then, I’ll get some pictures to put up on the website of the acoustic stuff. Also, Im now looking into recording...Thanks again, I appreciate everything. Leave a message on the board!

September 24th: Welcome to Radically Strapped’s new and improved website. I’ve been doing a lot of work lately on this thing, and I hope everybody enjoys it. I apoligize for the absence of Mark’s section, I will put it up soon. Please relay your comments, questions or suggestions to the RS message board.
 As for whats coming up in the RS world. I, (and Mark if he’s around) will be playing this Saturday at the Hudson YMCA. The cover is 1$, and the show begins at 8:00. I will be playing in between the other bands (Blind Approach and TBA) sets. The next booked show after that is also at the Hudson YMCA on November 15th. This show includes the bands; Maxxed Out, Nuke, and Clear Awakening.

 In other news, Mark and I have begun writing for our first CD since Josh’s departure. The CD title will hopefully be decided by the listeners. I will post a topic on the Message Board, and that will be your chance to help us out with picking the title. So far, I (Adam), have written 5 songs for it, and am almost ready to record. Mark has decided to put on the songs “Losing Feeling”, a new version of “Too Close To Forgetting You”, and possibly “Forgive the Rain”. I have posted the lyrics to all my songs in my bio. So check that out, and let me know what you think.
If some of you are confused as to what has been going on in the last month, I will let you know now. Due to personal differences within the band, Josh has departed. He is no longer the drummer of Radically Strapped, and is now looking forward to future projects. Let it be known that Josh is still, and always be our friend, it just wasnt seen fit for him stay with us. We love the kid, and wish only the best of luck to him, and his future. Right now, he is attending The University of River Falls at Wisconson, and is doing well. As for us, we are at a stand still, and slowly looking around for a replacement, although it seems apparent that we will never find one like him.

Once again, Thank you very much for vistiting this webiste, and all in all listening and following Radically Strapped. Hopefully our acoustic shows will hit you just as hard as our harder ones did. We appreciate everything you guys do for us, and we can only look forward to the great future ahead.


---Friends of RS---
Clear Awakening
The Nialists
Blind Approach
First Cause
Once More Forever
The Blind Shake
Sense September
Worst Case Scenario

Booking info:

2/3 RS CD;
1.)Before the Stars
2.) In the Headlights
3.) How Evil?
4.) Dark as Black
5.) Losing Feeling
6.) Give the Ghost
7.) Too Close
8.) Forgive The Rain
And more...

September 27th @ the Hudson YMCA
w/Blind Approach, TBA**!
8:00 1$

October 11th @ Mahtomedi’s St. Jude’s by the Lake.
6:30-9:00 w/ Blind Approach, The Crisis Four, and From The Start
Visit their site
here for more info.

October 24th in River Falls, WI. @ The Academy
6:30-9:00 w/ Blind Approach, Clear Awakening

November 17th @ the Hudson YMCA
 w/ Clear Awakening, Nuke and Maxxed Out
 7:00 1$