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my trip to great america
laura's adventure (do talk to strangers!)
it happened waaaaay back in the summer of 2002. i was sitting at a burger king in the middle of nowhere northern-illinois. all of a sudden, a van pulled up and five guyz and a girl jumped out. two of them, the one with the spikey hair and the really hairy one, went to get coffee in the bk. the other four, the big one, the tall one, and the hott one, and the girl came over and started talking to me. the really hot one gave me a hug. mmmmm... it wasn't long after that another guy pulled up and came over to talk to these six strangers. (actually, it was more yelling than talking since this guy was really loud.) it wasn't long after that the eight of us piled into an astro-van and drove off into the distance. we ended up at sixflags. the loud one led us to the front of the line and got us in for free. i was soon walking around the amusment park with these seven strangers. after the first rollercoaster, my shoe broke. the loud guy fixed it. around lunch-time we went back to the parking lot, ate the hott guy's party subs (mmmmm...), and fed lettuce to the seagulls. we soon went back to the park, and after more rides and my developing a terrible sunburn, we finally decided to get some supper. the hairy one, the loud one, and the spikey hair one got the most spaghetti i'd ever seen. and as my thank you to the loud one for getting me in for free and fixing my shoe, i dumped it all over his neil-shirt. we soon lost the hairy one, but finally found him, once again. he said he'd been yelling for us all over the park, but we didn't hear him. we soon went back to the van, and after a kiss or more from the hott guy (mmmmm...), we all parted and went our seperate ways. we never saw each other again... until the astro-van passed us on the highway. (o: