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An assortment of magical items lay in the sands...which one do you choose?

Other fun stuff to do here!


Joxime, the Space Fairy

This Fairy has such hard duties she almost never has time for pleasure. It is her responsibility to keep Blue Waters of Pluto running smoothly and keep the Creatures on their toes. It is insane for her to try and do this herself (especially with the Pixies running amok all the time), so she often calls upon the help of her mother, Moxime, and her Pixie, Oiniy. She is also helping Satterelis, whom she is preparing for something huge and mysterious...

"Now now, Satterelis, you simply must keep up with your duties, you must be diligent in the upcoming task you have in store for you..."

"Yes, but what is it?"

"You shall see, my dear, you shall see..."


Moxime, the Space Fairy's Mother

The one and only Fairy to ever truly die, she is a mere Ghost Fairy, floating amongst us. She still retains her incredible powers though, and can bring a mighty wrath when angered. She is also the only soul who can go in and out of the Other World as she pleases (other than the Ghosts, who have never entered), and has amassed a great knowledge from the souls of the Departed. She knows almost everything, the only things she will not know about would be all the things reffering to the Creation of Blue Waters of Pluto, only the Dolphins know what happened. She is trying to open a portal to the Dolphins so she and all Blue Waters inhabitants can gain their knowledge, but she's way too busy with her over-stressed daughter.

"Honestly, Joxime dear, how ever did you let that Kion into the volcano?! That could have been simply disasterous if Her Majesty had not swooped on them the moment she heard!"

"But mother, he looked perfectly harmless! How was I supposed to know Morlin turns into a sweet old lady in his second form? You know I'm too busy up here to be little-miss-up-to-date-on-every-little-damned-thing! Just like someone I know!"

"Well, now you know. What on earth would you do without me? I hate to wonder..."



Oiniy, the Space Fairy's Pixie

Seeing as Pixies are always very spritely and hyper, Oiniy is truly an odd-ball. She loves a good joke now and then just like all the other Pixies, but she'd much prefer to read. She is also a great music lover; one of her favorite past-times is visiting the Gnomes when they gather around the fire to sing their beloved folksongs and listen to stories about how Blue Waters of Pluto came to be...she daydreams often and this greatly irritates Joxime, but when she's not daydreaming she shows great devotion and is invaluable.

"La-dee-dee-dee! Flying through the trees, fast as a bee can be! Hee hee! Oh, how I wish I were a bee!"

"Oiniy, you're already a Pixie, you can fly already and bees can't do magic. Wouldn't you hate to be weak and powerless? Honestly, sometimes I think you're imagination's a little too big..."

"Oh, honestly, you sound just like your mother sometimes! I still think it would be fun to be a bee. Whoop-i-dee-dee! Oh, alright, I'll go get the mean-ol' bullfrog. But really, it's just a bullfrog..."

"It's not just a bullfrog anymore; Jistula cursed it. And I am not just like my mother! Why does Her Majesty insist Jistula is so kind? I have never seen her do anything but cause an over-grown Pixie, that one."


Satterelis, the Satellite Fairy

She works so hard keeping the Planets aligned and revolving, it's a wonder how she ever has time for Joxime. Of course, she does get a lot of help from her Pixie, but really not even when she shares her duties they are still just as rediculous and difficult as ever. And it's so boring, all by herself up there, her only real entertainment is jabbering on with Joxime...

"...I mean really, Joxime, have you ever heard of something as strange as a Satellite Fairy? Why don't they revolve on their own? They are so much more powerful than me, after all. It's not hard too keep them aligned, their bond with me does that on its own, but still..."

"Oh, nutter, you worry too much! Who knows why there's a Satellite Fairy? Look at Lollin, why in Water do we need her? Her tasks are lame and boring, at least you get some excitement."

"Sometimes I wish I were her. She gets to frolick all day with the Bugs and the Rabbits. Such a carefree life I can only dream of."

"Don't think of your life like that. Just enjoy it! Eventually you will understand, there are some things only time can truly tell, things even the Dolphins do not know."

"Whatever you say, Joxime. But I still think this is crazy. What are you training me for?"


Loipie, the Sattelite Fairy's Pixie

She tries not to cause her Pixie pranks, but sometimes the opportunity is just to good to turn down! As soon as Satterelis has her back turned, Loipie does another one of her infamous jokes. One of her favourites is making a Planet revolve backwards. It's hilarious for the other Pixies to watch, and sends the Planet's inhabitants into a stupor. Sometimes Satterelis doesn't even notice, and a Planet or a Moon will be going backwards for ages.

"EEEK! Loipie! How dare you! The Neptune inhabitants are going to be so peeved with me! Oh ha ha ha, make me sweat some more so you can impress your little friends!"

"You know, you need to chill. You must be going simply daffy from this task, I mean how thick can you be to not notice Io's been spinning in reverse for, oh, about...twelve thousand years? I mean, geez..."


Vulinnios, the Darkness Fairy
Vulinnios doesn't have much to do during the day, seeing as her duties begin at sundown. During daylight she is often seen playing around with the creatures of the forest, the Rabbits, the Birds, the Lizards, the Raccoons and such. When evening approaches, however, she becomes a very busy Fairy indeed, she has to spread her Darkness all over Blue Waters of Pluto's starry sky before the sun comes up to ruin her hard nights work. There are rare occasions when she will have been playing extra hard during the daytime and she will accidentally fall asleep before sundown, leaving the inhabitants with a star-lit sunset. The inhabitants absolutely love this affect and have dubbed it Vullinox, after Vulinnios and Ouijinox, the Dream Fairy.

"Oh, what would I give to be able to just let them have their Vullinox at night! Really, I don't see why I cannot let them have their joy. It is not harming anyone, and gives me a lovely break."

"Oh, please, Vulinnios! I think it's obvious: you need a purpose! What would you do if you couldn't spread Darkness? Have you ever thought of that?"

"Yes, I have! I know exactly what I would do! I would be the Forest Fairy's Pixie! She lets her Pixies tend to the lower creatures of the forest, so I could play all day with my friends, while I help them!"

"What a silly thought! Besides, why not be MY Pixie? Really, I'm insulted! I'm known for healing tons more than Renella! Remember, when the Healing Fairy died at the First Battle of the Ages, WHO came from her? HM? Have you forgotten my origin entirely?"


Ionis, the Light Fairy
Ionis is a very wise Fairy. She can see anywhere her light shines, and one could learn a LOT that way! She is a huge fan of riddles, and you'll find tons of hers throughout the site...


Ionia, the Light Fairy's Mother
A Fairy mother's life is very at ease in Blue Waters of Pluto. The mother leaves all her duties to her daughter when the time is right. It is Juni's job to decide when the Fairies have had enough and assignes their tasks and duties to their daughters. A daughter is not born is Blue Waters, they are Lifted. When a Fairy dies, their body does not expire and their soul does not leave. The Mourning Fairy Lifts a new Desira from the Other World and the Fairy takes on a new form. Then their duties are assigned by the Lotus Por Los Muercos, and you have a new Fairy. Sometimes the duties assigned are already taken, so they must wait until their new mothers are relieved to begin the long, arduous journey.

"Mother! I've got another one for you!"

"Oh no you don't! Not another one of your impossible riddles! Do you think the Neopians will ever be able to solve it?"

"I don't think so this time! I'll bet 10 Bottled Faeries on it..."
































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